
The True Alpha ( Born to rule)

Derek Walker grew up as a werewolf in the midst of humans. He kept away his abilities from everyone close to him including his mother. He met and fell in love with Jocelyn, a reporter and together they will overcome the challenges and mysteries that comes with discovering his true identity. He is The True Alpha.

Queen_Daniel · Fantasía
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14 Chs

chapter 2

Hours went by and he got no response from them, he walked around uneasy, unable to sit or even stand for a moment without thinking and he was lost in thoughts, a midwife came out with a wide smile on her face.

"How is she? Are they going to be alright? I'm tired of waiting here without any report," Alpha Meshal rushed at her as he noticed her presence.

" It is a boy sire, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and they are both alive and well," the midwife said with a smile and he rushed in to see them without even asking or waiting for permission. He entered his Chambers and saw his wife looking very exhausted and pale as she held their baby in her hands.

"Look at our baby my lord, he is so beautiful and innocent," Amber said as tears of joy dropped from her eyes to her cheek.

"Wow, he looks just like me. I have a son, everybody, I have a son," Alpha Meshal screamed into the air in joy

"What are we going to call our little warrior my lord?," Amber asked as she cuddled her baby gently.

"His name shall be called Derek Allanon, my first son and the next Alpha of the Hoden pack," Alpha Meshal said as he carried the baby in his arms and raised him to the sky

"Such a wonderful name my lord,  promise to take good care of him for me because I do not think I can last much longer," Amber replied, looking at him with her eyes weak from the pain.

" No,no and no my love, you are going to be here to help raise our son, so please do not even think of leaving us like this my love, you cannot die," Alpha Meshal said as tears dropped from his eyes.

"I am very sorry my lord, please forgive me," Amber answered in tears as she closed her eyes in death.

"No,no,no please do not leave me my love," Alpha Meshal screamed as tears dropped from his eyes.he hugged her dead body while placing their child on her and then he lay down beside her.

"Sire, the baby needs to eat or he won't stop crying Alpha Meshal," a maid beside him said. He looked at her face and let her take the baby as he continued to cuddle his dead wife sadly.

"Feed him and take good care of him, I need a moment with my wife," he said as she took the baby out of the room.

(The Tibel pack)

"Luna Amber just died after giving birth to a son, Alpha Anders," a bodyguard that has been spying on the Hoden pack said and Alpha Anders gave a wicked smile.

"Has the plan been set?," Alpha Julian of the caserius pack asked with a crown on his face.

"Yes sire,"the bodyguard replied, bowing his head in respect.

"That is very good, do you have anything to say Alpha lucious?,"Alpha Anders of the Tibel pack asked, looking at him.

" Yeah I do,let them burn," Alpha lucious replied with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Are you sure that every member of the Hoden pack is in there mourning the death of their Luna," Alpha Julian of the caserius pack asked looking scornfully at the bodyguard.

"Yes sire, every single member of the Hoden pack is there right now," the bodyguard replied and the three Alphas began to smile wickedly.

"Okay,then let it rain fire on them," Alpha Anders said and arrows with fires were sent to the pack and in less than no time the entire pack was on fire.

Amelia ran into the woods with little Derek in her hands,she was outside with him when she saw fire from the sky fall on their entire pack and out of fear, she took to her heels. She knew it must have been the work of the other Alphas especially after the birth of the next Hoden pack ruler so she took it upon herself to ensure his survival.

She ran into the woods without direction and began to pray to the sky lord for help. She did not know where she was going to and has never left her pack her whole life so it was new to her.  She ran until she could no longer breathe and just then she saw a river, she stopped for a drink and gave the baby some and as she turned to drink again, the current of the water started carrying little Derek away, she jumped into the water and began to wrestle with it until she could hold him. When she finally got a hold of him, she lost herself and could no longer control her body. The river started to move her and the little baby in a direction she could not understand, it happened for hours until they finally got to shore.

Amelia was out of the water,but she was so weak and she doubted her survival. She carried little Derek out of the basket and into her arms, he was smiling and looking unaffected by what happened.

"What a lovely boy you have there?," A lady said from behind her and it startled her.

" Who are you and what pack are you from?," Amelia asked, looking very scared and weak at the same time.

"I'm Emily and I'm from the human pack if that is what you mean," Emily responded with a sincere smile.

"Help me please, I don't know who you are but I feel I can trust you Emily, please take this baby and take care of him. His name is Derek and he has a very important mission in the future,"Amelia said as she began to cough out in pain.

" You need to see a doctor young lady, I can take you dear," Emily responded but was surprised to see the lady lifeless on the ground. She took the baby away from her and at that moment the lady disintegrated in front of her eyes.

"What the hell just happened," she screamed as she saw the sight in front of her. She looked at the baby she was holding in her hands. "And who might you be little one?," She asked, looking at the baby in confusion and fear.