
The Tale Of The Legendary Warriors

This the tale of the brave fighters, who attained the legendary powers. With these great powers came the great responsibility of protecting the world from evil forces and pave their own path of adventure......

ShreyasShetty_103 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Beginning Of The Adventure

Somewhere in the town of Ithaca, lived a boy named Tony with his mother and his younger brother. One day when he was going to school....

Monday morning, "Mom, please give me my lunch box, I am getting late for school.", shouted Tony. "Here is your lunch box dear", said his mom giving him his lunch box. "Bye Mom", said Tony before leaving to school.

On his way to school he saw a bird circling in sky, with bright red feathers like fire, at first he ignored it as he thought he might be daydreaming, but then suddenly the strange bird swooped down towards Tony, snatched his bag and flew away. Tony then realized he wasn't daydreaming and chased after it.

While he was chasing the red bird, he met his friend Michael, who then also joined him in his chase, after chasing the bird for a while, they ended up in a dense forest area far from the town, and the bird disappeared.

Michael said, "We shouldn't go any deep into the wood." "Yeah, you're right we should probably head back, but do you know the route back?", asked Tony to Michael.

Michael said, "I als-" but, before finishing his sentence a rustling came from the bush behind them. Both of them got startled and looked back.

From the bush came John, one of their classmates and Serena, Tony's neighbor and classmate.

Michael asked, "What you doing here?" "We could also ask you the same question.",mocked John. Then Serena said,"We were chasing down a bird which snatched my pendant and flew away, and we ended up here".

Then Tony & Michael told them their side of story. Then John exclaimed, "Was it the bird with fire like feathers!" "Yeah, you're right" answered Tony.

Then the four of them decided to search for the mysterious bird and find its mystery. They got divided and searched the woods for a while then from a distance Tony shouted, "All of you come here, I found something", the other three rushed towards the direction his voice came from.

When they reached the clearing, they saw Tony standing in front of a huge tomb of rock. It was covered in moss and veins and it looked as if it was standing there for thousands of years.

At the entrace, there was a carving which stated "Phoenīx". Suddenly John stumbled on a rock and pressed a stone button on the wall and the tomb opened with a creaking sound.

All of them gathered their courage and went inside the tomb, the interior of the tomb was carved with wierd symbols which none could understand, but suddenly the gate behind them closed and all there was darkness.

All of them panicked, but suddenly they saw a ray of light from a distance, they went towards it saw that the source of light was a big torch in the middle of the room.

The burning torch was surrounded by four floating crystal like rocks all shining in different colours. A being emerged from the flames of the torch, and it was the bird with fire like feathers. The bird said, "I'm Phoenix, the protector of the earth. I've lived for a millennia now, and I've been protecting these stones & I shall now bestow you all with the power of these stones."

Serena still confused, asked, "But why us, what are these stones and what powers are you talking about?","Listen my child, the world is in great danger and you are the only ones who can save the world these stones contains certain elemental and mystical powers which you should inherit and protect the world."

"But why us? we are still school going kids, you could have gave these powers to someone responsible" asked Tony. Phoenix replied,"That is because of the ancient prophecy, they foretold that the stones will link themselves with certain individuals, when the world will be in danger, and the stones chose you all"

The Phoenix explained them about the situation of the world and then granted them the stones.

Michael got the blue crystal stone with water elemental power, John got the yellow crystal stone with the thunder elemental power, Serena got the purple crystal stone with the mystic elemental power & Tony got the vibrant multicolored crystal stone which contained the power of various elements.

Phoenix said, "As Tony was chosen by the multicolored stone, he will lead you into this adventure to protect the world." and disappeared.

All the four if them still were still processing, what had happened and from being high schoolers how they got the responsibility to protect the earth, & decided to keep it a secret.

As they walked out of the tomb, they noticed that the sun was setting and they were inside the tomb for a long time, when suddenly the forest got covered in a thick mist which made it impossible to see the surrounding.

In a distance, Tony saw a dark shadow twice his size and stone started to vibrate loudly, as it stopped vibrating the mist cleared and from the shadow appeared a huge monster.

The monster attacked them with beam of fire but suddenly Phoenix interfered in between them and neutralized the attack. The monster then gave Tony a creepy and rageful look and then disappeared.

Tony & the others panicked and sked Phoenix several questions. Phoenix said, "All the answers you need are inside the tomb in the chamber of scrolls. It's late now, come here tomorrow if you want to know the answers."

They all agreed to come the next day to search for answers & went home......