
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasía
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101 Chs

Theo Confronts Atlas

**shoutouts to SnusDax, b_cobb, jaycen_Gates and Kin_Pin_1631 for giving up your powerstones this week! I greatly appreciate them!

Liza didn't know what to say. She was heart broken seeing the bodies of the people she met. She wanted to hug Atlas and tell him that everything would be okay.

But when she looked at him, she could only see the pain in his eyes. Before she knew it she was slowly walking forward, wanting to comfort him.

Her father wouldn't allow that though. He unleashed his [Aura] causing Liza to stop. Everyone else also looked at him.

He clears his throat before speaking.

"Atlas. I understand that you have lost people you loved but-."

[Flash Step]

Atlas vanished from his spot and appeared in front of King Charred. No one saw him move, no one heard him move. He had just appeared in front of him.

King Charred wasn't even able to detect his movements. Atlas immediately back hands him.

"Three of them are dead because you made them leave your kingdom. You set them up! You have no right telling me what to do!"

King Charred touched the side of his face that was smacked. He couldn't understand.

'Why am I shaking?' He has been shaking since Atlas showed up in the room.

While he was trying to understand what was happening to him, Ivory tried speaking to Atlas.

"Atlas… you don't need to do this okay? I will speak with Theo. I'm sure he will listen after he hears about all the great things you did."

Ivory was careful in what she said. She didn't want to set Atlas off.

Even if he was losing his sense of reason, he could still recognize Ivory. He still trusted her.

Just out of Atlas' hearing range, Loki whispered something to Ivory. Ivory frantically shook her head but it was to late.

Loki tried one more time to capture Atlas, this time all the guards were on the same page. Before they could proceed with their plan, a voice echos throughout the room.

"I guess you've done enough boy. We both knew how hard headed the elves were going to be."

The voice belong to Theo. He was watching the events and evaluating Atlas the entire time. There were plenty of times that he thought Atlas would kill but held back.

Just this only was enough for him to respect Atlas. The other ancient gods hated the elves for their hard headedness so many stayed clear of them.

Atlas was happy to see that Theo was willing to give him the spell now. He truly didn't know if he could change the views that all elves had on humans.

But the two girls close to him didn't like this. Liza grabbed onto Atlas' face.

"Why don't you do it?!? Purge them I said!! I'm sure the-."

A pair of hands grabbed Atlas' face. It was an old pair of hands. He looked up and followed the hands to see Theo looking back at him, tears in his eyes.

"It's okay boy. It's okay to let them go now. It wasn't your fault. If you could have done more than I know you would of. You did all that you could." Theo was speaking to Atlas with a shaky voice. When Theo saw Atlas at first, he remembered what the Time Keeper had said to him.




'Theo, I know you want to die but I still need you. You need to meet a boy and give him your spell. That cursed spell you always speak of. He suffers from the same guilt that you do as well.'

This was over 1,000 years ago. Theo was on his last leg and was ready to end it all. But for some odd reason, he didn't end it. He didn't care about the Time Keeper or this boy. All his believers were dead! Yet he couldn't do it. He sat and waited.

Months go by. Years go by. The season changes and the world moves on. And yet, Theo couldn't move on. He wanted to give this spell to the boy, not because he cared about the boy but because he wanted to use it as a sign that he had moved on from his grief, his guilt of not saving everyone.

Eventually Rowan introduces him to the boy that he's been waiting for.


When he met Atlas, he couldn't see why the Time Keeper spoke about them being the same. Theo was a ancient god and Atlas was just a human. But that's when it happened. When Atlas spoke, a wave of memories came pouring into Theo's head.

He saw the boy's life and his future. The struggles he had face and the decisions that he will need to confront. That's when he found it, the reason the Time Keeper said they were the same.

Atlas had created two of the most important people in his life. He recreated them in his mind and interacted with them as if they were alive.

And then the boy's life ended. Those two souls he created in his mind convinced him he wasn't worthy and that he should pay for what he had done.

Theo was sadden by seeing this. A boy with so much potential, gone because he couldn't overcome his past. Gone because he was to slow in realizing that he had no responsibilities in their deaths.

Theo remembered the early years, where he would imagine his followers running after him but then they would all disintegrate into nothing before reaching him.

If it wasn't for Jonathan, Theo might've joined them already.

Theo decides to help the boy now. Not just for his own sake but for Atlas' own too.

After the promise was made, Theo could see a new life for the boy. He was surrounded by many, hailed as a hero. Hell, Theo even saw many wives and kids in his future.

When the Salvis started, he carefully watched Atlas. The future he saw the boy die in was during this event.

He carefully watched all his movements, not to interfere if he wasn't needed. He only moved when necessary.





Atlas POV

"It's okay boy. It's okay to let them go now. It wasn't your fault. If you could have done more than I know you would of. You did all that you could."

When I heard Theo utter those words to me, I just felt as if a gate had opened and flooded me.

For years on earth, I prayed to the heavens. I wanted Liza and Miku to forgive me. But every single day until my death, I could still see their bodies.

Right before I was reborn here I thought I could start off new. I smiled, I pretended I cared. I just wanted to forget everything. It wasn't until I met Noel that I remembered them again.

When Noel died it was like the cycle repeated itself all over again! I just wanted someone to reassure me that it was okay and that I would find a way out of that darkness again.

Theo saying that made me feel as if he truly understood me. Him reassuring me lifted a weight off my shoulders. The sadness I held onto was gone.

I fell down on my knees. Theo stood over me and waited until I was done crying.




Loki POV

I was in the back of the room. Watching everything unfold. Anger was all I felt.

'This isn't right! I was suppose to have the prince lead the charge against all of humanity for my revenge!'

'Now that he's useless, I thought I could have used that human sage but now Theo stopped him!'

I needed a puppet to control. Now all my strings were cut! Roxy doesn't look like she'll stay out of it now either. She had been staring intensely at the sage.

I guess I have to come into the public eye and lead the revolution myself.

I close my eyes and focus on my mana. I gather all the mana in the room and take it in. Using that mana, I unleash it. My own eyes.

The Eyes of Kavac!


**Author's Note: For real though. Reassuring someone will help them tremendously. I know I always need some form of reassurance every now and then.

Next chapter will be from Atlas POV in the beginning, after a few paragraphs, the chapter will have a fight between *drumroll* THEO AND LOKI

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