
The Skill Extractor in OnePiece

Note the main cover isn't mine. If the person who reads this fanfic thinks starting is ridiculous or at least the starting is worst well I can't do anything about it. NOTE: Read at least till chapter 8 and NO, MC has his journey. If my grammar is bad then please I am sorry I can't live up to your expectations, I am writing this for fun and to improve my writing skills not to hear your negative reviews. ( I will take your honest reviews about my grammar and if you want to talk about the story plot and character development then please just go and reach the abyss by digging with a toothpick )

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Cómic
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34 Chs

The Marines on the move...StrawHats Vs Smoker and Hina... Fireee Fist...

" Now you all are gonna go back to your positions like how you usually do and keep in mind that there will be war very soon, to be precise some innocents who were led to believe that your kingdom capital is using Dance Powder and taking away the water from rest of the parts, and the person who is behind this Is none other than

' Shichibukai Crocodile '

and you will be facing his army along with the rebels ".

Hearing the words of Infinite all the soldiers gulped and they were scared as they don't want to die and so does their country people, but the latter was what they want and thus they steeled their heart.

" Sir Infinite, please ride on me as we will go to the palace and remove the rest of the spies from those 20℅ of the army still left " The makeup guy spoke and Infinite nodded, then the makeup guy turned into an eagle and told Infinite to sit on him and Infinite had a question before but it was completely removed from his mind.

The question was ' ride on you??? do u have a devil fruit that turns you into a vehicle??? '

But seeing the bird he got the answer, " My name is

Pell, sir Infinite ". Infinite doesn't know why but it seems Pell treats Infinite as a knight and he didn't mind it, they reached the palace and found out only 3 spies and they were from the rebel army and they were imprisoned for now.

The day's work is complete so Infinite went into the palace library and read the books, he has navigation skill but it hasn't increased one level in it and so he wants to read books about navigation, Infinite understood few things about navigation in-depth and wants to try it in his next journey. Infinite got into practising his ' Kekkei Genki ' and made no progress, when he mixed water and wind chakra to make typhoon release he wasn't able to fuse them and all the time it was just water and wind chakra, not a typhoon and the same for ice as well he wasn't even able to create an ice cube. But still Infinite read many books and got a lot of awareness about the current world and situation.

Though Dr Kureha had books about this worlds general situation, it wasn't as high as the ones in the palace library.

Infinite spent his day in the library.

******* The Marines

The Rear-Admiral Hina was on her way to help former Captain and now Commodore Smoker as he suspects something big event occurring soon.

There were are at least 12 Standard Marine Ships which has 3 masts and 6 canons on each side along with two custom ships, one belonging to Commodore Smoker and another to Rear- Admiral Hina which are docked and are filled with life, as they are moving items from the ship to the land, and in one of the cabinets of the standard ships

6 people are around a table and discussing the current situation, them being Smoker, Hina and 4 other captain rank marines. The whole meeting went on for two hours and everyone exited the room and anyone could tell they have disgust on their faces while they were leaving the room.

******** Meanwhile -

A ship with a goat crow and a straw hat Jolly Roger stops at the corner of the shore and few people were getting out of the ship and these people are none other than StrawHat Pirates.

" Shehehehe, well we reached Alabasta, yahoo," says Luffy. " Oy Luffy don't run here and there," says Zoro and continued by, " Says the guy who has zero sense of direction, well... ya you are the only one who can tell others not to get lost moss head "

Zoro " Be careful curvy eyebrows I am gonna kill you " . " moss head I am gonna be the one killing you ".

" Ussop, help us over here " Nami calls Ussop and Vivi load a few things on Chopper who is in his reindeer form is being strapped with bags on top of him and he doesn't mind it for now.

As they prepare themselves to leave the spot Luffy started to swing using his arms on tress and lands at some distance and runs into someone after landing, all the StrawHats see what's going on, they see Luffy on top of a woman and the first to react was Sanji, he runs towards the women and only to Luffy to be blasted back and toppling over Sanji.

StrawHats see who the person who kicked Luffy but freeze as they see not one but two familiar faces and they were none other than Smoker and Hina, the straw hats were prepared for a fight and they could take Hina on by themselves but not Smoker as he is a Logia type devil fruit eater though it isn't destructive he is still untouchable.

Luffy and others sweat seeing them, Vivi thought of stepping forward but only to be stopped by the StrawHats, though they don't know what is the consequence of Royals cooperating with Pirates they knew it isn't gonna end well for Alabasta and they didn't want their friend who wants to protect her country to end up in even worse situation.

Luffy nods and everyone nods after that, and in a second Chopper, Nami and Vivi start to run seeing this Smoker transforms into smoke and travels at high speed but Luffy moves fast catches Smokers weapon and hits smoker with it and thankfully the end which has a coating of seaprism touches smoker and smoker gets hit in his abdomen and falls back and hits a palm tree and gets nudged inside of it and splinters cover the air, Hina try to keep her eyes peeled open but she covers it as her reflex action kicks in and at the same time gets punched by Luffy and she propels back at high speed and hits a dune and gets her upper half stuck but uses her cage powers as a stick and gets back out of the dune and on her feet and coughs some sand and lits a cigarette and she stares at Luffy as a predator and Luffy can sense it, meanwhile Nami and Vivi are back on Chopper running away but they hear a scream from their back which was closing in and they notice it was Ussop who was kicked and thrown by Hina using her devil fruit powers, it was grim for the StrawHats. Ussop lands on Chopper and Chopper loses his balance and slips down, Nami and Vivi crash into a dune while Ussop laying on Chopper knocked out and Choppers front right leg gets sprained while he is in his reindeer form.

Then Zoro and Sanji suffer the same fate from Hina and crash into a tree near them, Zoro was fine but Sanji wasn't he cracked his ribs during the fall and he was uncomfortable though he still can fight but not at his full strength, Luffy fights Hina while Smoker was knocked out and Luffy gets angry on Hina as she threw his crew and at that time gets kicked by Hina and Luffy was gonna crash into a tree but uses his legs as a spring and propels back and hits Hina and sends are back and this time she crashes into few palm trees and feels her body aching though she didn't suffer from major injuries she has a lot of minor injuries which is sapling her stamina away, Luffy, on the other hand, was hot, boiling water and one can see smoke rising from him though it stopped after a few seconds and Luffy didn't understand it.

Smoker gets up and saw Hina getting up on her feet and assumes that she was hit, Smoker turns into smoke and comes behind Luffy while Hina is in front of him.

Luffy knew he was surrounded by these two and at that time Zoro steps in and goes after Hina only to be backed down by Smoker and Sanji who wants to help Zoro also gets sent back as he wasn't able to touch Smoker, Zoro combines his arms and spins his katanas and creates a powerful wind but it doesn't have much effect on Smoker.

StrawHats were losing hope but then they heard a voice " Fireee Fist " and then they see flames separating Smoker and Hina from Luffy and a figure approaches the place.

The figure was covered his upper body with grey cloth, has a cowboy-style hat and beads on his neck and black short jeans.

Seeing the person both Smoker and Hina were on high alert as they knew who this person was, and this person was none other than Portugas. D. Ace, the second division commander of

' White Beard Pirates ' their captain is none other than the Legendary White Beard, the only person who rivalled the late ' Pirate King ' Gold. D. Roger and also one of the ' Four Emperors ' or ' Yoko ' and the man who is known as the strongest man alive.

Seeing the person Smoker and Hina thought of escaping as they knew they wouldn't be able to take on Ace all by themselves as he can even stand against High Vice Admirals all by himself and in a fight, he could even come on top of them.

Hina and Smoker thought of asking his business but they hear Luffy voice " ACEEEE, long time no see and it's been two years, I want to know how strong you have become and also did you eat a devil fruit and is the fire your power, sweeeeeeet, hehehehe ". Hearing these words both the marines backed down and walked away and Luffy forgot about the fight and runs toward Ace chuckling and stops in front of Ace.

" Long time huh, Lil brother, ho...


(A/N ) : The fight is taking place at night or evening and unlike canon, they didn't reach Alabasta during the day.

So what do you think about this chapter and Luffy powering up a bit faster than anime and his fight, though need to improve the fight scenes from my side and will do sooner. Also, what do you think of Infinite's Kekkei Genki, also MC will be having a bigger fight soon.

Please rate the fight scene out of five stars and please an honest answer would be lovely, though it doesn't matter you make fun of my writing. I am just new to this, so will be improving as time passes.

X_x_INFINITY_x_Xcreators' thoughts