
The Spiritual Order

Yami Yamasaki is an exorcist forged by tragedy who dominates the world of "The Spiritual Order." A rebirth from chaos, after losing his beloved parents, he decides to walk the path of vengeance. Selling his soul to an ancient demon, the young man follows a contradictory path, fighting alongside the exorcists while pursuing his selfish vengeance. He ventures into a world where the future is uncertain, and death is the only certainty in the face of evil, a victim of the will emanated from the abyss of human hearts.

David_CO · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chaos, Forever

Yamasaki sends the flames diagonally, raising his arms from below as the fire grows, cutting through the air and devouring everything in its path. The intense heat envelops his face, and the flames, alive and voracious, dispel the surrounding darkness with a fiery dance.

Faced with this impressive sight, the shadows around the entity retreat, stripping it of its torment in the face of the impending spell.

As Yamasaki shows remarkable determination, evidenced not only by the flames but also by his confident triumph over the darkness, an unrelenting eruption occurs above the being, hitting it with no chance of evasion—a violent tornado of fire that scorches it relentlessly. Each flame, burning and vibrant, dances frenetically around the entity, wrapping it in a symphony of intense heat.

As the flames spread in an apotheotic display, the tangible heat on his skin reveals the magnitude of the confrontation. The once dark environment now shines with the intense eruption of fire. The light of the flames penetrates the darkest corners, revealing previously hidden details and casting dancing shadows on the contorted expressions of the "victim" on the walls.

Under the incessant crackling of the flames, the demon's body outline fades, while its eyes lose clarity, enveloped by the intense heat.

— It's hot, isn't it? — Yamasaki jokes, his smile wavering between confidence and cynicism.

Despite his apparent calm, his eyebrows arch, revealing discomfort at the unfolding scene.

Persisting in the exorcist's gaze, the creature maintains its unwavering presence. Amid the terrifying scene, exacerbated by the growing intensity of the flames and the looming intrigue, its contortions trigger acidic, purple drops of blood to fall to the ground near the exorcist's feet.

The floor melts beneath their feet, dissolving into an acidic mist.

And its screams, now filled with hatred rather than the pain of being burned, weaken the flames in sonic waves that make everything tremble, leaving its charred flesh emitting a sour odor; it is prevailing over the flames.

In the face of this weakening, the darkness returns and closes in around the being, carving a path through the flames that surround it, saving it from imminent doom and creating a chaotic dance between the decay of the flames and the cunning of the darkness.

In a bold leap, the entity lunges at Yamasaki, skillfully dodging the uncontrollable flames that engulf it.

A roar echoes, and a dense curtain of dust rises, momentarily obscuring the view.

However, with impressive speed, Yamasaki escapes so quickly that the entity only perceives his absence after the dust has completely dissipated in the air.

What remains is only the destruction he left behind, tracing a trail of chaos. The walls seem about to give way at any moment, and the entrance is reduced to a pile of rubble and wooden shards concentrated under the crater.

Amid the chaos, Yamasaki, positioned behind him, ironically applauds the creature's attempt to hit him. Now under the protagonist's gaze, he sighs with determination and addresses the creature: — Nice shot! But you missed, and it was fatal!

Interrupting the gesture, he raises his right arm, forming a pistol with his fingers, while concentrating a sharp sphere of wind at the tip of his index finger, contrasting with the previous spell.

He manipulates the air skillfully, channeling the energy of his spirit through the astral-elemental connection that binds the world, its concepts, and creatures. The synergy between these elements creates this spell, flowing in an ethereal dance of power.

This energetic harmony culminates in the creation of this powerful spell.

His gaze reflects an intensity comparable to the flames he previously conjured, as they consume the scene behind him, transforming everything into a chaotic painting of fire and destruction.

This spectacle makes the building tremble, enveloping it in dust and smoke, creating a visual and sensory inferno.

On the first floor, the supporting pillars quake, cracks flow through the concrete, carving the path of a river in the structure, as if the architecture itself were writhing in agony.

Meanwhile, the only ones present, besides the combatants, hurry to leave the rooms, seeking safety amid the chaos and desperation.

The director and his staff stagger through the corridor, seeking relief from the smoke that invades the area mercilessly.

As the battle continues below, each strike of the entity causes tremors, making them wonder if the building will give way.

Dealing with each movement, Yamasaki faces the demon's crushing attempts with weights in hand, displaying unmatched agility as he evades without even sweating. Each strike tears through the air or crushes the floor, sending shockwaves that make the walls and floor tremble.

The ceiling glass gives way to the blows, and shards of glass fall between them. Their gazes reflect in each piece.

Determined, Yamasaki continues to anticipate each assault, moving with subtlety, as if dancing to the rhythm of destruction.

Maintaining the same "mudra" in his hand, consuming more and more of the wind swirling around the area, compressing it.

"This spell will be enough…"

On the other hand, the creature's skin regenerates slowly with each failed attempt to strike it.

Yamasaki feels excited by the prospect that the creature will explore all possibilities within its reach, while gradually sensing its deeply red aura clashing against the abyssal black aura of the entity.

The two energies merge in a uniform symphony, as if dancing in perfect harmony. Only in such a moment, darkness and spiritual energy are impossible to discern.

"This instinct…"

A growing ferocity takes over his mind, breaking the icy monotony he carried. His ailment seems to merge with the intensity of his aura, creating a being as chaotic as a demon.

"Is it me?"

Interrupting the sequence of blows, he dictates the next steps of the dance that envelops them. Yamasaki increases the distance from the creature, sliding backward.

The creature, aware that its life is at risk with each second it remains alive, attempts to grab him, but the exorcist escapes its grasp, stepping to the side as fast as lightning.

Raising his arm again to the height of the entity's head, Yamasaki sees the creature's claws spreading darkness in the air, a manifestation of power capable of dismembering him. And without giving the entity another chance, he unleashes a gust of wind driven by the spiritual energy emanating from his aura.

As he finally releases the spell, Yamasaki causes the entity's head to explode with a crushing pressure of air, occurring instantly.

Purple blood bathes his uniform, while the creature's body collapses immediately, disintegrating as if made of sand, and falling at his feet.

His clothes and skin remain uncorroded; the blood does not affect beings and objects with spiritual auras, leaving Yamasaki unscathed.

A technique surpassing the speed of sound countless times, leaving behind a cone of condensation in the air that, wrapped in the traces of his spell, dissipates with the winds invading the room.

The exorcist, finally free from the anxiety of combat, can contemplate the scene he left behind. Everything has turned to rubble from what was once the gym, now completely destroyed.

— Damn… So much adrenaline, kid! — comments Azaael, surprised.

Through Yamasaki's eyes, he witnesses the darkness surrounding the building crumble into pieces, which fall to the ground and immediately disappear.

Night has not yet come; the sky is tinged with orange, signaling the onset of the evening.

The invading light reveals several points of light rising from the ground to the heavens—these are the entity's victims, or what remains of them.

Fragments of souls that finally become stars in the sky, freed from the torment only evil can inflict. It is the last trace of life persisting in the physical world, but which, by the end of the spiritual journey, also meets its destiny.

— It's over! — he proclaims, as his aura slowly sheds his body. He feels the heat leaving his skin and the cold, once again, touching it—finally…

The exorcism is complete.