
chapter 3: Tell me

[5days:18 hrs:45mins]

"I got plenty of time left. Maybe I should make a guide for every situation that I could predict. I should make it helpful for the readers too."

Wan researched every survival tip on the internet and incorporated it inside the file.

"I should make the titles by categories"

-How to survive on the sea-

-how to survive on the desert-

-how to survive on the forest-

-how to make an egg

-how to please a noble

-how to be a peasant

-how to build a tent----

Wan put everything in order of the titles that he made. He made sure that he missed nothing from simple how to make food up to how to cure poisons. All from the internet down to his own file. Every single information that he can deem useful in the other world. Wan also included the common things that people do when they are in the other worlds. Be it a futuristic or a prehistoric world, he included all sorts of info.

As he was writing, he realized what he was lacking. He prioritized too much on food and shelter that he hadn't been prepared for the fundamental element of world transfers.

-Conflicts. When there is conflict, there would be a fight, when there's a fight there would be a need for

"Weapons, I almost forgot weapons. Basically, I need a gun."

Be it in earth or other dimensions, Wan deemed guns as essentials.

"well at least the system wont transfer me to somewhere without any need to right? it would be fun if I got transferred as a romance character, well wishful thinking."


Wan went to call Perry the morning he woke up.

"Perry, I might need something from you."

"Oh, Waaaan, its been a few days? How are you? What do you need?"

"I might need weapons."

"What!!! weapons?"

"Yes, I'll give you a list"

Wan sent a long list of materials to Perry.

as Perry read the details, his usual smiling face almost turned into something incomprehensible.

"U mad bro?, what are you planning? A massacre? rebellion? terrorism? holy crap this are weapons for zombie invasions already! there's even a tank in the list! "

Perry said in an angry but quiet voice.

"Nope, i just needed to be sure. We've basically trained by our parents how to use weapons and I remember you have plenty of them, I might need some light and heavy weapons."

"You're insane. How did you even know I have heavy ones?"

"You do?? okay, I'll come to your house before the transport, just let me hold some of them in your house. If I'm not insane and got transported, I would be taking your father's guns for free. Else, I'll just give you my father's truck full of relief goods for compensation"

"Hey!? You psycho! What the hell has gotten into you. Haa. My father won't believe me for sure. But, I'll try, I'll tell him you just want to see them, full of ammunition and weapon crates. F*ck me! you even asked for an RPG here, how did you even know we have one? You're insane, maniac, freak. Damn it man."

"I'm just guessing that you might have those weapons."

"Yeah, specially this AX5000 anti material sniper rifle on top of the list. I own this one. My father gave it to me when i was 12."


"Yeah, of course, we have all the weapons you listed here except that rocket artillery you asked at the bottom list...., at least I've not seen them."

"You, you're family is even crazier to have those."

"Lucky you, if you get transported to cultivation worlds, worlds of magic, worlds with knights, angels and demons, you can be the rambo of that world. Ill even gladly lend you my rambo machine gun here."

"Who knows where will I go, or if I can bring those with me. I really hope you have that artillery just in case I went to a world with that freakish "star wars" futuristic setting."

Wan didn't forget to update the guide and have it emphasize the need for weapons.



He went to the hardware section of the supermarket to buy solar panels. And other devices to be connected to the solar panels such as electric stoves, electric fans, electric kettles, electric chainsaw, electric heaters and many more for all cases, he was ready to teeth. He then went to buy tents, plenty of wood glues, camo paint, insecticides, seedlings, fertilizers and farming equipments.

He didn't know when he could return or if he could really return yet, but he has this feeling that he should do this at least.

[Time remaining]

[3 days : 2hrs: 11 mins]

Wan decided to update the guide from copy pasted information from the internet. He decided to even download videos on the know how to do kinds of things such as live videos on making fire, how to make glasses, how to make coffee, how to cook rice, how to milk a cow, how to skin a deer and plenty more information related to survival. From primitive survival to high tech survival. Speaking of such, most transports happen near a primitive village. He especially made countless guides that characters of the novels that he read.

What if he was in the weak to strong category? Every character from that category that he have read suffered so much before getting strong. If that happened, he wouldn't mind becoming strong but he didn't like suffering either. He decided to put all of his efforts in making his own guide.




A young bulky man stands in an office plenty of floors above a skyscraper talking to man with a tobacco cigarette on his mouth.

"Dad, I might need some of your toys"

"Of course son, what do you need?"

"Here's the list'

Perry hands over the list nervously.

Perry's dad dropped the tobacco from his mouth, shaking from head to toe, eyes wide open. But after a while he calmed down, as expected of a businessman.

"I'm sure this is not from you, you're not that brave to ask for a rocket artillery right off the list. These weapons could even form a small military of hundreds of soldiers worth. The paper is in handwriting. Are you in some kind of black deal my son? Tell me.

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