

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasía
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79 Chs

Vaeral Krismenar

Chapter 35 Vaeral Krismenar

"Ah, pardon me. I'm not introducing myself properly to the magician."

The silver-long-haired Dark Elves stood up from the water foundation.

"My name is Vaeral Krismenar, the husband of Soliana Krismenar. My wife is well known as 'The Ice Queen.'"

Vaeral smiled at me while touching his chest.

Probably it's a Dark Elves courteous way to self-introduction.

"My name is Rezvan Alvarendra."

I'm slightly bowing as a courtesy to introduce myself.

"It's the first time a human has come to this Palace. It was not surprising after I realized the Supreme Magician was behind the human."

Vaeral said it while holding his grin to Amdarais.

"He's my apprentice and my hope for my revenge, Vaeral. Don't underestimate him."

"Well, it seems nobody underestimates the new apprentice of The Supreme Magician. The Mother Dragon's death, the destruction of Halfling's temples, and the collapse of Ice Palace's Fortress. It was a well-known chaos among the Monsters. Anyone knows it's the evidence of the Supreme Magician rough action. Be proud of it."

"I'm clearly proud. Anyone should be aware of my vengeance."

Amdarais looks cocky.

It's not strange for him to become proud of his achievement.

"Anyway… thank you for taking the time to meet me before facing the Ice Queen, Rezvan. I really appreciate it."

Vaeral cleared his throat.

"No problem. At first, I never thought there was someone here than the Ice Queen herself."

I said my amazement.

"Haha… in fact, there are other Dark Elves beside me and the Ice Queen having a rest in this palace."

"Umm… sorry. I'm not intended to question about 'that.'"

Even if it's not direct, I know Vaeral talking about the families frozen by the Ice Seal.

Man, I don't want to start the conversation with that sensitive topic.

"Having an 'eternal rest,' do you mean?"

"Ssshh…! Amdarais! Silence!"

I quickly hushed Amdarais.

"It's alright. It's not a secret about 'Eternal Rest' among our families in the Ice Palace. It's our choice, after all."

Vaeral stare looks blankly at the moment.

It seems he had a lot of thoughts on his mind.

"The Ice Palace's a cold place, Rezvan. But we see only this way for protecting my family from Dark Elves and Halflings disturbance."

Vaeral diverts his look at the ceiling glass, contemplating under the sunlight from outside.

Looking around, I didn't see any ice in this garden.

The grass, flowers, birds, and anything in the garden are not frozen.

Compared with the Ice Palace's Hall, the garden feels warmer.

The water on the foundation also streams normally.

Compared with other room where the frozen families having a 'rest', this garden surely different.

At least it's kind a normal place, comparing that ice cave place.

Why only Vaeral who live in here?

Why other family not choosing live in this calming garden?

I mean, if they really want a relaxing kind of life, this garden is a right place compared being a frozen statue in the frozen bedroom.

There's lot of question regarding Vaeral on my mind, which made me tries to start the conversation first.

"Why do you call me here?"

I asked a question in the middle of Vaeral's contemplation.

"Hmm… just looking for a friend for having a relaxed chattering. I usually do that with Amdarais."

"It's a past. Everything changed after you married Soliana. It must be busy to become a husband, huh?"

"It's occupying my life, but I've enjoyed it so far."

"Yeah, yeah. Enjoyed this shallow and boring Palace. What a life…."

Man, Amdarais not caring about his words.

Probably he and Vaeral are close friends.

"At least me and my family not getting sealed like a prisoner in the human world."

"Bah! How long have you kept yourself in this cave, Vaeral? My life had gone like facing an unstoppable wave and getting betrayed by your shitty Dark Elves clan. Thinking about that is getting my nerve! Asshole!"

"Hahaha…! I see someone just getting desperate for taking back all his glory…!"

Vaeral laughed in the middle of Amdarais' annoyance.

"Amdarais… are you not tired to endlessly struggle like that? You're the Supreme Magician, pal. Everyone asking your help, and sometimes nagging at you for stupid reason, without end. Consider sealed by the Monsters is eternal rest, then it would be a heaven for you. There's no harm or torture in there, right?"

"What a nonsense you babbling about, Vaeral?! It's a vengeance over betrayal. Anybody who dare to stab my back deserve to die in suffering!"

"Again, and again. You're the one who always spewing your 'pride' nonsense for your justification. It just took you to another fall again. Believe me."

"Say what do you want, 'coward'! At least I'm do something for my dignity, no sitting loser who avoid any problem as long as he is alive!"

"Hey, I'm not only sitting. I'm also fighting for protecting Eternal Peace my families from the human and monsters. This seal is evident."

Vaeral suddenly show the ice symbol that sculpted on his left chest.

Amdarais told me before that's the symbol of Ice Seal that locked its target with frozen ice.

I don't quite understand why Vaeral is not freeze as other families.

Nevertheless, I can sense the Ice Seal is blocking his way to resonates the Soul's Spirit properly.

Is the Ice Seal on Vaeral tackling him for using magic spell?

Before I am thinking it through to jump to the conclusion, Amdarais yelling in anger.

"As I said, do the hell you want, but don't you dare disturb me for achieving my ambition! I don't give a damn about the shallow heaven you try to entice me! If you dare to deceive me with that, my magic spell is ready for punish you!"

"Hey… I'm not disturb you over anything, pal. I'm just offer you different choice of life. Come on… that betrayal stuff is the past. Let it go for embracing the peace."

"Bah! Shut up! Your stupid offering made my head hurts! You sounded like a true 'eternal peace' worshipper but in fact the Ice Seal on your body is the weakest one compared with your other families!"

"It is the weakest seal, but at least I choose it, right?"

"You choose that because you hypocrite who afraid to Soliana! You don't' want to be 'rest' like a frozen statue! You just want to be numbness over your body so you can't cast your spell magic properly! I know you'll change your mind the moment I cast a flame spell for removing your Ice Seal!"

"No, I'll protect this Ice Seal as my proof to my loved ones."

"Bullshit! Stop talking to me you, coward! I'm done with you!"

Vaeral shrugged with disappointed face because of his friend's rejection.

After a long pause, Vaeral now looked at me with serious face.

"So anyway… you want to learn the Ice Magic Spell, right?"

"Yeah, Amdarais said the knowledge book about that is in the Ice Queen's hand."

"Nowadays, it's quite rare for a monster willing to forge himself to become a pure Magician. I'm not even expecting there's a human who wants to do that. It must be difficult and harsh…."

"It sure is. But I have no choice."

"Ahahaha… forced by the condition, right? I wonder who's chaining you on that...."

I frowned when I heard Vaeral's weird statement.

It sounds ambiguous, but I can feel he is trying to tell his weird conclusion.

"Chained by who, Vaeral?"

I asked for clarity.

"On Amdarais' intention, Rezvan. Don't you realize that when you choose him, you should force yourself to 'comply' with his ambition?"

"Okay, Vaeral. You sounded like an idiot who's constantly mumbling over your boredom. Stay away from my Daredevil, will you?"

"Come on, now… We just have a calm chattering in here. I bet you haven't said anything about this to Rezvan, right?"

"Who the hell cares about that?! Rezvan already chooses it, so there's no need to question it! It's useless!"

Amdarais's loud tone feels like he went full anger.

He and Vaeral started debating again, leaving me to sulk on my mind.

I know completely what Vaeral said was true.

Since I'm carrying out my life as a magician, every day feels like an unstopped torture.

My bone felt broken, my head split, my blood vomited, and others suffocated in my mind and body.

But what else I had?

It is my choice, after all.

Forced or not, chosen or chosen, I still believe this is my way.

My 'hellish' way, to be precise.

Looking back at my initial intention to meet Ice Queen, I only want to learn Ice Magic Spell because that spell is important for me to fight other Monsters.

I need that to become stronger Magician than ever.

It's the only thing I need to focus on.

Keep moving forward.

"Just as Amdarais said, I'm already chosen it. There is no turning back."

I answered Vaeral's question as shortly as I can be.

But from Vaeral intense staring, I know he's not satisfied enough.