
The Long Journey

I look at my sword its shiny and sharp but can I really fight with this thing? I realise that I Could stop time and train with it.

"Stop." I say confident.

Sure enough time stops and I grab my sword and head outside to see if I can get the hang of it. I swing it down as hard as I can surprisingly I'm good at it. Well I used to train with a wooden sword when I was 9 but I'm 19 now. I start practicing with my sword and I can see I'm getting the hang of it.

"Start." I say happily.

I go inside the castle and see Katrina staring at her blade. She seems somewhat sad however so I go over to her.

"Hey! I never introduced myself I'm Andrew is something the matter?" I say almost shocking myself at how confident I sounded.

Katrina looks up at me and smiles.

"You really do remind me of someone dear to me you know? If you really want the truth will you listen and not tell me that I'm already too strong for that?" She asks looking down.

I sit next to her and put my arm around her smiling.

"We're going to be comrades soon so I'll be as good in moral support as well as in strength." I say smiling at her.

"You're definitely confident. Well I guess that I'm just scared. Im scared of the devils they destroyed everything I had when I was young. Im good at fighting bandits and soldiers but when I see a devil I'm frozen in place." She says covering her face.

I look at her and put my hand on her back thinking for a solution.

"Maybeyou don't need to look at them." I say pulling out a headband.

"A handband?" She asks confused.

"You can wear this when we fight the devils! I'll be your support!" I say smiling.

Katrina is silent staring at the headband then at me. All of a sudden she hugs me and cries a bit.

"Thank you for this and thank you for listening." She sobs.

I pat her back as I stand up taking my sword in my hand.

"Come on we don't have forever let's get Elaine and go!" I say smiling.

Katrina smiles at me and soon followed me as march towards where Elaine's room is. I knock of the door three times.

"Hello? Elaine? Are you there we're leaving soon!" I yell through the door.

Elaine quickly opens the door flustered.

"S-Sorry! Let's go!" She says.

We begin our journey to the demon kingdom to gain information on them. We walk for a while and take quick stops to eat and gather resources. I'm lost deep in thought when someone yells my name.

"Andrew look out!" Katrina yells.

I look infront to see a girl who looks my age with black hair in a ponytail and red eyes. She sends a spell right at me looking smug. I dodge just in time to not get injured.

"Hmm? You think you stand a chance against the demon kings daughter huh?" She says with a smirk.

Sending a ball of fire towards me I react quickly.

"Stop." I say with a serious voice.

"Huh?" The demon girl says.

Time stops as well as she does. I try to stab her only realizing I can't my power wong allow it. I take a sigh and go behind her getting ready to attack.

"Start!"I yell push down my sword.

The demon girl reacts quick and gets a ball of dark magic to block. She looks at me eyes wide open scared and confused. As I strike I realise if killing a little girl who's only around 19 would be cruel even if shes a demon. I stop fighting and quickly evade her attacks. I draw closer in and grab her arms.

"Let me go!You can't do this to me I'm a princess!" The demon girl yells as I apprehend her.

"What's your name?" I ask politely.

She says silent for a minute before saying something.

"I-I'm Minerva." She says quietly in defeat.

Suddenly I hear muffled voices.

"Finally! That cocky princess is going to die!" I hear and Minerva looks devastated.

"Just kill me if you're going too." She says with a depressed face.

"I'm Andrew a summoned hero letting her hands free.

"Huh?!" Elaine and Katrina both scream.

"Are you crazy Andrew?!" Katrina yells.

"Trust me on this guys." I smile.

I help Minerva get and and smile at her.

"I'll ask again. Please join me on my journey to find the threat to this world!" I bow and take my hand out.

Minerva is hesitant and is about to grab my hand when...

"Stop." I say.

Minerva turns around only to see another demon frozen in place with a knife. I push her out of the way and grab my sword.

"Start." I saw and Strike with my sword.

I slash the demon in half and turn to Minerva looking her in the eye with a smile.

"I'll ask once more. Will you join me on my journey for world piece?" I ask for the third time.

"I-I guess I will" Minerva says hesitantly.

I smile and take her hands in mine.

"That's great! Thank you!" I say brightly.

Minerva's face turns bright red before pushes me away.

"Don't get any weird ideas ok!" Minerva yells.

I put my hands up to sign that I won't and look towards Elaine and Katrina who loom equally shocked.

"Jeez who knew you had a charm Andrew."Katrina sighs.

"Eh? Charm?" I say tilting my head.

I look up and realise it's getting late I loom around and spot a wild boar. I smile as I know what's going to be dinner tonight.

"First to get the bull wins!" I yell chasing after the boar.

"Hey no fair you got a headstart!" Katrina yells chasing after me.

"Don't think I'll let you beat me." Minerva smiles joining in.

"H-Hey! Wait a minute guys!" Elaine yells coming after us worried.

In the end we all striked at the same time. Minerva set a fire for us to cook the boar. I take a bite of the boar meat and it tastes delicious.

" This is better then most food I eat in my world." I mumble.

"Ah right what's you world like?" Elaine says clapping her hands together.

"Ah you wanna know I guess I'll tell you." I say smiling.

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