
The Strongest Trainer - (Translator/editor)

The Strongest trainer - original Trainer of the Multiverse - (MTL with almost no editing) title in here Webnovel go here for 325 chapter, i think the chapter 220 is the chapter 210 missing here, but I already post in comment in there about this and you can read if you want. This is a re-translation/editing of the novel (trainer of the multiverse/ the strongest trainer) here on the webnovel, or in MTL 3391, which stopped by the previous translator, at 325. Once again, this story is not mine, I'm just copying and pasting, and editing the names or creating to fill the plot hole, to understand the story, I also added the words as it is in translation and what it really is. new: as someone say, I starting often the begin, ch 1- because other say the other tl is lvl MTL, and is hard to go the 1 till 300 in this, so, to beginning, after some chapter I go take off the 325+ to make the list right. Synopses : The Strongest Trainer Xiaozhi(ash) who traveled to the Pokémon world and became the original protagonist, Ash, and how will he walk out of the path of an unreproducible strongman, and eventually become the strongest trainer, gorgeous ninjutsu, sharingan, powerful Taijutsu, is in This world has left its own legend, it is still as unknown as the previous life. The end of the Kanto region, the end of the Naruto, the end of the region of Jotho, the opening of the ??Fangyuan?? (not know) area… I don't have the right about pokemon, or the right about the one how made this fanfic, if the author want it down, please contact me. resume: is about an assassin's, (cn bs), wanting revenger like young master, and, grow up in maturity in the long way, he became "ok" after... and the only reason, has a harem of course, and, the MTL is killing my brain with this bs poison, and all names in cn.... you all know how this is with MTL... Already in harem: ?? because is not focused in lemon in the fic the author not put anything, but I gonna put lemons, why? why not? we are free people to love!!!! all ch with lemon is gonna have +18 in title

SolrakRK · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

328: Database Stream Trainer Shingo

"Master, welcome back." Just as Ash was thinking Muramasa as a good people in his heart, all the disciples trained in the dojo bowed to Muramasa, and Ash could see that they were very grateful to him.

"Well, you continue to stay where you are, Zhengyuan(mob1), go to pour a few cups of hot tea." After hearing the disciples words, Muramasa nodded, and then said this to a bald boy.

"Yes, Master." Zhengyuan agreed, then turned to prepare hot tea, while Ash and Sabrina followed Muramasa to the living room.

Here you can see the training of Muramasa's disciples.

"You are welcome to come here as guests, please feel welcome." At this time, Zheng Yuan (mob 1) was holding a tray with a few cups of hot tea on it.

"Thank you." After receiving the hot tea, Ash thanked him, and then took a sip. Drinking hot tea often can calm people's mood and relax the body and mind.

"Uncle Muramasa, with your quasi-champion strength, if you must join the league, you should be able to get a good position. Why didn't you choose to work in the league at the beginning."

Ash was a little confused. With Muramasa's strength, he could definitely get a good position in the league. After all, the prospective champion trainer is not a cabbage. Even if it is a family member, it is definitely better than it is now.

"I have thought about going to the league, but it's not as simple as I imagined. It's almost impossible to get a foothold there with strength alone, Without a good background, you have nothing but a bit of the bread."

Muramasa shook his head. He had also served in the league, but he had been suppressed by rights at in his early days, so he resigned from his position.

Although the strength of prospective champions is rare, there are still many in general big families.

And the league will not offend a big family that has contributed a lot to the league for a quasi-championship level trainer. This is tantamount to losing out.

"It seems that the people in Jotho Alliance really don't have much foresight. They are much worse than the Kanto Alliance." Hearing Muramasa's words, Ash eyes flashed with a cold light. Obviously, he has a very unfavorable impression of the people in Jotho Alliance. .

Compared with the Kanto League, the people here didn't even have a tolerant heart. Ash estimated that the people there were either from the family or from the league, and there were very few foreigners who were pitiful.

"You are Ash Oak from Kanto. I didn't expect you to appear here." At this moment, a purple-haired teenager with a laptop came to the living room and said to Ash.

"Shingo." Zhengyuan(mob1) said when he saw this people coming. The strength of this purple-haired boy is second only to Muramasa here, so the disciples here also respect him, and the identity of this boy is also worthwhile.

"Ash, don't mind his attitude, that's my son, Shingo." Seeing the visitor, Muramasa introduced the identity of the purple-haired boy.

"Oh~ your son is pseudo Emperor, is good, and it's still a database stream, just like that guy Xiaoheng(brother Lorelei)." Ash stared at the computer in Shingo's hand with interest, presumably the same as his own guess.

"Yes, my son shingo is the trainer of database streams, and I invite you this time to ask if you can play against my son." Hearing Ash's words broke Shingo's trainer level and position. The road he took, Muramasa felt that there was a show this time.

"Oh~ is it okay, if I can't accept the blow, I'm not responsible." Ash looked at Shingo with some playfulness. He had done a lot of faceslaped against opponents, but he didn't mind helping him. At the same time, he criticized him. He thought: "I'm going. Not long after I left Kikyo(Falkner), I ran into another guy who went the wrong way. Are people in this world an idiot?"

"It doesn't matter, I just want him to know what the real Pokémon battle is like." After hearing Ash's words, Muramasa nodded, expressing how Ash would attack his son.

"Isn't your level of trainer a semi-champion, you should be able to beat your son, why should you invite others to take action." Sabrina is a little confused, logically speaking, Shingo's level is much lower than that of Mura Masa. Yes, there should be no problem.

"No, Uncle Muramasa's age and experience itself surpass Shingo by a lot. He also understands this truth, so even if he loses, he will take it for granted. Because of this, Uncle Muramasa will invite Trainers of about the same age as his son, right?"

As soon as Sabrina finished speaking, Ash shook his head and directly analyzed the intentions of Muramasa. This also made Sabrina nodded with understanding.

"So, do you want to fight? If you refuse, you can." After a sip of tea, Ash said to Shingo.

"Rejected? You underestimated me. Your level is indeed a champion. But according to the information I got, you did not bring Kanto Pokémon in Chengdu this time, except for Pikachu." After hearing Ashi's words , Shingo said proudly, and at the same time opened the notebook, Fast pressed the keyboard, and found out Ash's information.

"If this is the case, let's start..." Hearing Shingo's arrogant tone, Ash said without changing his face, and at the same time thinking that he must break the other party's self-esteem.

He could feel that this guy named Shingo was not only a bit wrong about the database flow path. If Jingongji Heng(brother Lorelei) was only 30% wrong, then this guy was at least more than fifty wrong.

"This battle is only one Pokémon used, and Shingo only uses Blade, which is his Scizor. What about you, Ash." After taking the two to the battlefield, Muramasa said to the two.

"Me? Just use her." After hearing Muramasa's words, Ash threw a Pokémon ball, and a white light, a ralts in a white princess dress appeared in front of everyone.