
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasía
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101 Chs

History of the Draco Kingdom

-In future chapter's I will be changing how I write the story a bit. The way I'm writing now feels clunky and it also feels like a lot of the same words repeat throughout the story. It makes me feel limited and it makes the story feel a bit boring.-

Enjoy the chapter :)


The night came and went with no trouble. Atlas stretches and wakes up. The first thing he sees is a red headed girl with slightly pointy ears looking back at him.

"Oh! Who are you?"

Atlas sits up and stares blankly at the girl.

"Hmph! My prince doesn't seem to remember that I saved him. Poor me. Oh, poor me."

Atlas realized it was the princess. He again quickly gets on one knee.

"Ah yes princess, I'm sorry. Looks like I fell asleep last night. Thank you for watching over me while I slept."

Out of nowhere, a red tails swings at him and smacks him across the face.

"Ugh, ow! What was that?"

Atlas' eye widened, seeing the scale covered tail come out of the princess. He slowly scanned up her body and saw that she still had the ragged gown on, most likely it was what she was wearing when she was taken. What really surprised him was the red scales that started right behind her ears and ran down the side of her neck.

'Princess… Draco Kingdom… scales… tail…'

Atlas realized what she was. She was a dragon! Or at least some humanoid dragon. He carefully looks at the princess. She was standing there, pouting with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Hmph! It's Liza okay! Stop calling me princess. Stop treating me the same way the adults do. We're friends now!"

'Ah, we're friends huh. I didn't have any friends outside of those four back in the slums. It would be good to have more friends.'

"Fine, Liza. I'll call you by your name. You can also call me by my name, Atlas."

Satisfied with making a new friend, Liza says,

"Of course! The least I could do is call my friend by his name instead of calling him a peasa-."

'Man, she acts the same way Liza did. Liza, I promise you, I will get stronger and take my revenge on you. I don't know how, but if I ever meet Kai again, I will beg him to let me.'

Enough about the past now. It's time to move on.

"Anyways Atlas! I have food ready for you. Let's eat really quick and then we'll begin our journey back to my home."

Liza hands him a fried fish. Atlas accepts and begins eating.

"Liza, when we leave could you tell me more about the Draco Kingdom? I have never left my hometown until those guys took me."

Liza turns to him, giving him a gummy smile.

"Sure! I can even give you a tour of our castle when we get home. It's amazing! It's beautiful!"

Satisfied with the opportunity to boast about her home, she returns back to eating. She and Atlas spent the rest of the time in silence while finishing their breakfast.

The Beast Kingdom was only half a day away and apparently the Draco Kingdom was about a two-day journey north of it. So, Liza and Atlas headed straight for the Draco Kingdom instead of going to the Beast Kingdom first to save some time. They thought of stopping in the Beast Kingdom first but Atlas pointed out that was where she was being held before she was sold off, so they decided against going there.

After walking for an entire day, Atlas learned a lot of things about the Draco Kingdom. First, the Draco Kingdom was founded right after the fall of humanity. It was founded by her great-great-grandfather. Those who were with her great-great-grandfather were called fallen dragons. They were dragons who chose to abandon their dragon form and only stay in their human form. The group chose to build their small kingdom right outside the elves' forest. The elves welcomed their new neighbors but soon after the relationship crumbled.

A famous elven merchant was attacked and killed near the Draco Kingdom. The elves demanded answers, the Draco Kingdom claim to not know anything about it. With both sides not moving, a war eventually broke out. Leading to a near 50,000 year long war. It wasn't a normal 50,000-year war, there was skirmishes constantly fought throughout this time period. This war became known in both kingdoms as the Lost War because they had already forgotten why they even fought. The only ones to remember were the leaders still alive at the time it first began.

Eventually it was stopped once Liza's great-grandfather, the then king of Draco, proposed a peace treaty with the Elven Leader, who was given the title, Sage of the Four Elements. The peace treaty stated that the fallen dragons would aid the elves when they needed help and the elves would have someone marry into the Draco Family once the heir to the kingdom was old enough to marry. Nearly 20,000 years has passed and the peace continues till this day. The current king, Liza's father, is the kingdom's fourth king. King Charred the Second was married to an elven beauty. Her name was Queen Noel, she was the sister of the current Queen of the Elves. She was also Liza's mother.


Preparing for the night, Liza finishes telling Atlas about the history of her kingdom. Once she finished, a question came to him.

"I can't believe a kingdom can have such a long history. But it's been 20,000 years since the war ended. Isn't it weird that there has been only been one new leader since the signing of the treaty? Doesn't that mean your dad is at least 20,000 years old?"

Liza looks at Atlas and tilts her head to the side. You could almost see the question marks appearing above her head.

"Isn't it normal? Most people in this world can live longer the stronger they become. If you think my dad is old, just know that before fallen dragons existed, dragons were one of the first creatures created when this planet came to be."


That was the only word that came to his mind when he heard this from her.

'Does that mean if I practice magic I could also live long as well? Long enough to find Kai again? I have to learn as soon as I can!'

"Liza, how long do humans usually live for? I've never heard of a human that lived that long."

"Well of course you haven't heard of humans living that long. The strongest human had lived up to only 200 years."

*sigh* Atlas looks at her, sad to hear that the longest humans had lived was only 200 years. That's 100 times shorter than what her dad has already lived.

Liza notices that Atlas seemed to be down. She pats his back and gives him a gummy smile again.

"Don't worry Atlas! Even if your life is short, I'll be by your side. I'll make your short life worth living."

Atlas then thought of something.

"Say, if your dad is around 20,000 years old, then how old are you?"

"Has no one ever taught you to not ask a girl her age?"

Liza joked as she pouted again. She then said to Atlas.

"Fine, if you really want to know. I'm 490 years old this year. Dragons matures at 500 years old so I'll be getting taller and growing some boobies soon! Aren't you excited Atlas?"

She then gives him a thumbs up and a flirtatious smile.

"Alright! That's enough talking for the night. You take the first watch!"

She quickly sleeps in her tent and falls asleep. Atlas couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"HAHA! How can you just drop that kind of information and then go to sleep after? You better explain yourself in the morning."

Still laughing at Liza, Atlas sits down and begins his first watch.


Early the next morning, Atlas hears Liza cry out. He springs into action. Jumping out of his tent, he runs in the direction of her scream. But what he didn't know was that there were two figures flying at him.

Atlas reacted slowly when both figures appeared within arm's length of him. He tried to block his left side when that figure disappeared instantly.

'Too fast!'

Atlas then feels a kick on his right side. Being unable to stop it, he is sent flying into the closest tree.

'Fuck! I think some of my ribs broke.'

Determine to stay awake, he tries his hardest to stand his ground. He struggles back up to face the two figures once again.

"No don't hurt him! He saved me when I was taken!"

Atlas hears Liza's voice but he couldn't seem to pinpoint where it was coming from. He looks up to see the two figures turned around and on one knee. They were both giving their respects to the princess.

'They're from the Draco Kingdom. Liza is safe now at least.'

Those were his final thoughts before he succumbed to his wounds and fell unconscious.


Atlas woke up in a state of pain. He was currently resting in one of the guest mansions owned by the Draco family, in the capital city of the Draco Kingdom. According to the guards inside his room, he was brought to rest three days ago. Now that he had awoken, one of the guards would have to go let the king know.

While the guard was gone, Atlas checked his body. All of the ribs that were broken had completely healed. Asking the other guard, he learned that someone had used a water healing spell to heal him. All he had to do was rest and he was good to go.

Atlas couldn't believe how weird and fascinating magic was. With one spell, a few broken ribs were healed instantly and three days of rest was all he needed. Back in his old world, those ribs would have taken over a month to fully heal.

Excitement began to grow within him. He really wanted to learn magic now. Before his imagination went wild, the door opened and the guard that left, entered.

"His Majesty would like to meet with you now."

"Okay, let's go."


There was to be a banquet being held today, so he had woken up at just the right time. Once they reached the door to the ball room, the guards announced his entrance and then they went their separate ways.

Entering on his own, Atlas walks in and ends up looking straight into the king's eyes. Ignoring all the others in the room.

A man with a strong build was sitting on a throne. His entire body frame nearly blocked the whole throne from view, making it seem as if he was sitting on air. He had long black hair that was parted in the middle. Upon a closer look he also had streaks of red in his hair as well. He was also rocking a full beard. The combination of his long hair and full beard gave him the appearance of a lion. He didn't wear a kingly robe that you would expect to see, he was wearing what seemed to be leather armor. A true Warrior King.

Next to him was Liza and who Atlas presumed to be her mom, the Queen.

Liza had changed into a more princess like attire. Wearing a tiara and a red dress.

'Hahaha, she looks very uncomfortable. Tugging at the dress constantly.' Atlas thought.

Her mother was beautiful. Green hair put into a messy bun. Making her pointy ears stand out. She was also in leather armor.

'Is this a kingdom or a barbaric warrior state?'

Before he could even get down on one knee, the king raised his hand for Atlas to stop and he said,

"You're the boy that saved my daughter? I thank you for doing so, please if you have anything you want, state it now."

Atlas was confused. The guards seemed to have been in a rush. Even so, Atlas had quickly prepared himself and headed towards the ball room. All of that running around, just for the king to act like Atlas was a normal person who was unworthy of his attention.

Liza looked at him with a worried expression. Atlas didn't want her to think he was mad so he smiled at her. He looked at the king and said,

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I would actually like it if you could have someone teach me the basics of magic."

The king just stared at him silently, letting out a sigh.

"Alright, I will find someone to teach you. Now folks! We celebrate my daughter's return!"

'Piece of…'

The party had begun! Atlas tried all night to talk to Liza but whenever he tried, someone else would come by and talk to her first. After a few more tries and no one approaching him, he gave up and just began to enjoy the food.

"Oi! You're the one who saved the princess huh?"

Hearing some foreboding remarks, Atlas turns around to see an elf boy, probably a year or two older than him. But looks didn't matter since he could be way older. Behind the elf boy were to adult elves, both staring daggers into him.

"I doubt you actually saved her; you look quite weak and pathetic."

The boy said to Atlas in a mocking tone. He was obviously trying to get Atlas to say something back. Atlas just ignored him and continued eating.


The elf boy was pissed that a lowly human ignored him. Walking up to Atlas, he whispers into his ear.

"You better learn how to use magic quickly; I'll make you pay for ignoring me."

Turning around, the elf boy and his bodyguards left the ball.

Atlas didn't think much of it, he's been threatened by the Red Shanks Gang, what could the boy do to him.


A week had gone by since Atlas had awoken. Within that time, Atlas had been confined to the mansion. It seemed as if it was an order by the king to stop him from leaving the mansion grounds. Liza wasn't even allowed to see him.

'Bastard, what is this king's problem.'

Within that time, the king had sent an elf teacher that specialized in magic and mana control. Since Atlas had no knowledge of magic or mana, the teacher had him read books on the history and how it came to be.

One day Atlas received new books that he had plans to read that night. While, heading to put the books away, he overheard his two personal guards talking. Listening in, he felt his blood run cold. Nothing but fear was on his mind after what he heard.

"What time will it happen? The prince told me it would happen today."

"Once the sun goes down, the team will make their move. It's okay though, just make sure the boy doesn't leave his room. The three coming for him are professionals, they shouldn't take long to complete their task. After that, you go in and make it look like he ran away."

"But… what if the king questions us?"

"Are you kidding me? The king wouldn't care, that's why he locked up the boy here. He was hoping to keep him away from the princess. You know she was supposed to marry the prince so that the treaty could be upheld. If the princess falls in love with someone else then it would cause trouble for both kingdoms."

"You're right. You're right… Okay, I'll make sure he doesn't leave his room tonight."

Atlas heads into his room.

'Fuck! Fuck! What am I going to do? I didn't even do anything and now these assholes want to make me disappear?!'

Atlas paces back in forth in his room, mentally preparing for tonight's adventure that was waiting for him.


"Heading to bed already sir?"

"Yeah, I want to get some studying in before I call it a night."

Heading to his room, Atlas was stopped by both guards.

'Fuck I hope everything works out.'

The moment Atlas closed his door, he sets everything into motion. Atlas grabs the extra pillows that he had the maid brought in. Putting them on his bed, he covers it up, hoping that this could buy him a few minutes. He then grabs his two daggers, puts them into their sheaths and opens the window.

'It's unfortunate I couldn't say bye to Liza, maybe I should show up at her wedding and kidnap her. Hehehe, I'm sure she would love that.'

Even if their time together was short, Liza had a special place in his heart. He hoped that he could see her again someday.

Jumping out of the window, which was on the second floor, he lands safely in some bushes below and proceeds to head for the exit.


"Where is he?! You idiots! You had one job! It was obvious he wasn't in here anymore! Did you not realize his mana was missing from inside?!"

"I… I can't sense mana…"

"I can't either…"

The man was so angry, he swung his sword in one motion and both of the guards' heads were rolling on the ground.

"Head towards the exits! There are three of them so we'll each have to search in those directions. Take this, when you find him, let your mana flow into it and it'll send the other two a signal. Now go!"

The man gives the other two a ring each and gives them orders.

"Yes sir!"

The man leaves once the other two are gone.

If someone had been walking about that night, they could see that three elves had suddenly left the mansion of the boy that was rumored to have saved the princess.

I self edit these so I hope I didn't miss any errors. Next chapter will be more info dumps on the magic system and how the Death's Aura works.

Thanks for reading this chapter of The True Dreamer! I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment down what you liked and disliked about the chapter. If you really like the book feel free to rate it and leave a review so others will know what you think. You can also add it to your library so that you will never miss an update.

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