
The Son of Merlin

Meet Merlin’s one of many creations: Gino, a African-American born in Louisiana where just his aura was enough to unite gangs at his school making him the most feared among everyone and he’s also a martial artist. what differs him from others is his ability to change his eye color from golden to pitched black. he’s a very cocky person except towards people he genuinely respects one day his boring life at the muggle school was about to change

Zaycanwrite · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs


Gino and Merwin sat in detention, Gino leaning back in his chair and absent-mindedly picking his teeth with a wand. Merwin had his chin in his hand, both looking incredibly bored. "This is all your fault you know?" Merwin said as Gino shrugged. "You're the one who decided to fight me. Luckily, the school just gave us detention for a week instead of expulsion, and luckily nobody found out that you're my brother, especially when you already got expelled. So you should thank me." He had a cocky smile on his face, still using the wand to pick his teeth.

Merwin grumbled and grabbed Gino's wand, casting Incendio and causing Gino's mouth to catch fire. "Ack, son of a bitch!" Gino exclaimed, patting his mouth to take out the fire. He was about to punch Merwin who was about to do the same, but Professor McGonagall stepped in, causing the two to stop their squabble. "Detention is over, get to lunch, you two. No more fighting!" The two nodded, and walked out of detention and towards the Great Hall. "We need to get ready for the Quidditch match tomorrow, and I heard something cool called the tri-wizard competition! We should enter!" Gino said excitedly as Merwin rolled his eyes. "You ignoramus! First of all, with your grades you can't even watch the tournament, second of all, you have to be over 17 to join! Seriously, how are we related?" Merwin grumbled. "I'll just get Hermione to help me study! Also technically, we're immortal so technically, we don't age, haha, it's foolproof." Merwin entered the Great Hall and shrugged. "You do you, I'm going to eat." He walked away as Gino looked for Hermione.

He sprinted into the library where Hermione was studying. "GRANGER-" He shouted but was shushed by the readers in the library including Hermione. "No, you can't join the tri-wizard, yes I can help you get your grades up and yes I'll be your date to the dance." She closed her book as she predicted what Gino was going to say with a cocky smile. "Huh? There a dance? I'm really flattered but there's 1000 people out of my head and the best thing is to not have any emotional attachments-" He was cut off by pain in his head from Hermione pulling one of his dread strands. "What are you talking about you Git?! It was just gonna be a hang out!" She said in an annoyed tone and stood up, Gino smiled cheekily and rubbed her head. "Of course we'll hang out, we're friends." Hermione felt flustered as Gino sat down. "Who said you can lecture me?" The two began studying.

Hermione pulled out a few books from the shelves and began to skim the pages. Gino watched her in admiration, she was so smart and so passionate about her studies. He began to feel guilty for distracting her but she motioned for him to come closer. "I think I found something that might help," she said as Gino looked over her shoulder. She pointed to a page with a diagram with all the assignments he missed that could increase Gino's grades. "It's a bit risky, but I think you should try it." Gino looked at her in utter disbelief. "Hermione, I don't know what to say. You've been such a great friend." He gave her a hug and she blushed. "No problem, now you better get studying. I'll check on you later," she said with a wink before she left the library. Gino smiled, she was always there to help him out. He quickly settled down and began to go through the assignments. He was determined to get the grades he needed to make Hermione proud. Hours later, after he was done with all the assignments, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He couldn't believe he had done it all himself. He was so grateful to Hermione for all her help and guidance. He made a mental note to thank her for all her support the next time he saw her.

"Good morning, Hogwarts students! Welcome to the first Quidditch match of the year!" Lee Jordan announced into the microphone, eliciting cheers from the crowd. "Let's give a big cheer for the Slytherins and their temporary seeker, Gino Merlin!" The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, with some boos mixed in but quickly drowned out. Gino felt a rush of excitement as he flew onto the pitch, and he waved to the crowd in appreciation. He was determined to make Hermione proud, and he was determined to do his utmost to win the match. Gino and Harry locked eyes as they both prepared to take their positions as seekers.

Gino and Harry took off from opposite ends of the pitch, searching for the Golden Snitch. Gino was sure he had the advantage being on the Slytherin team, but Harry seemed to have the upper hand. As they flew around the pitch, Gino felt the wind in his face and the roar of the crowd in his ears. He was determined to spot the Snitch before Harry, and he kept his eyes peeled. Finally, he spotted a tiny glimmer in the corner of his eye, and he knew he had found it. He dive-bombed towards the Snitch, and with a swift flick of his wrist, he caught it. "YES I WON!" He exclaimed, looking at the crowd who cheered in response. However, when Gino turned around, he saw Harry holding the Snitch and realized that he had been tricked. He had actually caught a Death Eater ball, and before he could escape, he was sucked into the golden orb leaving everyone with a gasp of horror.


Turns out y'all like this more than I expected lol