

In the endless darkness, there is nothing everywhere is darkness but among this darkness, there exists an energy source. when one saw it remains as if that energy source is not in the infinite darkness but is novel as that endless chaotic darkness that regains above all, which can devour anything is just an unworthy entity. That darkness which was endless and infinite was unworthy in front of that energy source. That energy source has gradually taken form in the shape of the being, he was translucent but in this form also his nobleness is not hidden he is the only thing in this chaotic endless darkness who is unworldly like the supreme being who is above all the living entity, he is with inside everyone but he will not participate in any one work. he can control everyone but he doesn't even care about anyone.

His beauty cannot be described in the word because His appearance is as a beautiful young boy with the beauty of blooming youth, of beautiful complexion that is more effulgent than a million suns, and an enchanting smile that plays on His lips, giving a glimpse of teeth that put the most lustrous pearls to shame; His moon-like face is framed with dark black curling locks of hair, fine as the feathers under a crow's wings. His lotus-like eyes glance which are bottom which can contain any things inside it which is endless.

His beauty is so great that there is no necessity for His wearing ornaments on His body. In fact, instead of the ornaments beautifying him, his beauty enhances the beauty of the ornaments. The inconceivable qualities, beauties, and activities which You have revealed by his presence cannot be calculated by any material measurement. If one even tries to imagine, 'He may be like this,' that is also impossible. The day may come when the material scientist, after many, many births or after many, many years, will be able to estimate the atomic constitution of the whole world, or he may be able to count the atomic fragments that permeate the sky, or he may even give an estimate of all the atoms within the universe, but still, he will never be able to count the transcendental qualities in Your reservoir of transcendental bliss.

IF need to describe "face is as beautiful as the moon, His thighs are powerful just like the trunks of elephants, His arms are just like two pillars, His palms are expanded like lotus flowers, His chest is just like a doorway, His hips are dens, and the middle of His body is a terrace".

He remains there for an endless time. After also endless time his elegance doesn't decrease, with his mere thought the infinite number of universes are forming, and life is creating on its own. Many lives have been created and being created and also have destroyed endless infinite universe are being created and endless are being destroyed but it does not affect in the least he is in the meditation for endless time.

On one of the star fields of one of the endless universes, one star is average in size but she is different from the other stars. she is in constant search of her creator. when she wakes up the universe is already divided by rules and regulations where each god and higher beings have their duty to fulfill as it is already written by someone which is our duty and responsibility to follow. All the living creatures follow these rules without any delay but she wants to search for the creator of these rules as she has felt that someone has created them. she has been searching everywhere but she feels as if she can find him inside of her.

She does not know who he/she is but she knows he does exist so she has been searching for him inside her for millions of millions of of of of of of years. Her penance became so holy that it started to reach the supreme. He senses it and he has taken many tests of her which she passed, grace her with his presence in his form, and asked her" what is your wish"

Star "I want his grace to be my son."

He was promise bound and he can see motherly love in her

supreme lord " I will be reborn as your son but have born as a mortal will you agree"

star " I will do anything if you will born as my son in this universe"

she disperses her body and goes for reincarnation.

As it was first time, he was anticipating something because he is unborn so he is above all but for the first time there was someone who can solve this universe's mystery and he can see motherly love in her eyes so he became interested in what is that which he wanted to feel.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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darkcreationcreators' thoughts