
The Uchiha Familiar

In a captivating twist, an Uchiha awakens with the resurfaced memories of a past life, skillfully avoiding the tragic fate that befell his clan's extermination. Guided by the echoes of his previous existence, he navigates a new world, where magic and destiny intertwine. Surprisingly, his path converges with a young girl's, and he finds himself assuming the role of her familiar. As he adapts to his enchanting new reality, he discovers that his past and present are irrevocably linked, adding layers of complexity to his journey of self-discovery and unexpected alliances.

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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The Way of the Shinobi

A few hours later, Kaneki found himself standing in a field, the anticipation of his sparring session palpable in the air. He had initially been scheduled to spar with Professor Osmond, a prospect that intrigued him due to the opportunity it offered to understand the fighting style of magicians in this unfamiliar world. However, fate had other plans.

Before him stood a young man named Guiche, a figure exuding an air of pomposity that did not go unnoticed by Kaneki. The flower in Guiche's hand added a touch of theatrics to his presence, and Kaneki's eye twitched involuntarily at the sight of him. It seemed that Guiche had managed to convince Professor Osmond to give up his place and allow him to challenge Kaneki instead.

At first, Kaneki had assumed that Guiche's interest in sparring with him was driven by a desire to test his skills or assess his abilities. Yet, as he observed Guiche basking in the attention and relishing the opportunity to display his bravado, it became clear that the situation was more about Guiche's self-importance than a genuine intention to gauge Kaneki's strength.

Kaneki's gaze remained fixed on Guiche, his expression a mix of bemusement and mild irritation. The switch in opponents had certainly taken him by surprise, but he was not one to back down from a challenge, no matter how insincere it might appear.

With a sigh, he flexed his fingers and shifted into a stance, preparing himself for the upcoming bout. Despite the initial annoyance, he saw this as an opportunity to gauge the combat abilities of individuals in this world, even if Guiche's motivations were more self-centered than he had anticipated.

The field was set in an atmosphere of charged anticipation. The students and teachers alike had gathered to witness this unexpected clash between worlds. Professor Osmond, with his reputation as a skilled mage, took on the role of referee, ensuring fairness and order in the duel that was about to unfold.

Guiche's arrogance remained undeterred, his dismissive words aimed at Kaneki, branding him a plebian and insinuating an easy victory. This audacious declaration caused a ripple of reactions among the spectators—some raised eyebrows, others exchanged glances, all intrigued by the clash of pride and prowess.

Kaneki, however, responded with a mixture of amusement and confidence. His laughter, unburdened by the arrogance that often accompanied such challenges, carried a touch of understanding. He recognized the theatrics of Guiche's demeanor, and his retort was both a retelling of his lineage and a promise of his capabilities. "Let me show you the power of the Uchiha," he said, his voice laced with an enigmatic calm.

The ignition of Kaneki's Sharingan ignited the arena with its crimson fire. The spectators held their breath, captivated by the unearthly glow emanating from his eyes. The intensity of that gaze conveyed a depth of experience and power that transcended their understanding, a glimpse into the legacy that Kaneki bore.

Amidst this tension, Professor Osmond's voice rose, a clear call to initiate the battle. Guiche, embracing his flair for the dramatic, conjured earth golems with a flourish. The creatures of soil and stone materialized, their formidable presence a testament to Guiche's magical prowess.

Kaneki's gaze remained fixed on the scene before him. His Sharingan observed the layout of the field, the positioning of the golems, and the unfolding dynamics. His decisions were methodical, shaped by his understanding of strategy and combat honed through his experiences as a shinobi.

With practiced precision, Kaneki performed the hand seals necessary to invoke the Fireball Jutsu. Chakra surged through him, intertwining with the elemental forces that resided within. The result was a torrent of flames that erupted from his mouth, a manifestation of both his power and his connection to fire-based techniques.

The intensity of the fireball was breathtaking. As it roared forth, its searing heat consumed the earth golems in its path, reducing them to smoldering remnants. The shockwave that followed resonated through the air, the deafening crackle of fire mingling with the gasps of astonishment from the onlookers.

The scene left an indelible impression on the spectators. The gap in magical knowledge and combat techniques between their world and Kaneki's was apparent, highlighting the uniqueness of his abilities.

Sensing an opportunity to capitalize on the disarray of his opponent, Kaneki moved swiftly through the dissipating flames. The suddenness of his appearance on the other side left Guiche momentarily disoriented, a fact that Kaneki utilized to his advantage.

Three Kaneki figures materialized in a coordinated display. The presence of multiple figures was disconcerting, creating a visual illusion that played tricks on the mind. The disappearance of two of the clones further heightened the confusion, leaving only one Kaneki standing before Guiche.

In a bid to counter the threat, Guiche invoked a spell, conjuring rocks to serve as projectiles. However, even as the rocks sailed through the air, the remaining Kaneki figure maneuvered with uncanny speed, avoiding the projectiles effortlessly. He closed the distance between them, his kunai held with calculated precision.

The atmosphere held its breath as the kunai came to rest against Guiche's neck. The outcome was unmistakable. Kaneki's calm assertion of dominance had materialized into a tangible victory. The duel had reached its conclusion, leaving Guiche at the mercy of the enigmatic Uchiha.