
Summoning Arts

In the dark and murky basement of a large manor that has to be owned by a rich nobleman. Three female shadowy figures in black cloaks surround a magic circle. They are chanting forgotten tongues while throwing miscellaneous objects into the circle." Eye of frog, fur of bat, tongue of dog." One of the ladies say in a rough and scraggly voice as she throws objects into the circle. When she finishes the three women dance around the circle while chanting and a bright flash of light fills the room. "It's working, it's working" another woman said. All of the light starts flooding back into the circle and the witches start to panic as a thick cloud of pure darkness starts to leak out of the circle.

Crying can be heard from the middle of the circle. A baby no older than a few months old is in the middle of the circle swaddled in a thick blanket the three young witches surround the baby dumbfounded that this human baby was the all powerful demon they were trying to summon.