
Chapter 231 Fearful Resistance Ability_1

The bar had just been renovated, the cost set aside, the very act of having the bar smashed up, then renovating it again, affected the business and customer spending, it was a huge loss!

So, no matter what, they couldn't let those people burst in and trash the bar!

"Mei, leave it to me, I won't let them break in!" Da Zhuang stepped forward and said to Mei.

Mei looked at Da Zhuang and nodded, "Then I'll leave it to you, Da Zhuang, be careful!"

"Then I'm off, Mei!" Da Zhuang responded, and then led the bar's security staff out.

Because Ye Long had called ahead of time, the staff that Mei had summoned was quite numerous!

Under the leadership of Da Zhuang, a group of security guards all went to the entrance of the bar to intercept the vandals!

Just as they got to the entrance of the bar, they saw a large group of at least forty or fifty people coming over from the parking lot, each carrying an iron rod, with an extremely fierce aura!