
A Short Break

After saying so he had me repeat after him.

"With our lives we follow the empire… we fight using our minds and bodies… we vow to protect the people of the empire… the week, the strong, the peasants, the nobles… we serve royal family, to serve nobles, and to serve the council… we are the legions of the empire… Long Live The Emperor!! Long Live The Empire!!" I repeated every word he said and am formally sworn into the military of the empire (not that I needed to). I should also probably mention that when Liz showed up Richard left. He most likely thinks that I am back in prison.

    I left with Liz and we headed to unit 16784's barracks to choose a bunk. It is required that everyone has a bunk, but it is not required to stay in the barracks the soldiers can go home to stay with their family if they want to as long as they are not more than a couple hours away. When we entered the door the members of the unit all turned to look at us. Noticing who it was they all smiled.

Soldiers: "Good morning legate" that is when they noticed me "the prisoner?"

Richard: "Good morning prisoner, you should really tell me you name so that I don't have to keep calling you prisoner"

Liz: "It is a lovely morning isn't it. Soldiers this is Conrad he will be joining us from today onwards. He is also the one that saved me from the bandits on the road, Rinard, Rickson, and  Buddy can all testify that this is true."

Buddy, Rickson, Rinard: "He is that guy."

    The people smiled brightly, but Liz's smile outshone the others, it stopped me for a moment not that I haven't seen beautiful women before, but she outshines them all except two (A story for another time). Even Though I recovered somewhat quickly everybody still noticed my pause. Thankfully they didn't notice anything.

Liz: "Awww, did my beauty stop your heart."

    It caught me off guard. Liz has been blushing around me the whole time I didn't know that she could tease me like that. I don't mind. Besides her blushing while trying to tease me is extremely cute. "HAHAHAHA" laughing heartily making her blush further. "Why are you laughing" she said shyly "its just that your so cute trying to tease me with that blush" I responded with a flirty voice. She started to bury her head in my chest and beat it lightly. My world stopped for a moment once again looking at her in that way I couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. She resisted at first then relaxed as time went by. We didn't make it pass 3 minutes before someone coughed bringing us back to reality. This time both of us blushed crimson red.

    To bring us past the embarrassing moment (I mean I just don't know what came over myself in that moment), I recommended that we go out as a unit to eat to celebrate a safe return from the fort as well as the legate making it back okay. I offered to pay somewhat as a bribe to keep what just happened quiet.

    We have made it to the restaurant, I brought them to a restaurant know as the Hungry Dragon. This place is a restaurant for the rich the extremely rich and powerful people. It just so happens that every branch has someone from the capitol. We enter the building and meet the greeter. He is an extremely arrogant young man from one of the powerful families in the prefectures. When he saw us his smile turned into a frown and he tried to shew us away.

???: "Stop it if the people of the capitol knew how you powerful families acted you wouldn't even exist anymore. The only reason that you haven't been punished for you crimes yet is because you families have got me blocked here, even if you can't kill me."

    When he looked this way he seemed surprised to see me. He obviously recognized me because we've met at the main branch of the restaurant more than once. I put my finger over my mouth and gestured for him to be quiet. "Get these people a private room. If you don't mind sir I would like to talk about deals with you." The greeter brought the unit to our room while I stayed to talk to my friend.

The Great Me: "Hey John how you doing"

John: "I'm great thank you prince. Just so I know, to what extent can I call you."

Me, Myself, and I: "You can call me by my first name, not my family name. They also already know that I must have some background and that I'm good at assassination, so if you want you can call me Phantom or Lord Phantom if you want to make it sound more real." "okay thank you" he responded.

    After our conversation I headed to the private room to hang out with the unit. They asked me multiple questions about my life, most about my family and occupation I didn't answer. I did tell them I know profesional assassination, and that I have a father and a sister. I also let them know that I am not biologically related them as I am originally an orphan. They also asked me about where I am staying, as well as how far my relationship with the legate is. I told them truthfully that I had already met Liz's mother and that I am staying at their house. Liz started to pout at my answer so I decided to let them know we are not sleeping together and that I only get to stay because I am helping out around their restaurant.

    I am glad that I decided to take a break from everything I have been doing it is extremely relaxing. I've been really busy lately with the war against Tosmonrue, taking care of corrupt nobles, as well as those annoying parties that I had to attend. I am glad I could take a short break from my responsibilities. I know that I have come here to take care of one of my duties. The civil war I must stop it.

    At that moment I hear a conversation outside the door. I am the only one that hears it because of my body's constitution, bloodline, and my cultivation.

John: "Tony let me tell you something, this boy in here is not someone that you family can deal with. If he wanted he can make an enemy out of your family and it has nowhere near the power it needs to deal with him. You can go take care of the restaurant for now I will personally be the waiter of Lord Phantom."

    John walked through the door stared straight at me and said "Lord Phantom I will be your personal waiter tonight, now if you don't mind are you ready to order." Everybody looked at us two with surprise.

Thank you to those who have stuck with me. I am sorry for the delay before these last two chapters. I have just been really stressed out and fell behind.

Once again thank you for sticking with me. I love you guys and girls.

ConradCcreators' thoughts