

The second prince of Saltine, dies at birth and is revived after a cultivator's soul transmigrated to the supernatural world of vampires, is deemed weak by all and shunned by his father when he could not wield his bloodline abilities and his compassion for other lifeforms accidentally stumbles upon a treasure during one of his adventures after leaving his family behind. The treasure is not a thing but a person, a human. A man who greatly helps him throughout his life adventures. He slowly rises from the weak prince to the strongest in the supernatural world. However, in order to break through his mortal shackles, he needs to overcome one thing, his compassion for humans. He gains a slave, a female slave who turns out to be someone very dear to him. Would he be willing to sacrifice her for power?

Adelaide_Mante · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


"Ah? Shouldn't you be the one to know?", Ren Qian said innocently.

However, he realized something was not quite right.

"Why? Do you know what I am?"

The soul regained his composure after a long time.

"Ahem. Your soul is extremely pure, there are two possible explanations to this. But,let me start from the beginning. Soul energy, according to its color, tells the kind of power it hold. That fella has golden soul energy, signifying the light power. You should have guessed mine by now. However, white is the rarest kind of soul energy. People who possess this kind of soul energy are coveted by many. No wonder I was so attracted to your soul.", he said, mumbling the last sentwnce to himself.

Ren Qian turned quiet, pondering why his soul gave out the white ball of energy.

Suddenly, he frowned.

"What is the difference between soul energy and soul essence?", Ren Qian asked.

"Soul essence is basically concentrated soul energy. There's also soul roots. They anchor your soul. You should find them floating in a certain part of your soul that looks like a spring. The more your soul roots, the greater your talent."

The soul created a hollow container out of the darkness and sent it straight towards Ren Qian. Then he said,

"Put it in."

The moment Ren Qian put his soul essence into the container, an extreme urge to consume the essence came over the soul.

However, he controls it and begins the refinery process for the soul merge.

Ren Qian watched in fascination as the quiet dark essence floated beside the soul.

The soul slowly wrapped darkness around the white essence. At first, a violent reaction occurred but the soul continued pressing on and after an unknown amount of time, the white essence had turned into an extremely dense black energy. However, it was different from the darkness.

The soul joined both his essence and the now black essence. Then, he paused and disappeared from where he was, leaving Ren Qian in confusion..

He reappeared moments later with golden essence in his hands.

"I went for that fella's essence", the soul said, seeing Ren Qian's clueless face.

"Only by joining both our essences can the soul merge be successful", he explained, his concentration on the task at hand.

Finally, the soul merge was complete and a formless pulsating energy was born.

The soul made a seal on the new ball of energy.

The soul said in exhaustion, "I'm going to sleep for a while. Watch over the soul merge."

Then, it disappeared completely.

Ren Qian looked at the pulsating energy. It had a slightly golden colour. The longer he stared, the more familiar he felt.

'What is this familiar feeling?'

Before his thoughts could venture far, a splitting headache similar to the one he had when he arrived at the dark place.

He blacked out before he could even realize, leaving the pulsating energy to float silently in the dark place, like a human in zombieland.

And so, it happened that the two left a mysterious energy with a half-completed seal, unguarded within the body of a newborn baby.