
The Son Of Nothingness

Twist turns await this story. Because when you think you know what will happen the void can easily change it. After all hard to predict what you can't see. And that's what Zoles Blackmoon will have to learn after dying at a young age. But rather then going to the afterlife. He found himself in a place he once feared. A place he will have to conquer time and time again as he must return. That is if he wants to survive in his new world. After all power isn't everything. sometimes simply being Nothing and doing Nothing is best. and for the son of Nothingness. That should be what his best at right?

Wolfs_Street · Fantasía
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5 Chs

To Enter Nothingness

The world is massive. Stretching far beyond what the eyes can see. But what happens when you explore the places meant to stay hidden. Where the darkness warps upon itself making life from nothing. That is the story of young Zoles Blackmoon.

The pounding of thunder and lightining could be heard outside. The rain pounded down onto the stone and wood houses turning the usually hard dirt to mud. The crops of wheat and corn being slammed down to the ground. And from inside a small house a boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes sat in his bedroom listening. His parents hadn't been back since they left early that morning.

Then the wind swirled. The thunder crashed! And the houses thatch and wooden roof caught fire. The rain sizzled as it hit the hot flames. Yet the flames only grew hotter.

"Mom!" The boy. No, I screamed. I screamed my lungs out as the roof collapsed onto me just as the flames went out out.

In that split second I stopped believing in the afterlife. In the gods that were supposed to protect us. In that split second all I felt was hopeless fear. Fear of death. Fear of never seeing anyone again. The greatest of fears I think anyone could imagine. A endless realm of void where you don't think. You don't exist, and the void itself seems not to exist as well. You are truly gone from the universe.

And then I was gone. Dead. And never to wake up again. Or that is what I had thought, for that split second.

I opened my eyes. And what I saw wasn't some god or goddess. Heaven or hell. It was nothingness. I wasn't floating I was standing. I was standing on literally nothing.

"Wh... Where am I?" I questioned myself as I looked around and took a step and then another.

Sounds where coming from everywhere suddenly like the once dormant place of eons became alive. As if there was forests, I couldn't see right next to me. Or the driplets of water I couldn't touch or see but I could hear. I could hear everything. Yet there was light. A dark light. But light either way far away like a small grey dot.

"Anyone there!" I shouted and yet no response so I kept walking.

I walked and walked and time seemed to lose all meaning to me. As I simply walked to the lights direction. It was like a grey dot in the distance.

Instinctivly I jumped down as something launched over me from ahead as I caught the slightest glimpse of it's form. It was almost like a large cat. But I couldn't see it completely as it vanished again. I stood up quickly and then felt something creeping over my shoulder.

I screamed and jump as I turned around to see nothing. Nothing at all. Yet I felt it. It was real. And I knew I shouldn't be here deep down. Deep down I knew I wasn't dead or alive. I didn't know what I was though.

I felt a shock of sorts hit me and as I turned to look a large cat. All black like a Jaguar from books I'd read. Three tentacles like tails moved without gravity and moved like snakes as the tips seemed to open up into a strange flower of sorts that glowed green and snapped open and closed.

It pounced towards me as I tried to dodge but I was too slow and it pinned me down with a massive paw as it long black claws dug deep into my chest. I screamed and looked at it's face.

It's eyes where black and green. And they only showed anger and hate. And it was clear this thing wasn't happen. Either that or very hungry.

Yet as I realized I had hate as well. I hated death. I hated almost dying. I hated acting dying and everything that would still come with it if I died again. Perhaps my final time.

Void itself seemed to take shape around me and formed a long sword in my hand. from Nothing something became. And it formed up and stabbed straight into this weird creature of anger. The blood went down the sword from it's should where it went deep. The blood was green almost like a nice teal.

I felt my head spinning as useless words flashed in and out. Images and languages I didn't understand.

I yelled "Stop... Stop it."

"You little jerk stabbed me." I heard a voice and it sounded older. It had a harshness to it's tone. My head whipped around and saw the cat thing limping back towards me.

I stood up quickly as I raised the sword that was weightless and held it up like a absolute untrained idiot. My small ten year old body feeling the pain from the deep cuts in my chest wanted to just collapse.

"Die!" The thing roared at me as I noticed I knew what it was now. It was a Displacer Beast.

"How the hell can I understand you." I screamed as I swung the sword at it. It pounced and then halfway off the ground as it's two back legs still touched the ground it vanished. I had to spin around quickly and I felt the sword find it's mark slicing into something. But I felt claws dig into my shoulder and down my back as I I tried to scream. But I couldn't. The pain was too much of a shock to my body and my moth simply gaped open.

I fell over as I saw the Displacer Beast collapse as well. I had landed a long slash down it's side as it bleed the color teal blood.

"You... You can understand me?" The Displacer Beast said half in pain and half confusion. It's voice still harsh. It's weird tails laying down like they accept they are dying.

"I don't know how I can." I could barely get the words to form. I wasn't used to this pain. Especially against something easily three times my size.

"You got good instincts kid." It huffed as it tried to breath. It became clear that the cut I delievered went deeper then I thought as his teal blood kept coming out. " Who knows you might... just Make it out of here." The Displacer Beast said and it's body turned to shadows consumed by the void.

Now trying to stand with half my shirt cut through blood dropping off as it vanished into the voids embrace.

"I have to get out of here."

If you leave support in anyway. From a comment that's free to do to anything at all. It makes me feel like I'm going somewhere with this. So if you like it. say so. I will read them.

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