
5 Year Old Hell

Grace Gibbons was a beautiful young girl with green eyes, blonde hair and freckles. Everyday she would go to the park to have fun until one day her mother had a heart attack there. She couldn't be saved and died. This was already hell for her but it got worse. 11 months later her father had gotten a new wife. Grace was ordered to call her; mother. Although Grace did not want to she followed her fathers order and did so. Many months had past and her stepmother had treated her well until her dad went overseas for 6 weeks for his job. Mother had slapped her so hard for each time she asked her to go somewhere or did a mistake. She gave her insults with ever step and word she had did and said. Nothing was a compliment like improving or anything near it. It was all, "you are an idiot if you don't know how to do this or that!" She had gotten depressed in one month. Two weeks after the month her father had finally came back and she was free from the horrors of her stepmother. She had never liked her anyway. One day she got a day off from work and Grace got a day off from school. Mother felt like doing Grace's hair, so Grace was ordered to take a shower so Mother could braid her hair. Grace was only 6 then so she couldn't wash her hair properly so someone had to do it for her so when she came out the shower, she got a big slap and her hair pulled. "What type of her do you call this?" Mother asked, " I washed it the best I could mother." Mother got extremely furious. "This is not what you call washed!" She gave her a big slap on the back which made Grace collapse to the ground. 'This will never be better so get over it' she thought. It got harder each day she was alone with mother. She just thought it was like this with all stepmother. Little did she know, this was not true

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