
Aureus Astrea (5)

"This elevator you mentioned sounds interesting. If it were to be successfully implemented, we can triple the living area at the southern settlement." Aureus looked interested as he considered the concept.

"For now, let us not bother with the flintlock rifles you mentioned, our spheres are far more powerful artifacts at any rate."

Aureus and Edward then discussed various technologies and issues well into the night…

"Highness, I take it that your discussion with Edward was very interesting? I did not even dare to enter the study last night when I heard you were still in discussion with Edward." Tarin opened up as he entered the study.

Aureus nodded. He then expressed that Edward's worth as an engineer outstrips his worth as a potential adamant combatant.

Tarin clutched at his chest as he pleaded in a high voice that Aureus not use his former rank so casually as a frame of reference.

Aureus refused to even acknowledge Tarin's actions as he continued "Remember the discussions we had regarding implementing railway systems in cities? Apparently, Edward's engineering skills can help with that. As well as with many other matters."

Tarin was frowning as he said that while he acknowledges that Edward may have advanced engineering skill, working with magitech engineers is a different matter.

"His realm developed a similar railway system that our magitech engineers envisioned- about one or two centuries ago. Even his basic level of understanding of railway systems is more advanced than our magitech engineers in certain areas."

"A potential adamant combatant, former military commander and a skilled engineer to boot, eh. It would appear that if we do not recruit him, we would be letting our Empire down."

Tarin looked sombre as he pondered "Only his status as an outworlder is against him. Should that be found out, he will be hunted down indiscriminately. Even we will be implicated then."

"Beyond my bloodline ability, I am inclined to trust my gut. I do not believe Edward will turn out to be malicious to the three realms after observing him these few weeks. There are other factors to consider of, what is your opinion of Edward becoming an enemy of ours if he were to recruited by the Eastern Coalition or the Reich Dynasty?"

Tarin looked even more serious, "He would definitely pose a high level of threat to our Empire."

Aureus nodded gravely before replying, "Let us wait for Johan to discuss this further."

Aureus was at the roof of the castle that night, staring into the starry expanse of the outer realm.

(The stars appear to burn with a certain vigor tonight)

(An outworlder possessing such knowledge and skill with only his background being a question…)

(As a prince of the Astrea Empire, what decision should I make?)

As Aureus's thoughts wandered , a venerable looking old man with a white beard and white brows appeared in his mind.

(Young Aureus, including your father. I have served two generations of Emperors. Did you know? I was born the son of a farmer at a remote border village. My family scrapped and clawed every single dollar they had to send me to the nearest educational facility. Fate appeared to take a liking to me, I became the top scholar of my cohort at the imperial examinations and 2 decades later; I was appointed as tutor to your father- the crown prince then. Impressed with my services, he heavily recommended me to his father, your grandfather. I made first chancellor of the Empire during the last years of your grandfather's reign.)

(Lad, if ever the day a person's background troubles you deeply with no answers in sight, I hope you remember this old man's tale. Would you have expected the son of a farmer to ever make first chancellor of an Empire?)

Aureus's eyes blazed as he recalled Sage Mynir's words.

As if in a duet, Tarin's voice sounded in his mind,

(Exterminating the innocent in the name of prevention… Triem and I were not saints, but we did our best where we could…)

(We did our duty…)

Aureus clenched his hand (I will recruit Williams and bear full responsibility for it)

As Aureus made his decision, his Aether core began pulsing rapidly.

Aureus tilted his head to face the heavens and his eyes blazed with greater intensity.

As his pupils dimmed , Aureus gave a half smile and left the roof.


"Highness, what brings you here?"

"I came to recruit you."

"Highness, it is an honor but I do not understand. Frankly speaking, I am a risk factor. If our positions were reversed , I would not recruit myself."

"That is why, I am the Prince and you are the potential hireling."

"Jokes aside, I have matters to discuss with you and those matters relate to my

recruiting of you."

"While I will be presenting an edited version of matters, may I have your guarantee that what we speak henceforth will not be discussed further outside?"

Edward vowed not to divulge a word of the conversation upon his honor.

"Let us switch to a better location," Aureus began.

"Tell me, what have you heard of about the bloodline ability of my Astrea family?"

"I see, no wonder you would dare to recruit even a person like me."

"I understand now the concerns and your current actions."

"Highness, would you answer several questions of mine?"

"In a private setting such as this, let us leave the formalities aside. Aureus will do."

"By all means, I am looking forward to your questions."

"Aureus, such a burden is far beyond the ken of normal men. If I may say so, far

beyond the abilities of a family too. Even one as mighty as the Astrea clan. To set yourself against a tide such as this, I do not understand your motivations."

Aureus took a deep breath before answering,

"To be honest, I myself currently do not have a very clear idea either. I remember the days after I found out about the matter and its implications, they were dark and full of haze. I would go to sleep feeling as if bile was stuck in my throat and when I woke up, it was still there."

"Eventually I found that the only way of moving forward was to deal with it. I cannot say that it was a calling or resonance and such about why I have undertaken my current path. I simply believe that it is the right thing for me to do. Of course, it helps that I have my bloodline ability to help me out on occasion in this regard."

"In addition, I feel that you are a great fit with my team and I. Our inner drives and compass are very much in alignment. I believe the matters I am working towards are what you too have been working for in the world you were from. I am very much in need of men of talent and it is my hope you will join hands with me. I am in need of your strength."

As he finished, Aureus made a full bow to Edward.

Edward's heart sped as he cast his gaze across the skies. He took several deep breaths before replying, "Aureus Astrea, until this prophecy you have spoken of come to pass, I am willing to lend my strength to achieve your goals. I only request…"

"I understand. Should a path ever open between my realm and your world, I guarantee within my power that no one will stop you. When we return to the core realm, I will see what I can sound out from the MagiTech Institute discreetly."

"I would suggest that publicly, we announce that we are now vassal and liege lord. It would be very helpful in the road to come." agreed Edward.

"Very well, let us do as you suggest."

As they both made to exit the grounds, Edward stiffened and a bright light burst forth from him then he lapsed into unconsciousness.

(Where am I???)

(Wait why does this feel so familiar?)

"Edward! You are awake!"

"Hello Annie, nice to meet you again… I guess."

"This time you've been unconscious for two days."

"His highness has been dropping by every day to check. That reminds me, I need to send a runner to notify his highness."

"Edward, how are you?"

"That is the first time that a person collapsed on me after recruitment. I must say it was quite memorable."

"Highness, I've some important matters to report."

Glancing at Edward's expression, Aureus's face masked over and he gestured for the servants to leave the room.

Edward explained that while unconscious he had been subjected to a flow of information. As he completed his explanation, he raised both his hands and two orbs sprang into existence. A red orb floated in Edward's right palm with a fiery hue while a green orb hovered above Edward's left palm with a serene aura.

Glancing at the orbs, Aureus looked towards Edward, "Please, explain."

"The red orb is Core Refiner. The green orb is Soul Orb."

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