
Mr Apturn

Mr Apturn, the father of the three brothers, a great magician of Owells. He seized the magic boxes of his son's because of their unwillingness to follow him to the shadow of darkness. Menace, a sorcerer, who taught Me Apturn the powers of Owells, whom became a shadow of darkness after killing Pythae, the former shadow of darkness who wrought quite good things in his days.

The brothers approached their father for their boxes. Daniel was first to talk.

Dad, where's our magic boxes: daniel said angrily,

Mr Apturn laughed hysterically, you mean your magic boxes; mr Apturn said still laughing.

Dad! what is the meaning of this? daniel stormed.

Mr Apturn got his gaze fixed on michael with a burning rage in his eyes.

Who gave you those boxes: He asked

it was our mum whom you murdered in cold blood when you...........: daniel was interrupted,

Enough, I told you boys to follow me to the shadow of darkness but you've remained adamant, no problem! the shadow of darkness will visit you tonight and give you your boxes; Mrs Apturn said and stormed out if the room.