
The Strongest One Attribute

Oda Kazuya is the Strongest Young Prodigy of his previous life. He achieves first place in every Martial Art like Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Kung Fu, Karate, etc. Despite being the strongest. he did not enjoy his life because all he did is practice, practice, and practice to meet his Family's expectations. Kazuya died in a Helicopter accident when he is on his way to the Final stadium of the "Karate World Championship" and got reincarnated to the world of Sword and Magic. --- I am not the owner of the photo, I failed to contact the illustrator. If the owner saw it, please contact me, I will remove it if requested *DISCLAIMER! This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Take note that this is for only 18 years old in above.

xRevels · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Boring Life

(PS: Before you start reading, please keep in mind that this book does not reflect reality; do not read it with a realistic worldview. The genre of this book is fantasy; fantasy books are unscientific! and are most likely not true. I, too, would like to know how to throw fireballs and smash mountains with my bare hands. Enjoy Reading <3)

At the beginning of time, there was nothing. But then came a spark. A tiny little spark. It made light and shadow appear. It disturbed a stale world. And from that came primordial Chaos. From Primordial Chaos, came Primordial creatures and Gods. The First Ones.

Eons went forward. Spark has seen it all. Creation and destruction. War and peace. But the little spark didn't go anywhere. It was still there. Tiny flame grew slightly larger.

Epochs went by. Everything slowly changed. And only the flame was burning as it was from the very beginning, unchanging. Gradually the flame grew envious of living. It grew even larger.

Then something changed in the world. Flame had its first thought. Flame flickered and disappeared.


"Who wrote this bullshit?" I blurted out

I was drinking coffee in the living room of our mansion and browsed the internet in an attempt to find something entertaining to kill time. And the first thing that I found was some stupid cult bullshit. Do these people have too much time? Or are they just bored out of their minds like me?

Today was the day of my title defense for the "Karate World's Championships" tournament. For sure it would be another boring fight that would betray my expectations. Should I use only my left hand this time? Will this kind of handicap make it more of a challenge?

As I was thinking of something foolish, an old man wearing a butler suit appeared and bowed in front of me. It was always a mystery how he managed to do that.

"Young master, It's time"

"Can I choose not to attend this time?"

"No, young master. Master will be most disappointed"

"Alright, alright". I couldn't help myself and let out a sigh. I don't have a choice, do I? came a thought, while my body reluctantly stood up and followed Sebastian.

One of the best perks of being a young master of a rich family is being able to use the skies as a road. Instead of being stuck in evening traffic, as normal people would, we will use a helicopter to fly directly to the stadium.

I put on a life vest and a helmet. In my opinion, it looks uncool, but Sebastian would complain otherwise. A small price to pay for the convenience of air travel.

Sebastian went to the pilot seat, wearing the same gear over his butler suit, and started the engine. I sat on the back seat and, trying to ignore loudness and vibrations around me, decided to get some shut-eye.


Ever since my birth, I never knew "freedom". Being born into a rich family isn't all rainbows, you know? And if you are the only child of the head of the family? Yeah. It always was expected for me to be "different from the masses". I should always excel more than anyone else, to be smarter, to be better at everything I do.

Everything changed when one of my father's friends, who I later learn was a grandmaster martial artist, decided to teach me some basic martial arts forms on a whim

"Kid, do you want to learn something cool?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

"Hm? Something cool? You bet I do". I had nothing better to do anyway, so why won't give it a try?

He showed me a series of movements and poses. They looked really cool! I gave it a try and it was so easy. It was like I was born for this!

After repeating what he showed me correctly after only one attempt, he grew excited for some reason and asked me to do it once more. When I did it again accurately, he laugh loudly and patted my shoulders

"Awesome! You're awesome, kid!"

He then ran to my father, while loudly repeating "This kid is a natural". Not sure why, but my father must have thought that it was a good time for our family to enter the martial arts world and that's where it all started.

My father's friend became my first Master. At first, I had fun practicing, but it was also full of hardship because the training was becoming harder as I became stronger. Father invited all kinds of great masters to teach me as well. Jujutsu, Kung Fu, Karate. Too many names to list them all.

And then I entered a martial arts competition for the first time. It was fun fighting stronger opponents and seeing myself constantly improving. But all good things tend to be short-lived. Soon it became boring. I just won and won. There were fewer and fewer worthy opponents to fight.

I'm not saying that they were weak, no. It's just I was too strong. First I decided to switch styles. Then weight classes. But nothing changed for my winning streak. They even started to call me "The Undefeated Prodigy" because I couldn't lose a single fight.

Seems like I lost myself in my memories. No surprise, since I was damn bored! 'If there is a God somewhere out there, please make my life more entertaining.' Sebastian's voice brought me back before I got lost in my thoughts again.

"Young master, I heard the challenger this time is a dark horse with an unknown origin. He also has an undefeated record too, so lots of people say he has a chance of defeating you," Sebastian said

"Are you sure?" I hope he'll make my blood boil again, the feeling that was lost for me a long time ago. Hopefully this time I will finally be able to lose

With all this training, I only ever have time to meet these "proper girls" that are arranged by my father. Family that, family this. He doesn't even want me to have a casual date with someone of my own choice! Every single time I told him that I needed it for a change of pace, he just warned me about losing my focus!

"Young master. Master is just concerned about your future"

Was I that obvious, or can Sebastian really read my mind? Don't get me wrong, I love my father. But sometimes I just want to live my own life.

Hmm? I felt like We are falling, is it my imagination?

"Young Master, please forgive this old man, It looks like someone did something to the helicopter, the controls suddenly stopped responding," Sebastian said with a strained voice and, if you looked close enough, there were a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

"W-what? Are you serious?"

I felt fear of death creeping into my mind. No! I don't want to die like this. Not in a random helicopter crash. There is still much more for me to do!

"Yes, young master, I'm serious. It's all very suspicious though. I properly checked everything before calling you, but now it looks like even emergency parachutes are missing." Sebastian said.

"What? Even the parachute?"

Unexpectedly in this dangerous situation, I was starting to calm down. I don't understand it well but struggling is no use. It looks like the perpetrator intends to kill me. Is it one of my father's business enemies?

"Is there a chance that you will be able to fix this?"

Sebastian didn't answer me, still frantically trying various switches and buttons. He tried and tried, but it was useless.

So far we didn't fall only because of auto-rotation, but now the helicopter started to rapidly fall.

"Sebastian, as an heir to my family, in place of my father, I thank you for your years of service. You did a great job, taking care of our family and me. I will not forget your service."

Hearing my parting words, Sebastian stopped struggling, He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before he replied "Young master, I, Sebastian, am happy to be able to serve your family and you. If there is a next life, I hope to serve under your command again."

He didn't look back at me, I don't know what he was thinking right now. But I can see his shoulders were shaking, he was crying. He was a good butler, I might want to have him again as my butler if there is a next life.

I relaxed and closed my eyes, remembering my father and various masters. My whole life. It was a boring life and I wasn't expecting to die like this, but at least my death will be an exciting experience.

As I accepted my fate, the helicopter crashed at the mountain creating a crater, and exploded.


I wasn't sure if it was a trick of my dying mind or not, but the sound of crystal bell-like giggles was the last thing I heard as my consciousness faded away.