

Alfheim is a world where fairies exist,Where

9 different races of fairies fight each other to

determine whose the most dominant race.

The 9 races consists of the sylph,salamander,undine,leprechaun,cait sith,pooka,imp,gnome and the spriggan

The Sylphs are Wind fairies,they the fastest race in all of Alfheim

The Salamanders are the Fire fairies,they are considered to be the strongest race in Alfheim and they are masters of fire magic

The Undines the Water fairies,masters of water magic and are also well versed in healing and defensive magic

The Imps the Dark fairies,well versed in dark magic and can see very well even in the dark

The Leprechauns the Blacksmith fairies,as the name implies nothing can create weapons and armors as strong as the leprechaun aside from smithing they are also good fighters

The Gnomes the Earth fairies,they are the second to Salamanders when it comes to power they are also the tallest of all the races

The Pookas the Music Fairies,these fairies adore music and use them in combat to confuse their enemies and support their allies

The Cait Sith the beast tamer fairies,they are the only fairy race who can tame monsters and use them in combat

The Spriggan the Shadow fairies,while well versed in illusion magic and treasure seeking they can also use dark magic and can also see in the dark like the Imps while other races calls them the weakest race Spriggans can also fight well in the battle field with their illusion and dark magic even a Spriggan could take down a Salamander

In the middle of Alfheim lies Yggdrasil or The World Tree.It was said that the first race who could reach the top of the World Tree will be reborn into Alfs and could fly endlessly through skies but the first fairy who reaches the top of the World Tree will be granted the title of "Fairy King" he will unite all the races and end the war between them.

But to get to the top the fairies first need to defeat the guardians of the World Tree,which was easier said than done and to top it all in order to be the Fairy King one must first vanquish the soul of the Evil Fairy King Oberon and bring peace to all the races

This is only an introduction of Alfheim The adventure begins at the next chapter.(This is based in Sword art online's Alfheim arc but rather than a VRMMORPG i decided to make it a fantasy) i need suggestion for i'll create the next chapters

Zylvyrcreators' thoughts
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