
The Seige Begins (Day One)

Large boulders and cluster of fire fly over a large stone wall surrounding a city. Houses collapsed and others burned, the slums of the city looked like a sea of fire. Houses are not spread out far enough and help to quicken the spread of the fire. The part of the city where the commoners live is faring far better, and the nobles estates within the walls are virtually untouched. There is a clear difference between people within the city and how well they are treated. The slums are not gaining much help from the higher class of mages or warriors. They receive little to no help from disaster response teams. Firefighters are the only one majorly helping to put out the fire. The noble estates untouched left the more privileged to help the commoners.

General Tobias the ruling commander of the Venture legions takes pride in having soldiers who help the less fortunate. Those who are not needed to fight usually tend to those who need help regardless of who they might be. However that is not today the men in this city are outnumbered by the enemy by far to many to spare a helping hand.

So far only the artillery have made any movement within the battle. It is early in the morning the sun's rays not yet rising over the hills surrounding the area. It would be a beautiful morning if not for the death and destruction that littered the slums of the city and occasionally areas within the commoners place. "What a fine morning" I sigh to myself as I look out over the enemy encampment.

*BOOM!* a highly explosive catapult round hit the catapult near me. Taking out the crew and sending me flying the morale of the troop seems to drop a bit. Although, it does make sense because that was our last bit of artillery. The troop gets more depressed as they notice the enemy ready to fire again, when they can see large explosion and a plethora of fire in the foriegnclaw artillery line. The mood heightens because the enemy have also lost their artillery. Someone on the other side made a serious mistake.

Missing their siege artillery they move their archers, ladders, towers, hooks, and battering ram forward preparing to blitz the city. Our own troops begin to position themselves on the wall and ready for battle. The archers draw their strings and prepare the first volley. I also stand and prepare for the battle, but I am not in the front lines so I am most likely not going to be participating during the first day.

"You Okay" I hear Liz and a couple of my platoon members ask

"Yeah just a bit sore is all" my response does nothing to lessen the worry on Liz's face. 

"Fire" Captains on both sides say almost simultaneously. Archers release and arrows fly on both sides, but a few seconds later we hear it again "Fire." That's when we see it a large wall of fireballs heading in the direction of the wall. Although none of the mages are highly ranked mages the amount of fireball flying is enough to scare some of the higher ranking mages within venture. The wall takes the onslaught and survives. "Fire" we hear again and both arrows and spells fly. Once again the wall is hit but stands strong. The wall is hit by a few more vollies, but it stands strong.

Just a few moments later we see a new fireball, but it is smaller and denser than the other and also hold a darker crimson almost satin color. When looking at the mage casting it one can see a woman clad in red and black plate armor mage robes. The mage's name is Ada, a bandit leader who was no doubt hired to take out the walls should the other mages fail. She is often called Crimson Fire, because her personality is like that of fire and always wears crimson lipstick. She is a beautiful woman with curves in all the right places and has nice breasts and an ass that I would love to hold within my hands.

Ada was a bandit who I was kicked out of the capitol prefecture, She and her bandit group never killed anyone innocent and often times would help the military get rid of other bandit groups in the area. The only problem was that they always threatened and taxed the merchants and travelers for passing their "spot" on the road and the nobles ended up becoming enraged from it, so I decided to let them keep their riches, lives, and possessions. I never charged them for criminal activity. I'm hoping she didn't notice me so she will not give me away.

Lucky me she left right after sending out the fireball. When the fireball hit the wall it collapses immediately after a large explosion, although it does make sense considering she is the third strongest ranked mage within Venture and eight strongest warrior. When the wall fell we lost most of our archers on this side. The troops behind the wall set up their shield and prepare for the enemy charge, but what they expected did not happen they were hit with a bunch of fire balls destroying the shield wall within the front.that is when the enemy charged. When our troops were hit they were pushed back and many lost their lives. Once our men regain their footing they started pushing back. Due to the choke-point in the wall our soldier were not having as tough a time. Watching the Venture troops beat on the Foreignclaws the moral of our soldiers heightened again. That was when the enemy mages fired another volley of fireballs at us. We could smell the charred bodies. 

General Tobias decided to make a move and with his warrior power jumped over the fighting and quickly ran towards the fire mages in a matter of seconds. He slashed dawn mage after mage, till someone swung at him from behind no doubt higher ranked warrior than mage and quite a powerful one too. *clang* *clash* they struck blow after blow on one another the General taking down another mage every once and awhile. In a few minutes they exchanged hundreds of blows.

"I'll end this now"

"Guugh" the sound of a blade severing flesh sounded and the foreignclaw lay dead. General Tobias obviously did not fight to the best of his abilities. He wasn't sweating not even breathing hard. That was when he decided to return to the city. He jumped over the fighting once again, but decided to join this time.

Body after body fell as the foreignclaws and Venture legions lost troops. The enemy was pushed back. They were pushed clear out of the wall and into the field, and the foreignclaws finally broke and retreated back to their camp, The troops returned back to the city in high spirits.

The land of the battlefield is stained red from blood likely to never gain back its color. The deaths will not come fruitless regardless if nothing was achieved. With enough blood of warriors and mages even the most simple plant can become a priceless treasure. After this battle the grass will most certainly become at least a lesser treasure planet. More likely to become a stain-blood grass. This grass will help heal wounds and slightly strengthen normal bodies.

The streets were littered with bodies from both sides a temporary truce to allow one another to find and bury the dead was set in place and both sides were true to their word gathering their dead and leaving the field of battle. As bodies were buried and wounded cared for there were countless cries. Many were mourners and many cried tears of joy as they found their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, daughters, and sons still alive.

As much as I had an Itch to fight I still felt saddened with all the death that plagued our world today.

"Come Conrad lets rest we have a long day tomorrow", Liz gently whispered in my ear I sighed and jokingly replied "yes dear", which caused her to blush and bring a smile to both our faces. I sighed once more know that day one has come to a close.