
The strongest under heaven

The destruction of planet Vegeta and krypton would have enormous consequences for the Saiyan and kryptonian races. Follow their survivors as they form an unlikely union. And follow Yamoshi story on becoming the strongest under heaven.

dragonboy78 · Cómic
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11 Chs


With the end of the tournament and piccolo defeat a time of peace encompassed the earth. Thankfully for kara And Tarble raising Yamoshi wasn't hard he was mostly calm except for when he spent time with Gohan or used his powers. When his powers first manifested at the age of 4, They had to make a strict no superpower usage in the house. He could only use his powers with parental supervision, Today was one of those days where they go visit Goku and Bulma and the kids get to spar.

" Let's hurry I want to see uncle Goku and Aunt Bulma" Yamoshi stated Earlgy. " You promise to behave" kara asked I always behave Yamoshi stated. Soon the family began their flight to the briefs.

Author here the year is 756 if you're wondering Yamoshi is 6 Gohan is 5.

Traveling the vastness of space Raditz had finally arrived at his destination to recruit his brother by force if necessary. Why has kakarot not killed all these vermin already has he forgotten his mission he thought. "Who are you uh don't come any closer said the worried" farmer. Bang, he had fired his shotgun to no effect as Raditz caught the shells just as he was about to retaliate his scouter beeped. A power level of 1047 "well it's your lucky day you get to live" Raditz said as he flew to the power level. I don't get his power is getting close to my own with a power like this he should easily be able to conquer this worthless planet he thought. Arriving at the power level Raditz jaw hit the floor he was so shocked he nearly passed out. The power level of 1047 was not Kakarot but this blue haired boy he was holding who had a tail was this Kakarot child. Even more shocking Prince Tarble was there with a girl holding a kid with a tail what confused him even further Kakarot power level was 550 Tarble was 530 and the blonde girl was 0. The scanner was also having a hard time reading the child the blonde was holding are they suppressing themselves somehow, is this a breeding colony he wondered. Just as a blue haired woman walked out of the building Raditz decided he needed answers "Kakarot what are you doing here have you forgotten your mission".

" Who are you my name isn't Kakarot its Goku maybe you have the wrong guy". " What you don't remember I'm your brother Raditz he said unwrapping his tail around his waist. "Wait Raditz aren't you in Vegeta squad is he still alive" Tarble asked. "Yes, Hes the one who sent me here Raditz But first Kakarot can you show me your full power I want to see how much you've grown Raditzs" replied. He was still unsure if his brother was in fact suppressing his power given how strong his child is so he had held off on mentioning anything about killing humans or doing anything rash less he makes an enemy of 2 Saiyan's who may be stronger than himself. Goku was still in a bit of shock to find out he had a brother he was a bit warry of him given what Tarble had told him of the Saiyan's. But Raditz was weak and maybe showing him his power could convince not to do anything stupid. Alright Bulma you should stand back a bit soon his aura and ki rose and he began shouting.

Powering up slowly Raditz couldn't believe his eyes as the scouter number kept on rising had he gone full power at once it would have surely broke "8 thousand 16 thousand 30 thousand 40 THOUSAND, he shouted "as this scouter finally broke, he was right Kakarot was suppressing himself he was stronger than Vegeta it's a good thing he hadn't kidnap his child that thought did cross his mind earlier. "Kakarot how did you get so strong are you the strongest on this planet he asked". "No Tarble and I are equals Shes the strongest Goku said pointing at kara would you believe her and Tarble kid is stronger than me Hes only 6 and all we did was train "Goku said with a laugh. Raditz was shocked by this that skinny blonde was the strongest and child was the second not only that, but he knew he had 0 chance of defeating kakarot even in his ozaru even if kakarot refused to transform. He knew the best option to staying alive was to ingratiate himself Kakarot and learn the secret of this Training they do. "Kakarot Vegeta sent me here to recruit you for a potential rebellion against Frieza I can't go back empty handed but Frieza makes us do awful things I'm tired of it can you train me so we can put an end to his tyranny he said unconvincingly.

Goku was happy to meet new members of his family and potentially have a new rival kara thought he was lying but as he hadn't done anything yet and wasn't a threat to her or her child she didn't care much. Tarble was willing to give him a chance but was mainly cared about his brother being alive. By this point Bulma had been desensitized to Goku shenanigans whether it was befriending the assassin Tien befriending the bandit Yamcha or even sparring piccolo, so she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The rest of the day was a very awkward day only compounded when Raditz mentioned his crew might think he died or deserted thus may come here looking for revenge but not all was awkward he fascinated Goku and the kids by telling them stories about gine and Bardock. He also spoke a lot with Tarble technically he was his prince it was nice change of pace from Vegeta who would always berate him for being cowardly or weak or call him low class he was fascinated by the hybrids especially Tarbles as he never heard of a race called the kryptonians he really wanted to see their power. "How about we have them do a little spar Yamoshi loves them." "Are you sure he can handle it remember the jockstrap incident kara asked " Tarble recoiled in terror "no it won't be like that well just ask Yamoshi to go easy on him as he went to go get his son who was playing with gohan.

All this frightened Raditz what happened during the incident how strong is this kid were one of the many thoughts going through his head. "Ooh I get to fight cool like the young boy could be heard saying.

The 2 flew in the air and began their spar Raditz threw a series of punches and kicks but hit nothing but air as every attack was dodged by Yamoshi. Raditz threw another kick which was grabbed by Yamoshi who quickly spun him rapidly and threw him into the air. "Uh how could he be so fast and strong "Raditz said looking at the kid vision still blurry from the dizziness. Once he had recovered, he went in hoping he could perhaps grab his tail and defeat the child to his Suprise the child blew frost towards him quickly encompassing him in ice. "Wow this is fun, but your dad already told me about my tails weakness" Yamoshi said waving his tail in front of the ice statue. Aaargh Raditz said powering up and breaking out of the ice take this saturday crush launching a violet beam towards the kid.

Faster than he could see Yamoshi skated on the energy blast like a skateboard and kicked him in the face knocking him out in 1 hit and catching his unconscious body. "Dad, do you have one of those beans you and uncle Goku use all the time". Yes, grabbing a sense bean, he gave it to Raditz as he woke up, he could only think this kid has potential maybe he could even become the legendary super Saiyan.

Its my firm belief raditz is a coward hence why hes so weak since he doesnt get injured much and has lower zenkais compared to say nappa. So raditz would not challenge someone whos stronger than vegeta to a serious match.

i hope you like it thanks for all the comments if you have a suggestion please post it im open to many things.

also lastly no harem for yamoshi i feel like that would take away from the story although he end up with someone whos a 21/10

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