
The Sweet and the Phsyco

0n a dark night, there she went to end up everything along with herself but unexpectedly met her savior. in the journey to end her miseries with her own hands, a miracle occur that gave her a new hope to live.

maida_khalid · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Chapter : 7 The Fate

Unaware of her surroundings and what was going on around her Ella kept walking through like that lost in her own thoughts. memories of her past kept running through her mind like a movie. all those memories in which she suffered, in which she was tormented and broken. she just could not think straight. she could not hear anything. could not see anything even could not feel anything at all almost like a dead person.

"...lla". it felt like someone was calling her name from behind but she did not pay any attention to it she just did not wanted to come out of that dilemma.' Ella!!", some one called again and this was the voice felt more clearer. so, before she could turn and become aware of her senses someone grabbed her from behind pulled her towards himself. "Huh!.... what? What happened !?" she thought.

"Are you out of your mind right now? just what do you think you are doing? do you have any idea what is going on...." he yelled at her. she could hear that he was breathing heavily. when she moved her up to see, she could see a very anxious face. as if he was really worried for her. for a moment she thought that she was also important to this world. and he had made her felt like this. but why did it had to be him? why out of all people he had come again to save her? why did it had to be Noir? just why him? but before she could say or think any thing else, it was already too late now. she had already lost control of her emotions. she had already lost her mind. her body was not listening to her anymore, it was not acting the way she wanted it to she had lost control over everything. then all of a sudden her mind went blank and she collapsed in the middle of the road, in Noir`s arms which no one had ever thought of. cause no one would have thought that things would get like this today and most of all meeting Noir in this situation. but maybe this is what we call.... FATE.....

people gathered around them, Noir asked them to call the ambulance immediately. soon the ambulance came and they took Ella to the hospital with Noir accompanying her. she was moved to the ward and the doctor examined her quickly. (she had only passed out due getting drenched in rain for long and also due to the heavy stress level.) was what the doctor said. noir could also understand this much so he did not created any kind of fuss plus on the other hand he was not that kind of person. he just remained by her side quietly.

When she opened her eyes, she was in a ward room in the hospital. Noir was still standing beside her bed looking at her with confused and doubtful eyes but yet he did not a uttered a single word nor asked any kind of question to let her feel at ease. the doctor examined her and the nurse injected her a medicine. both of them left the room handing the medication list to Noir. he just talked to the doctor about Ella`s condition and the medicines.

At last he said in a very low tone, "I will bring your medicines first, you can have some rest meanwhile." as he was about to leave, Ella spoke up," I do not need any medicines , no need to bring any for me." but he did not listened yo her and left the room.

After a while , he came back with medicines in his hand. he took out the tablets and gave them to Ella as the doctor has advised to do. "Here take these," he said politely. Ella shook of his hand angrily and threw away the medicines he was handing to her,

"I told you that I do not need them so, why don`t you understand . please, just leave me alone." she shouted." just why do you always have to appear at times like these.? why are you always there? I... I was finally going to die now. after being hit by that car I was finally going to end up every thing. I was finally going to be from all this but... but you saved me at the very last moment..... why? just why don`t you leave me be? just why don`t you people not even let me die happily? huh? whyyyy?....." she shouted at her peak but still her voice was trembling.

"Happily you say,... were you really happy at that time?.... No , right?" Noir finally spoke.

"Huh!? what?....What did you say?... Ahh!" she suddenly screamed loudly while asking. there was a sudden pain in her head which was too severe. the pain was so sharp that it seemed like her head was being pierced to pieces, as if some one was beating it hardly with a hammer. but a s compared to the pain in her heart it was nothing much to handle for her.

"Are you okay?" Noir immediately rushed over to help her but she slapped away his hand to tell him not to touch her. "I am sorry, but you really need to take these medicines right now or your condition will get even worse" he pleaded.

"I... told you to stay away from me. why can`t you understand it? I don`t need your help or sympathy so, just. leave . me . alone" she again yelled.

Noir could understand her temper, "Okay! I will leave now, but I will come back later so, please do take your medicines. all right? "he said in order to convince her and calm her down. saying this he walked out of the room. and a as neurologist he could some how understand her condition.

On the other side Ella`s eyes got teared up but she did not wanted to show them to anyone , she just wanted to keep them all to herself and endure like she always had. but for some reason she could not stop them from coming out and could not hold herself back. she quickly took the medicines to relieve herself and just closed her eyes. she knew that she was being rude to Noir who had been taking care of her but she did not wanted him to do so, because she did not want to get used to all the care and such importance, because once things become your habit it is really hard to give them up. she knew Noir trying to get close to her but she did not wanted it as she was afraid to get hurt again. but for Noir who did not knew her condition , was only trying to help her out due to kindness. he just wanted to befriend with her.

"What do you think you are doing, Ella William. have you really decided to go against us and cause all this ruckus? do you not know your limit? why do you keep crossing it again and again and make me worry.? huh? I think you need to be disciplined now.' saying this she raised the stick in her hands and started to beat her up without looking where she was hitting, she just kept beating her no matter how much Ella begged for pardon and no matter how much she apologized. it really hurt a lot...