
The Son of Merlin

Meet Merlin’s one of many creations: Gino, a African-American born in Louisiana where just his aura was enough to unite gangs at his school making him the most feared among everyone and he’s also a martial artist. what differs him from others is his ability to change his eye color from golden to pitched black. he’s a very cocky person except towards people he genuinely respects one day his boring life at the muggle school was about to change

Zaycanwrite · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs

chapter two: forging a path through the brick wall

As Hagrid pulled up to Ollivanders Wand Shop on his motorbike, Gino followed closely behind. Dismounting the bike, Hagrid removed his helmet and they both stepped into the shop. "Where the hell are we?" Gino exclaimed as they approached the counter. "Well, you're a powerful 15 year old wizard, you have to channel your powers somehow, young Merlin," Hagrid said with respect.

"My, my, Hagrid," the shopkeeper chuckled, leaning over the counter and resting his chin on his hands. "You truly did manage to convince him to come, just as you said. Now, what can I do for you today, your majesty?" he asked humbly, gazing towards Gino. Hagrid chuckled gruffly and replied. "It's his first day at Hogwarts, he's gonna need a wand fit for royalty like himself." Gino cut him off. "Wait, if I'm so royal, why the hell are we saying it so loudly? Wouldn't less attention be better?" Gino said curiously, his eyes widening as Hagrid scratched his rough beard. "You would be right if..." He said, gesturing outside to a group of fans screaming and pounding on the glass outside the wand shop at the arrival of the young royalty.

Gino's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the gathering, a smirk forming on his lips. "I can live with this, but let's get a wand. I don't feel like being here all day," he said, as Hagrid walked towards the door. "I'll try to hold off the crowd while you look for a wand suited for a strong wizard," Hagrid said, before walking out of the shop and pulling the blind down on the glass door. The shopkeeper set three boxes on the counter. "This one has dragon heartstring inside of it. It's very powerful, give it a shot," the shopkeeper said with a smirk, as Gino picked up the wand. "Now what?" But, as soon as the words escaped Gino's mouth, the shelves holding the boxes began disintegrating, the dust falling on the ground. The shopkeeper gasped in surprise, backing up and said in an intimidated voice, "M-Maybe we shouldn't use that one." Gino nodded in agreement, also scared, before setting the wand back into its box.

The shopkeeper nervously chuckled, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he slid the second box towards Gino and opened it. "N-now this one has unicorn hair in it," he said, gulping, then added. "A wand with a Unicorn Hair core is the most consistent of all the wand cores. It isn't as strong as Dragon Heartstring, but produces more dazzling and more consistent results." He hid himself behind his robe as Gino picked up the wand and asked, "Can I try a spell?!" The shopkeeper sighed and answered, "Of course your majesty, just be careful where you aim it, please." Gino raised the wand and waved it a bit without saying a spell, and a small golden ball began forming onto the tip of the wand before shooting out of it, creating a huge hole in the wall. "Merlin's beard!" the shopkeeper exclaimed in a frightened voice. "Yeah, definitely not that one," he said as he snatched the wand away out of pure fear. "That was cool but destructive. But the third time's the charm!" Gino said in an enthusiastic voice.

The shopkeeper raised his wand and repaired the hole in the wall with a quick spell. "I really hoped he wouldn't need that one," he sighed and shakily slid the box towards Gino and activated Protego. "This wand is made of phoenix feather, it's the most powerful of all the cores, and it's known for its unpredictable and powerful spells," he said with a hint of fear in his voice. Gino took the wand and examined it, his eyes widening with awe. He carefully waved it, and a powerful stream of light shot from the tip of the wand, engulfing a vase in flames. The shopkeeper chuckled and said, "Looks like you found your wand." Gino blew the smoke out of his wand. "Uh, I don't have any money," he said sheepishly. The shopkeeper chuckled. "Nonsense it's on the house, your majesty."

Peeking into the shop after the hustle and bustle had settled, Hagrid exclaimed, "Merlin's beard! This place needs a real makeover, come on now Gino, I got your books and I didn't know what pet you wanted so I got you a cat." He handed the items and the snow-white cat to Gino as they walked out. "Wow, my first pet, I think I'll name you…Snow. It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?" They walked through the crowd of Diagon Alley, heading to the train station. Hagrid handed Gino a robe and said, "Put this on, you'll need it." Gino put the robe on but kept the middle part open. "I'm a little nervous," he said, looking up at Hagrid. "Nonsense, you're royalty, they should be nervous. Now you've got all your stuff and I have to go to Hogwarts to greet the students, off you go, your majesty."

"Wait what?! You're not coming with me?" Gino turned his head but to his surprise there was no one there. "How did a guy his size get away that fast?" Gino said to himself as he set Snow onto his dreadlocks. "Now where in my father's beard is platform 9 ¾?" He walked between sections asking muggles where the platform is but nobody could give him a good answer. Finally, he saw a woman in a purple robe with a kind face. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you know where platform 9 ¾ is?" She smiled and said, "Of course! It's right over there on the other side of the tracks, your majesty." Gino thanked her and followed her directions. He walked up to the brick wall and noticed a sign that said "Platform 9 ¾". He sighed. "Now how am I supposed to get past this?!" He then saw a kid run into the brick wall. "Ok, that was weird, I should've stayed in New Orleans instead of listening to a bearded man." Gino took a deep breath and stepped forward. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He felt a tug and suddenly he was standing on the other side of the brick wall. "Wow!" he said in amazement. He was now standing on platform 9 ¾, and he could see the Hogwarts Express in the distance. He sighed with joy and quickly made his way on board. Now he was ready to start his magical journey.