
Chapter 2: Simon

Scales was a beautiful place, one with rainforests and simmering summers. It was a great refuge in case you were homesick. Simon only knew so much about homesickness. And so he decided not to stay in Scales too long.

Scales was an easy access to Old Colserium, the capital city of Buxbeaner. If he kept on his journey like this, he might arrive at the capital earlier than he had initially planned----and that was a good thing.

So there was no point in staying in Scales for the night. He took the long route to Peotara, the next city,because he didn't want to be too early at the capital. If his aim was set, he might as well stall his time.

Sighing loudly, Simon heaved himself off the grassy land. He looked once at the trees and bushes surrounding him, then felt for the sword at his waist. With one swift motion, he unleashed the emerald-encrusted sword. Henceforth, he moved towards one of the small trees. He remembered that his father had taught him the trick of cutting trees with the blade of a sword. For once, Simon was thankful he had a father.

Simon was adopted as a small child. It was his father who had told him that he was not his son,but Simon didn't mind. For he knew that everyone in his clan must abide by on his own, family or not. In a way, they all were orphans.

And yet he thought of the parents who had abandoned him, and worried over their well-being. He didn't remember them by face, but a certain male voice was always there at the back of his mind, and he knew it was his biological father.

He ran his fingers along the sharp blade, feeling the blood that dripped off his thumb. The tree looked fragile enough for his purpose. Suddenly, there was a call from behind him, and Simon turned.

"Ahoy, lad!" cried the man on a wooden boat, "Where to? "

Simon put his sword back, "Peotara. "

"Can't get there by river, lad." the man on the boat shook his head as he continued to row his wooden boat. "King's shut all the ways. "

Simon frowned, "Why? "

"That's what we lads think all the time, " the man replied sadly. "King's got nasty intentions all the time. "

Simon remained quiet as the man slowly drifted away with his boat. He tapped his forehead, thinking of a way out from Scales, then sighed. No way.

"Father, help me," he muttered before setting off in the search of a cart which would take him out of Scales.


The city of Peotara was ordinary, way too much so. Not one seemed to be interested in Simon or his sword, and that was saying something. Simon had never met such dull peace, devoid of any pleasure.

The sun was setting and the city was still bustling with the monotonous lives of the people. Simon walked quietly on the road, thinking of his hometown, Chartlan. His thoughts were wildly interrupted by a queer occurrence.

A girl bumped into him, and though Simon tried to hold her, so that she would not fall, the girl ducked out of his way, leaving Simon stumbling for balance.

"Sorry, Sir, " the girl mumbled as she hurried away.

Simon looked back at the stranger. She had long, black hair and she was taller than most girls Simon had seen.

He frowned, thinking for just the moment, and moved on.

Peotara was not as crowded as Simon had expected it to be. Rather it was serene. He espied the fruitseller at the right side of the road.

"Hey, old man, " said Simon, casually leaning against the bamboo stick near the shop. "Do you know Peter Pattinson? "

The fruitseller looked up noncohantally. "No, Sir, " he replied calmly, "Haven't seen him, haven't heard him. "

"Well, " Simon shrugged, "Any inn around here,nearby?"

"On the next road, "replied the fruitseller, and busied himself with a dozen of bananas.

Simon looked back, half hoping to meet the strange girl again, but seeing the predicted result, he sighed softly and strode on.

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