6 No Control

I was so shocked I couldn't comprehend I didn't know what was happening. I realized time continued and I heard Mia and Svetlana say "where did she go? Did she find out our plan?"

I quickly hid under a desk while still shocked by what I saw but had to focus on trying to hide. I heard Svetlana call the two men I was trying not to breathe loudly. I then had to go pee.

I then heard the two men coming down the stairs. The desk was right by the stairs on the wall so I was trying to concentrate on how to freeze time again. So I shut my eyes and focused. I started to feel cold so I opened my eyes and noticed I had snow coming from my hands.

I then hear one of the men say it's getting cold in here. I think I hear Mia come out of the room saying "why is it cold...What the...IT'S SNOWING. Then Svetlana said "if it melts we are going to have a flood we have to get out of here.

I then concentrated on trying to block the stairs. That's now what happened I ended up putting the stairs on fire. That's when mia was going to hide under the desk I was hiding under. I then smiled awkwardly and said, "Heyyyy, so where is the bathroom?"

Mia then gives me an evil smirk and yells "I found the runaway victim!" I get out from under the desk and try to shoot I don't know snowballs but that didn't work out so well...

I ended up just having a little bit of water come out of my hands not being able to control my powers. Mia gave me a nasty smile and said, "don't know how to control your powers huh?" Svetlana came out of the backroom in the basement and just stood there watching.

That's when I looked back at Mia and she was making a fireball. I was shocked her control with her powers wasn't bad. she then said "ready..."

what's gonna happen nextttttt find out 28th or earlier

is mia or gabby going to win this battle? comment

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