
The Spiritwalker

One fateful day, Noah's world is turned upside down when he receives a mysterious black card from his long-lost friend, Aubrey. Confused by the enigmatic letter accompanying it, Noah's concern grows when he learns that Aubrey has vanished without a trace. As Noah embarks on a quest for answers, a thrilling and captivating journey begins, leading him into a realm where secrets unravel... Hi, I'm the author of this book, writing under the pseudonym "PencilOnly【SZ】". This marks my debut in the realm of fiction novels, and I sincerely hope that you will derive great enjoyment from reading it. (*^◇^)_

PencilOnly · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Identity Card

"Investigators of the Boston District Security Department? Is my cousin's work unit looking for me...?"Noah's heart instinctively skipped a beat, and he hesitated before making his way toward the bedroom door, contemplating whether he should eavesdrop on the conversation. However, a sudden realization struck him, prompting him to grab his phone and swiftly delete all the chat logs and call history involving Aubrey.

Next, he tore up the letter that Aubrey had written to him, lit a match, and set the paper on fire. He disposed of the burning scraps in the trash, ensuring that almost no trace remained.

Now feeling somewhat assured, he decided to create some distance and observe from a safe distance.

From the foyer, he heard his grandmother's voice, not answering the investigators but questioning them instead, "What do you want from him?"

Rather than inviting the investigators inside, his grandmother stood in the doorway, blocking their entry.

"We need to ask him some questions. Here are our credentials," replied a woman with a sultry voice.

His grandmother glanced briefly at the documents, her brows furrowing, before finally stepping aside.

Noah opened the door to the living room, his gaze scanning the investigators who had entered.

The lead investigator, dressed in a sleek black suit with a white shirt and black vest, caught his attention. He held an ebony cane and had a thin face adorned with meticulously groomed mustaches.

His appearance exuded a strong British style that unintentionally evoked memories of gentlemen from the 19th century, who had returned from studying abroad.

Standing beside him was a beautiful young female investigator with captivating features. She had a asian-european mixed-race heritage, with a smile that revealed her charming mouth and dynamic watery eyes.

Towering at around 175cm, she possessed supermodel-like long legs that accentuated her slender waist and ample bosom. Her formal attire showcased her competence and sophistication.

The final investigator sported a nerdy appearance, with disheveled hair and black-framed glasses. His stoic expression added to his overall demeanor.

"I'm Noah. What do you want from me?" Noah asked, his eyes carefully assessing them.

As Noah scrutinized the investigators, the lead investigator also sized him up.

The female investigator smiled and spoke, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness, "We are investigators from the Barton District Security Department. We have some questions for you. Please cooperate with the investigation."

"Okay..." Noah replied, leading them to the living room sofa. His grandmother poured a glass of water for the investigators, her expression filled with confusion.

She couldn't imagine how the child she had raised her whole life, had now become the reason why police investigators were knocking on their door for questioning.

The nerdy investigator took out a small notebook and pen, unscrewing the cap, preparing to jot down notes.

Seated on the sofa, the lead investigator, with his cane resting on his lap, spoke directly, "Do you know Aubrey Fielding?"

Noah's heart raced, realizing that this was likely related to Aubrey's situation. They have arrived so quickly... He responded truthfully, "We are childhood friends who grew up playing together. Why are you suddenly asking about him?"

Given their professional backgrounds, there shouldn't be any hostility between them. A simple greeting should have sufficed.

However, his cousin's side showed no signs of recognition or even a phone call to inform him of the investigation, despite being colleagues.

"Oh, so you're friends!" The lead investigator's voice resonated with a touch of amusement as he interjected.

The man gently stepped on his polished leather shoes and spoke without hesitation:

"The police department in Manchester, in the state of New Hampshire, contacted us and informed us that Aubrey had sent a package to you the morning before he disappeared."

He looked at Noah with a penetrating gaze, as if he could see into people's souls, and asked, "Is this true?"

Noah appeared shocked and bewildered, saying, "Missing? How is that possible..."

The polytechnic nerd transcriber interrupted and reminded him, "You just need to answer yes or no."

"Yes, I did receive a package earlier today, but it didn't have a sender's name on it, so I was confused about who sent it to me," Noah replied with a solemn expression.

There was no point in denying the matter since the police could easily verify it through the courier and community surveillance.

The man with the broad back nodded and inquired, "What was in the package? Please be honest as it's a crucial clue for us."

The concerned grandmother couldn't help but feel relieved while worrying about Aubrey. She had watched him grow up, despite having moved away many years ago.

Noah responded, "There was nothing in the package; it was empty."

"Empty?" The man with the broad back narrowed his eyes and scrutinized Noah with his penetrating gaze.

Although Noah was lying, an empty package wouldn't make a difference. He wasn't afraid of being checked. Honestly meeting the man's gaze, he said, "When I opened the package, I found it was empty, except for the anti-drop air cushion. By the way, the package is still in my room. If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself."

If his guess about Aubrey's disappearance was correct, he had to hide it for now and wait until his cousin returned from work to explain everything.

It was safer to discuss such risky matters with his own family.

The man with the broad back signaled to his female subordinate with his eyes.

She entered the room with a smile and returned to the living room after a few moments, nodding slightly to her companion.

The man with the broad back pondered for a moment and said, "If it's convenient, we would like to check your room and computer. Also, please show me your cellphone."

Noah was fine with them checking his computer, but he didn't want them to open the browsing history or access his study materials on the hard disk. Nonetheless, he unlocked his phone screen without hesitation and handed it over.

The man with the broad back took the phone, while the female investigator reentered the room.

Holding the phone in one hand, the man with the broad back quickly skimmed through it with his thumb. Then he handed it back to Noah and waited patiently.

After about fifteen minutes, the female investigator emerged with her long legs and shook her head.

The man with the broad back nodded slightly and said gently, "Thank you for your cooperation. We won't trouble you any longer."

Noah hurriedly asked, "Can you tell me about Aubrey's situation?"

He was genuinely concerned, but he also had to maintain his act of "lying." It would be suspicious if he didn't inquire about the situation after hearing about the disappearance of his friend.

The man with the broad back patiently answered, "Aubrey disappeared from his dormitory. The surveillance footage didn't capture him leaving the building. According to his roommate's information, Aubrey was seen sleeping in bed when he got up to use the restroom that night."

"But when he woke up in the morning, Aubrey was gone. After 24 hours passed with no contact, the dorm counselor informed the school, which then notified the police."

"For more details, you'll have to contact the local security department."

This matched what Mr. Fielding had said. It seemed that the local security department hadn't made much progress, or perhaps they were intentionally withholding information from him. Noah nodded and said, "I understand."

The man with the broad back and his two subordinates made their way towards the door but stopped midway. He turned around and said, "If you come across any clues, please inform us immediately. Don't hide anything from us."

Noah was about to nod when he saw the man smile with a meaningful expression and say, "Otherwise, you might be the next one to disappear."

Me, the next one to disappear?

What does he mean by that? Is he threatening me? If I don't hand over the black card, will I disappear like Aubrey?

Speaking of which, what happened to the card? It disappeared into thin air... I couldn't hand it over even if I wanted to.

"Thank you for the reminder," Noah replied with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Either way, it was better to wait until his cousin returned from work.

Aubrey must not want the card to fall into the hands of the Security Department; otherwise, he wouldn't have sent it to Noah.

Moreover, as his best friend and childhood companion, Noah believed that Aubrey wouldn't betray him.

The grandmother, coldly said with a stern expression, "You guys can leave now. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

What's wrong with this person? He's cursing her grandson for no reason.

The man with the broad back smiled and pulled out a business card from his left suit pocket. He handed it to Noah and said, "Feel free to contact me if anything comes up."

Noah took the card and watched as the man and his two subordinates left.

"Why did Aubrey disappear? Ah...I should visit Aubrey's mother when I have the chance." With the departure of the others, the worried grandmother expressed her concern.

The two families used to be neighbors, and despite not seeing each other for over ten years, they still held affection for one another.

Noah, wearing a tired expression, said to his grandmother, "Grandma, I had a rough night's sleep. I'm going to take some rest in my room for now. If I don't wake up by noon, you don't need to bother calling me."

"If Grandpa returns, please inform him about this and ask him to reach out to Sir Fielding."

After receiving a nod from his grandmother, Noah returned to his room.

He closed the door, took off his shoes, and wearily made his way to the bed. Exhausted, he fell into a drowsy state.


Inside the black luxury car, Walter Eisenhower sat on a plush leather chair, his gold-encrusted cane resting against the side. He held a tall glass of red wine, gently swirling it in his hand.

"Grace, what did you find in the room earlier?" he asked, turning his head to look at the asian-european woman sitting beside him.

Grace Wallis lounged lazily on the soft chair, her slender thighs pressed together tightly. Her pretty face appeared gloomy as she replied, "I made a significant discovery."

"Tell me," Walter said, his expression serious.

The polytechnic nerdy man in the back seat diverted his gaze from his phone and focused on the conversation.

Speaking earnestly, Grace said, "That guy has a thing for mature, dominant women in black stockings. His study materials are filled with content featuring such women, yet his trash can is spotless. It doesn't make sense. By the way, you know what I meant by 'Study materials', right?"

"It doesn't make sense," she repeated. "He has a wide social circle and is involved in various groups, but he only actively participates in gaming and pervert groups. He has message blocking set up for other groups... His room contains nothing but a gaming console; there are no other entertainment items. This guy seems to have a somewhat reclusive personality?"

Grace smiled mischievously, striking a provocative pose.

Both companions listened in awe, but Walter quickly raised his hand to interrupt, his face filled with anger. "Oh, by Jove! This is blasphemy! I say, I have half a mind to give you a good boot up the backside! We're in the midst of a proper business discussion here, and what in blazes are you blathering on about? I've repeated it ad nauseam, do refrain from being a hooligan and spouting such vulgarities. You've got the most dreadful habits, positively lacking in refinement."

Unfazed by her boss's anger, the woman laughed. "Don't be so boring. Appropriate jokes create a lively atmosphere."

She gradually suppressed her smile and continued, "I didn't find anything suspicious on his computer, but I discovered burnt scraps of paper in the trash. Aubrey did send something to him, most likely a identity card, but I don't know what profession it represents."

Walter remained silent for a few seconds, closing his eyes to gather his thoughts. "Come over again tomorrow, but only if he hasn't disappeared," he said.