
2. Control the 12 dimensions.

The 12 dimension world is a world within a celestial being's body which he can control according to his wish like a personal meta verse he is the only one that can change laws and rules of the 12 dimension world.

Start of the story .....

" where am I?" Samuel said to himself.

"you are in the border of the 12th dimension" said a mysterious voice.

"who is it?" Samuel asked.

"I am the owner of this whole world" said the voice.

"what!, don't lie to me their is no one in this world who can control this world" Samuel said.

" This is my world I created this 12 dimension world. You people are just my creations and everything and everyone are just things for enjoyment to me you all people are living different lives for my entertainment. But in recent times their are no one who can change th repetition of life many people live same life and same story I am bored so I have created you to control my world and keep me entertain." said the voice.

Samuel was shocked by the truth that his life is just a lie and everything is Just for someone's enjoyment all the people and everything that is dying different and painful death just for someone's enjoyment.

He can't even retaliate because he knows he can't if someone can creat you then he can destroy you too.

"So what will I get, I will be keeping you entertain so what benefit will I get?" asked Samuel.

"You can change rules and add rules but not laws rules are which you can follow are some punishment and are different from laws which are unchangeable and if u have to modify it you have to pay a great price, and you can control everything in this world even the '10 rules' you will have infinite amount of powers you will know all information about all 12 dimensions" said the voice.

listening to the voice he was very excited and happy that he will be the first person who can change the rules without any set back.

He replied "Ok I will accept but you will not stop me or say anything even if I destroy all the existence and recreat everything".

"Ok I accept but you have to do many things it will be like a movie to me so here you go see you soon" said the voice.

After that he lost consciousness and woke up in the mortal world where people are like earth but this is not earth this is same as earth but it is same era with earth with peoples who cultivat immortality.

They are hidden in all around the world every country has a special cultivator force to explor the mysterious places of that planet and protect their country and their is the most powerful cultivator who protect the whole planet.

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