
The System

Relaxed, comfort, and lost. That's what i felt in my slumber, but good things don't last at all. What i felt was taken and emptiness was left, before my ears were assaulted with familiar but foreign sounds. I covered my ears before trying to puzzle out what was being said 'if saying something was using text to speech and turning the computer volume to 200%', took me a while to understand "WAKE UP!" what simple words but annoying ones. I remember my father calling me awake every morning just for school 'ps. these were not good experiences would not recommend'. Finally proping myself from my bed and opening my eyes... i was in..... disbelief.

If i can discribe what i saw it was holographic yellow tape with the black words WAKE UP! plastered in the middle again and again, sliding all over the place, it was really irratating to my eyes...

'with these blareing alarms can i still go to sleep? or will it get louder? Will it get a much more annoying voice? Or will its visual get inside my head?' i pondered to myself.

"Sigh..." 'enough with using self contemplation to distract yourself from the problem' "Stop" i said sounding completly resigned or tired 'you chose i'm indesicive', unsurprisingly it stopped. Frowning i said "Tell me, what system are you?" 'Don't be surprised people need hobbies to pass the time, and what better way then reading light novels. And Systems what are they? They're just programs gods use to keep problem children in order, though am i really a problem?'


| System #8105 the Know-It-All System |


"The..Know-It-All System??..." 'Why would it use the screen if it could just have had said it?'

My frown deepens "Can't you talk?" i said in a slightly peeved tone. 'Unless it's just a show off.'


*No.* it said

I can feel my blood running much faster, Now i'm fully awake and i'm ready to snap 'SHIT!!! WERE THOSE LIGHT NOVELS WHERE THE MC AND THE SYSTEM WERE ALWAYS BICKERING ACTUALLY NOT NONSENSE AT ALL!!??!' "Annoying" in a dangerous tone

but the system suddently showed me, my face on its screen. I instantly calmed down and laughed mirthlessly. I smiled and said "Truly a Know-It-All System" in a flat tone.

I'm sure this is the first story i ever wrote of my own free will, if i continue this in the future don't expect a lot. If you have Standards while your reading this better throw them away right about yesterday because i don't know how to write characters.

《 " mc's words 》

《 ' mc's thoughts 》

《 * system's words 》

ShallowWitchcreators' thoughts