
The Spring I Fell In Love

what would you do if your life suddenly changed, this is a story of five girls trying to find the way of their life through love, hardship, and sorrow and realizing what they really want... 1st:- The Broken Fate?? presenting Kiyaki Isami 2nd:- Kindness? presenting Mariwa Atsuo 3rd:- braveness and kindness.. presenting Kosirawa Chika 4rth:- expectation and reality.. presenting Fukuoka Akari 5th:- beautiful. presenting Sakyoku Yuina

Yua_Sara_5843 · Adolescente
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6 Chs

a broken fate? 4

"eh what"? i was surprised, to think a person would ask me a question like that "i-i" words were not coming out of my mouth i didn't know what to say to her, i mean who asks a newborn couple if they held hands yet?

"oh sorry" "i didn't mean it that way" she apologized, Fuji was hiding his face in embarrassment "it's okay…" it was probably the first time i was speaking to a senior with a topic like this "you see Fuji is the younger brother of my bestie, and i heard that this womanizer got a new one, so i wanted to see you"

"but you were busy with consoling your friend" she stood from the bench and leaned5 towards me "now that i take a closer look, aren't you a cutie~" i was frozen, like who the heck was she to act like she knew me since i was born [womanizer?] my mind was filled with that word,

"t-thank you" i thanked her nervously, Fuji came closer and pushed her away from me and looked at her madly "i would prefer if you didn't spread any rumors about me Liya" he was mad.... umm how do i explain it, It's like when you are eating ice cream peacefully, but someone throws it away saying it's a prank, and the face you hold was the same as him

"aww~~" she groaned and started eating her lollipop "anyway nice to meet you Isami-chan" just by saying that she again went ahead and sat down "anyway Fuji you gotta hold hands you know" "it's the basic of the basics" she said while smirking

"oh god you sure know how to annoy a person" he glanced at me and then at my hands and then again glanced at me, i didn't get it at first but then i realized he wanted me to give him my hands,

[are you serious!] [i am supposed to give you my hand in front of all these people!] i was having a mental breakdown inside, but of course after 10 seconds i gave him my hand, and we held each other.....

"pfft" she laughed, "sorry, sorry it's my first time i have seen Fuji getting embarrassed by just holding hands you know~" again it felt like she was hinting me something [what does she mean, is he used to doing things more than holding hands... like a kis-] i stopped there

Time did not fly as fast as it used to, after that embarrassing moment i left the room in a hurry and rushed out to our class which was upstairs

[whaaaaaaahh] i kept thinking about what just happened and stressed over it, "wait chika"! a sudden thought flashed over me, i rushed downstairs to the stage and looked over for chika who was sitting beside Atsuo.

"hey am back" i said composedly trying to hide what happened inside that class, "what happened"? Atsuo asked while yawning, surprisingly chika seemed to have calmed down "n-nothing" i said aggressively, although it was clear to them that something had happened.

"whatever, by the way it's almost time for Akari's performance" Atsuo looked at her watch and then peeked at us, we both nodded and went to the class where she was supposed to perform "i don't see her" Chika said looking over at the dark classroom

"right, maybe it's not time yet" we again went around the room and near the stage to take a glance at her, but then again she was nowhere to be found

we went ahead and took our seat and waited for the current person's speech to be over. The topic was 'drug addiction among teenagers', honestly, everyone knew that was the topic since it has been a main topic among the teachers for a while.

finally Akari was called to the stage, she let left her hair loose, wore the uniform correctly, had her tie balanced and even putted some makeup on "this is my first time seeing Akari so dolled up" Atsuo remarked, Chika and me nodded while chuckling, she could see us and had a bitter smile on her lips, and finally she started her speech.

After 8 minutes of her speech which has some..... jumbled words we left the class and waited for her who was hiding her face "that was the most embarrassing moment of my life" she hid her face which was red as a tomato because of the embarrassment and grabbed Atsuo and rushed to the bathroom.

"Isami-" i felt like someone was calling me, I looked back and saw Fuji signaling me to come over to him.

"eh-" he finally had the chance to escape from his group of friends and wanted some time alone with me... The festival came to an end, Fuji and I became closer than ever.

time passed like flash, Fuji and I finally became closer than ever, until one day when he called out to me "Isami! Fuji is calling for you" a classmate called out to me, i went outside and saw him there with a serious expression.

honestly speaking, i was happy he called out to me and wanted to talk in school in front of everyone, i went where he was standing and smiled "what is it"? i asked while tilting,

"Isami...." he looked away from my eyes, my heart started throbbing. It felt like something was piercing it "w-whats wrong with you" my voice didn't come out fully, even while i asked him that he was looking away, Into another person's eye,

"you see..." he began, "I first saw you in the entrance ceremony of the first years, you had a bright smile in your face which captivated me, and at that time i had a huge crush on you. But the problem was..." he had a girlfriend. Yes, Fuji was someone else's man, and he told that girl that he loved me... and that girl was… sigh

things ended with them quite fast, he didn't like her, and she didn't like him, so both parties had no issues, but there was a concern for me, Fuji was a playboy... he had played with soo many girls in the past that people ditched him in middle school, until he joined the playboys… who were just another Fuji

he lost his virginity, and all the girls he had been with were also dumped along with their purity. His motive was the same for me, tame me and make me his... but he couldn't do it because of my aggressive attitude, and finally gave up...

"i don't think this is gonna work out" he apologized… but i could still see him glancing over at some other person "it's- okay..." he didn't hear it, neither did i.....