
Chapter 16 A Vampire Goes To Church

Ash had been circling the church for the better part of an hour gathering a substantial crowd on the ground. I think she finally realized what had happened and that she would be stuck in this form for as long as she lives. While she was flying I decided to look at the notifications that Alex was showing me at the guild.

|Notice: Bloodline Tribulations of Blood has acquired a divine bloodline, Vampiric Eclipse Phoenix|

|Notice: Classification has risen from Demigod to Divine.|

|Notice: Divinity gained.|

|ERROR!, ERROR! Dao heart has not been formed|

|Divinity Sealed until further notice.|

|+500 Agi +200 Con +50 Luck|

|+10,000 Gold|

|Notice: Your Blood has gained the traits of the Eclipse Phoenix. Your blood contains a drop of pure starlight. To cultivate this energy you will have to create a celestial body within your dantin.|

|Notice: Celestial energy gained|

|Notice: Unique Affinity Gravity Gained|

|Notice: Skill Steal has activated, please pick a skill: Domain of Healing, Domain of Darkness, Hell Flame, Angelic Ash, Gravity Magic.|

Well, that's surprising, I didn't think that Ash's change would cause her to become a divine beast. Nor did I think that I would gain her bloodline, Alex was right, my bloodline really is broken. Looking over the skills I decided to take the Hell Flame, not only will it further refine my body, but is an actual attack flame instead of my alchemical flame.

|Notice: Hell Flame Gained|

|Notice: Would you like to merge Flame of Lust with the Hell Flame?|


Maybe later Alex, right now I'm more worried about Ash.

Another hour had passed. I had to break her out of her thoughts, I couldn't let her wallow in guilt, it was my burden to bear. Even if she didn't know that.

"Ash, it's all right I will never leave you. You and Cinder are my daughters and I will love you in whatever form you take. Now, why don't you introduce me to your friends down there." Gently combing her feathers as I spoke, realizing for myself that I meant every word of it. I really did feel as though they were my daughters; I knew that I would feel the same for the other Royal Bloods that were to come. A couple of seconds later she let out what I thought was a sigh before slowly descending to the crowd beneath us.

As we descended I felt a piercing gaze of curiosity mixed with something akin to anger. Quickly turning around I saw a tall man in the standard black robes that everyone wore except his had gold trim. He also had white batlike wings and I could faintly see a black tail lazing around behind him. Alex, what is he?

|Name: Felix Fier|

|Race: Ghost Demon|

|Level: 82|

|Cultivation: Grandmaster|

|Church Rank: Archbishop|

|Blood Type: Spectre Blood|

Oh, that's interesting. A demon working in a church, I wonder how he managed that. Actually, now that I was focusing on him I noticed a faint shimmering around his wings and tail. So that's how he's doing it, illusions. When I looked up at his face I saw a scowl as fierce if not more so than the one Ash had when she faced the guild master. Has he already figured out that the phoenix next to me is Ash? No, that's not it, his gaze is focused on me. No, not on me, on my wings. Seriously, have I made an enemy of the church just because I'm half angel? Well, I'll just have to introduce myself to him when we're alone.

As soon as my boots touched the ground everyone around Ash and I pulled out swords or staffs.

"Mam, who are you and why have you brought a Divine beast with you?" One of the priests asked in a stern tone. I opened my mouth to answer only for Felix to answer for me.

"I believe she is Archbishop Ash's apprentice, and the phoenix is Archbishop Ash. Is that correct...Seras was it?"

"Yes, that is correct Archbishop. Unfortunately, when I was at the Adventurers Guild, the Guild Master took a disliking to me and attacked me. My master arrived just in time after he had ripped off my lower wings. In a fit of rage, my master transformed into her true appearance, I don't think she will ever be able to change back." There were many gasps when they heard that the Guild Master had torn my wings off, even Archbishop Felix showed slight concern.

"Well, why don't you and Archbishop Ash follow me so we can discuss things in a more private setting?" spoke Felix in a soft voice. I glanced behind me at Yuri who was still asleep in Ash's talons.

"Don't worry about your friend, we will have someone take care of her."

"Thank you."

"Priest Scarlett, Priest Yukon, please take the girl to the healing chambers."

"Yes, Archbishop." Two priests walked forward and grabbed Yuri before walking off, as did the surrounding priests. Leaving the three of us alone in the courtyard.

"Ash, can you please use your domain of darkness? I don't want anybody listening to our conversation."

The beauty beside me lifted her wings in the air, the tips of opposite feathers just about to touch. A speck of darkness formed in between the two feathers, slowly growing bigger as she lowered her wings, surrounding us in a bubble of darkness.

"There, now we can talk privately," I said smirking at the demon in front of me. He showed no emotion toward us being surrounded by a dome of night.

"Yes. Well then, let's forgo the pleasantries and get down to why an angel has broken the treaty and has been interacting with 'mortals' as you like to call us." Huh, that's news to me. I'll have to ask Alex about it afterward.

"Actually I'm not an angel, well not really, and I have to be honest I'm surprised to see a demon working in a church."

He staggered backward at my statement, almost tripping on his tail.

"How...how can you know that. No one, not even the Cardinals or Pope found out." Wait really, but it is so easy to see them. Alex, is there a reason why I can see them?

|Information: Because you are an Ancestor no lower-ranked demonic or vampiric species can hide what they truly are from you.|

Oh, I guess that makes sense.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself further before he runs. Glancing back at Felix who did seem to be contemplating flying off at any second.

"I don't care if you're a demon. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Seras Victoria, Ancestor of Vampires and Coven Master of The Tribulations of Blood." I released a small percent of my Aura of Blood while I was talking. Making the dark dome we were in to reek of blood and death. I didn't want to go on a blood rampage so I had the blood ring give me what was left of Yuki's blood.

If before he looked like he was going to run, now he looked like he was going to faint. He immediately got on one knee and bowed his head.

"Ancestor! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please forgive my rude behavior earlier; it will not happen again. It is an honor for such a low-ranked demon such as myself to be able to meet you."


Sorry for the late and short chapter, my computer decided it didn't want to work for a couple of days. However, I should be back to 2 chaps a week by Saturday.

Thanks for reading, please comment and review.

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