
The Ultimate cardster

In this world full of all things magical, an orphan awakens with a special skill called ace, able to create any skill he wants on his cards. He soon rose up to the peak of this world transcending passed the limits of any human, He becomes the ACE

Zenex6 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Lightning god

'I wonder why Raijin told me to not attend the ritual, I guess I'll have to find another way to the capital or out if this village." Oscar thought to him self as he went back to the orphanage.

******The next day***

Oscar woke up as early as he could rushing to the mountains to learn how to use his power, he went there with a smile on his face as this was a step for him to live a better life.

"So how do I use the lightning god skill?" Oscar asked Raijin who then explained that all he had to do is call the name of the card while crossing his finger to summon the card then place a little bit of mana to activate the card.

"Here goes nothing, LIGHTNING GOD SKILL!!" Oscar said crossing his finger in a cool manner as a silver and blue card appeared on his hand he had no idea how he did it but he felt a special connection with the card as the card turned into a tattoo on his dorsalis side of his palm.

Raijin told him that in this state hee could freely control the the element of lightning and manipulate it to his will. "How do I do that?" Oscar asked with curiosity. "The lightning is now part of you, it's just like moving your hand ,. just imagine it as a part of your body and control it with Thought and instincts" Raijin said as Oscar took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes submerging him self int his soul he opened it as sparks of lightning flowed out from his pupils he clench his fist as crackling sounds could be heard on his hand as lightning started to buzz out of it he stretched his hand towards a tree shooting Blue lightning bolt at it which instantly exploded.

"I have an idea," Oscar said with a wild smile as lightning trails stared to follow his body his speed increased tremendously as with a blink of an eye he had moved 30Meters, He leaped 20'Ft into the air as he placed he stretched his hand upward causing a spinning disk of lightning to appear, he threw it at a straight row if trees the disc cut through the trees like butter as it left a clean cut on all of them.

"There's also something you should know, any skill you use under this lightning god will be saved in the card slot, so as it is you have three skills, lightning bolt, lightning trails and lightning disc." Raijin said as he also explained that saved skill will consume less mama and is faster to use and more efficient.

Oscar continued to train as he now had three new skills, lightning field which is more like a defensive attack, Chaim lightning which is a wide range attack and lightning weapon creation. Oscar continued to master all six skills he now had untill he could now perform them perfectly.

"Lightning spear." Oscar said creating a spear of lightning which he used to cit down trees with ease just the his body suddenly froze as his heat started to beat faster he fell on the ground as he fainted.

*********35 hours later***

Oscar opened his eyes and saw himself in his room as he wondered what he was doing there, until he remembered he had passed out in the forest. "What happened to me back there?" Oscar asked Raijin who then told him that he had ran out of mana and lost consciousness to quickly recover all his nana and that it took Hime 35 hours to recover.

"So there's one thing I'm really curious about, how is it that every time I pass out I always find my self right here in this room, I mean how did I even get here?" Oscar asked. "Oh that, that is a little trick of mine." Raijin said as Oscar only got curious but just then he heard a bang in the room as he opened it he saw the owner of the orphanage.

"Oh, good day miss Felicia." Oscar said bowing slightly. "Is there anything wrong with you, Mark told me that you came home walking like someone who's drunk and laid on your bed sleeping for more than a day, I'm worried are you sick." Felicia asked.

"No I'm quite alright." Oscar replied with a smile as he scratched the back of his head. "Then in that case, come with me you're the only one left." Felicia said pulling Oscar by the wrist as they left the orphanage.

"Wait a minute, it's today. That means she's taking me to the place Raijin doesn't want me to be, I'll have to find a way to escape when I'm there."

********The village Hall****

" This village is filled with trash, there's been nothing but failure."The ambassador said as the next person walked up to the blue crystal at the front of the hall, she placed her hand on it as it revealed a bright light as her body started to glow.

"Finally, someone with talent for magic." The ambassador said asking the girl you stay behind him, she was Mira, A girl who moved into the village six months ago, she was exceptionally beautiful but it's rumored that the girl is as cold as ice and she never relates with anyone.

After few hours, it soon got to Oscar's turn as only one other person had talent for magic which was the don of the village head.

"Don't worry, I think I'll pass, I have no interest in becoming a mage." Oscar said as the ambassador looked at Oscar in disbelief. "What do you mean, you have no choice it's is a must and besides who know you might also be a trash." The Ambassador said as Oscar took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Raijin but I can't disobey, he is an ambassador from the capital." Oscar said walking to the blue orb