
The Silent Scream

He is the former assassin. They are the forgotten child. Odd combination to bring down the biggest organization for those who sit on the throne are the one who responsible of their misery. How far can they take to bring down those who disguise behind kindness yet the evil lurk in the darkness for it cost them so much more than they can imagine.

whitedevil301 · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs


Phoenix and Jason didn't have a time to think about the genius guy who still tied up and sleeping peacefully. They carry the unconscious Dylan to get out from this lab before they surround by a big bad guy. But the guy weight is no joke.

"How could he still not wake?" Phoenix complain.

"How could I know? We can't leave him here!" Jason look at Phoenix unhappy.

Phoenix frown. This man sometime really make her nerve boil. "Who said about leaving him."

Even they argue, they still hold Dylan firmly and about to reach the door. But unfortunately, their escape way blocked by none other than the devilish Perish. Giving Phoenix headache. To face this man is very difficult.

They might have a slight chance to runaway if Perish is the only person here. Killing him sound really hard because she just a mere human without backup technology that solely depend on her fighting skill while Perish is a fighter with full of complete equipment to fight. The gap is to big and more over, that man come with a large troupe to help him in fighting. She only have Jason who is really suck in fighting and Dylan whose still haven't found a way to the real world.

Seeing Phoenix and Jason carry the unconscious Dylan and at the side Marick was sitting unmoved with hand tied at back, eyes cover by scarf and mouth stuffed by some kind of clothes Perish couldn't be sure. What an amateur way in detained person.

He click his tongue and stare at Phoenix. Who look sexy in her black lather pant and jacket that embrace her figure beautifully. "I never thought you could dress like this, what a pleasant view." Perish smirk.

"Owh… you didn't know much about me. I dress to what I like. Is it satisfy you? my dressing I mean." Phoenix smile allured.

"It shame that you betray me, dear. I could have use you if I know you this tempted. But fear not, when you in my hand once again, I do anything I like to the body of yours." He smile evilly.

"Betray you? I'm never be with you from the very beginning. I'm not yours and never be yours." Phoenix sneer with Perish claimed.

"Hmmm….so all this time, you just act. Pretending to be mine. I'll give a point on that. You got me, girl. I admit, you so good in acting."

Phoenix laugh. "You see, that's a man problem. When they see women act weaker and innocent, they just give in thinking they can control them. Ouch…sorry for shattered your idea about me being weaker women. I don't like an idea to be chained by you."

"Owh..what a fierce girl. I like you this than before. You see, I fond of the girl you used to, softy little girl always listening to my word but you now is more interesting. How come that obedient girl turn to this, but I'm not complaining though. You… actually look tempted. I can't wait to lay a hand on you, dear girl." Perish laugh evilly.

Phoenix didn't back of, she giving him a allure stare with devilish tempted smile. "Dream on." She said before push Jason and Dylan to the other side, separate herself from them while taking cover.

Perish had lunch an attack. Shot them with a laser that can cut their arm into two if she didn't make a hurried decision to push themselves to the side. She return the attack. Thank God she had taken a few weapon with her before meeting with Jason.

But she couldn't avoid the shot gun from make her bleeding. The laser actually hit her slightly but she couldn't care much of the little wound when there a big problem in front of them. She can delay them for a minute but they need Dylan to wake now if they want to run from this place alive.

"Jass, wake him up. Now or else, don't ever think to see the sunrise tomorrow!" she shouted while still firing the enemy. Jason? It not that he don't know how to use a gun but with his skill now? He will only hindrance Phoenix. And Jason is well aware himself.

Jason as hard as he could to awake Dylan but still no sign from Dylan to open his eyes. Still look peacefully sleeping. But the heart still beating and he still breathing which mean he still alive.

Why wouldn't he awake? Owh gosh Dylan. Please open you eyes, don't malfunction at the moment like this! Jason half plead in his heart, shouting helplessly. He didn't know how to awake this man anymore. What method should be use. Hitting? He already done that from soft hit to hard one still no response.

This isn't a fairy tale, where a prince kiss the princess and then the princess open the eyes and they live happily ever after like the Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Will it happen in this kind of emergency situation? Arghhh….what a crazy thought. Should he ask Phoenix to kiss this sleeping beauty man? The thought had cross his mind but seeing the busy Phoenix, the gun that pointing to the enemy will be pointing at him instead if he ever ask that stupid question.

Phoenix look at Jason. The gun had reach it charge limit and they had run out bullet. Now they had nothing to defend themselves from the hungry bullet that shower toward them. They plan to survive had fall and the only thing they had to do is to blow up this place. Dammit, why on earth they invented weapon that need to be charge? The one behind this invention is not really genius, didn't they? Phoenix curse softly.

The plan is to escape first, be in safe zone before blow this place but even the perfect plan will have a flaw in real situation. The shooting from the enemy had stop. A laughter can be heard from Perish.

"It seem you have run out of luck. I give you a chance to redeem, beauty girl. Hands over the 2 man and if you give me a good reason for why you betray me, I'll consider for you to come back to me."

Phoenix feel annoy with Perish tone. Hell with that, she cursed in heart. She smile irritatedly. Reason? What a funny question. She have more than a good reason to see the Monarch to fall. She is more than wanted to bring down the head of Monarch Company. The trusted one? Don't give her the shit. If only people out there know what kind the man behind the Monarch Company are.

She and Jason get out from their hiding. The gun pointing at them and shot could deliver at any moment to end of their life when Perish give a signal. But she is psycho as him. Death? Nah….it didn't scare them at all. The One behind the Monarch company may didn't remember what have he done but they never forget. They hatred is bigger than their fear of so called 'death'.

"Ah..you want reason?" she smile

"Then give me a good reason why did they burn the Moonlight Village?"

Perish smile faded. This girl, what does she now about Moonlight Village? She is not someone from there. If they now about it, he can't let this two alive and spread a word. He had buried this matter along with the Moonlight Village. Now the name arise, he can't let go.

Perish give a signal to fire. Jason and Phoenix just smile knowing death had near and close their eyes. But it's okay because these facility will go down with them two. 3…2…1….second and as the showering bullet approaching them, they can hear a bombing sound. Phoenix smile because she can finally let her mother soul to rest. Jason also feel relieve because he had take revenge for her suffering mother.

Maybe they can't bring the whole Company down with them but at least Jason had planted an evidence of the evilness of Monarch Company and the biggest lab of this company had been destroy by them. Jason and Phoenix had ready to feel pain from the bullet but nothing happen.

Jason feel weird. Is death is not pain at all. Is he already death. Why the bullet seem haven't reach them yet. He slowly open his eyes. A blurry vision of man standing in front of them become clear. He can't hide his happiness. And without second thought he run and back hug the standing man.

But just for a brief of happiness, he then could feel his head smack by something before being pulled away from Dylan who didn't spare a single look at him. His focus on Perish.

"Are you crazy? Why did you go and hug Dylan, disturb his concentration?" Phoenix pull Jason away.

"I can't help it. I'm to happy to see him awake." Jason innocently answer. Phoenix just caress her forehead because of Jason's craziness.

Dylan had active his protection shield to block the showering bullet. Try to harm them. Death is the answer. He will never let that man alive after hurting people he cherish.

He point a light spear toward Perish who laugh like madman. Not waiting for any word. Dylan make a first strike. The two of them fight hand to hand. Dylan with his double head light spear and Perish with his saber.

The people who pointed the gun before of course already injured heavily by Dylan. Whoever dare to lay a hand on Jason will be severely hurt if not losing life. Dylan didn't have intention to go soft of them even though they just a pawn.

Dylan and Perish fighting aggressively. Every time their weapon clash, there will be a big blow that destroy anything near them. Thank God Dylan had Jason and Phoenix in his protection shield, if not they will face the risk of being destroy but such immense power from the fighting.

At last the fighting over where Dylan have succeed to stab Perish on his left stomach that lead to heavily injury on his internal organ. He lay down looking at the ceiling still laughing. Dylan had turn off the protection shield. He still haven't finish off his life because he want Perish to experience death and painful slowly. Before Perish go to the real hell, Dylan want Perish to feel the hell in this world first.

Seeing Perish lay down bloody injury. Phoenix smirk. She feel satisfactory seeing the man that killed her mother mercilessly coughing blood and in miserable state.

She kneel down, grab Perish chin so that man look at her as his last person he look before die is the daughter of a women he killed. He may not remember whom he killed but Phoenix will never forget the face that killed her beloved mother.

"You ask the reason right? Then let me tell you this, remember the name of daughter's Head of Moonlight Village, Sahara Riecarieo. She will be waiting you in the gate of hell." She let go the chin and stand up back.

Now that the bombing take place. Many of the building structure become unstable. Same goes with this facility in addition with Dylan fight just now, this building can collapse in any moment. They need to get out from here.

They were about to run when Jason saw the lab person whom them passed out. He can just leave him. So he pick up the man but with his strength he could not lift him and put on his shoulder. Damn, this man heavy. It actually not the case, he is the one with lack of strength to carry a heavy thing.

But before he try again, that person had been put in Dylan shoulder. As easy as pick up a pillow, Dylan look at Jason and rise his brow. Jason just smiling and Phoenix just shake her head in embarrassment.

Is this really her brother. If they make out alive, she surely making Jason to learn some fighting skill. Phoenix thought. They hurriedly go to where they should have been according to the plan.

"Hopefully, the chopper is still there." She speak while running.

"Why do we need a chopper? Can we just walk on the road?" Jason ask.

"Are nut? I don't mind leaving you walking on the thin ice? Where do you think we are? Hmmm.." Phoenix really can't with Jason. Sometime this man just a clueless despite having a great cell brain. When it come to thing like create something extra ordinary he brain work fully functionally but like if is like reading the atmosphere, he can be the stupidest person ever.

When they reach the safe zone where they have marked before. Dylan put the man on the floor. And begin to checking Jason for any injury. Surely he saw a blood on his face just know.

"Are you okay? Let me see." He pull Jason closer and inspect his face down to his arm. His leg sure okay because he can run faster. There a bruise mark on his left cheek and trace of blood on his corner mouth. He press on the bruise making Jason slap his hand.

"Why did you press it. It hurt you know. You psycho man!" he push Dylan apart and caress his bruise cheek.

Dylan smile and pat Jason head before make Jason hair messy. Seeing Dylan make fun of him. He truthfully glad because it show Dylan is Dylan who is not control by anyone. Who know what they did to Dylan the time he being held in the green liquid tube.

"It is for the payback when you hit me hard." Dylan tease.

"What? You know? Then who ask you to not wake up when I shake you gently." Jason rolled his eyes. Dylan let out a little laugh.

"Excuse me, I'm the one who's hurt here why do I'm the one do all the job!" Phoenix come back after identify which aircraft that can easily hijacked to use.

Dylan saw the wound on Phoenix arm. And take the blindfold that cover the man eyes and tied on Phoenix arm to cover the wound.

"You wouldn't die from this scratch." He speak gently.

"But really, you act well in front of the bastard. I really think you jerk when you do that to gain Perish trust. Really like innocent girl who could not do anything. I find it bit scary. Are all women this scary?" He continue.

"Is it a compliment or a sarcasm?" Phoenix pull back her hand from Dylan. Annoyed.

Dylan just smile. Women sure a scary. Dylan then carry the lab man back and went to where Phoenix lead them. And in the end, Phoenix choose a chopper as their transport to escape from here.

Phoenix sit at the pilot seat. Jason look at her doubting. Can she really fly this thing? Jason want to ask but who else know how to fly this big dragonfly? So he shut his mouth. Dylan doesn't seem care. If Dylan put trust in Phoenix, so should he.

"What?" Phoenix suddenly ask

"Huh? What's what?" Jason blink his eyes pretending not understand what Phoenix meant.

"You face, can't lie right? It show that you want to ask but then keep silent. It kind of bothering me." She said it without looking at Jason.

Bothering her? She didn't even look at my face. How she know that I have question. Jason thought to himself. He doesn't care to answer Phoenix and sit at the back with Dylan and the unconscious man. He rather have a chat with Dylan than sit beside Phoenix.

"Are you okay?" Jason ask casually. Dylan body seem fine despite a small cut here and there. Nothing serious. But him mind? Jason could not be sure.

"Want to examine me?" Dylan ask in teasing tone and spread his arm inviting Jason to check on him.

"No thanks, if you can mock me then you in nice shape. I mean your mind, how am I examine mind, do you want to me cut off your brain to check if there any malfunction."

Dylan gladly obediently, he move his head closer to Jason for him to cut. Jason push Dylan away. This man really a jokester. How can he joke after being immersed in unknown liquid or after life death battle with Perish.

"Did you remember what they do to you?"

Dylan shake his head.

"Nothing much but there a few fragment about my former life that come into my head. It's like a dreaming but it just to vivid. I can remember a little about my life." Dylan just sit there smiling.

"And thanks to you, now they can't control my mind anymore. I'm free to go anywhere." He then patted Jason head before messing with the hair.

They had flew a few meter high when they receive a shotgun. Ilionis with his evil smirk are among the group who arrive. They plan to escape secretly because everyone including Ilionis will be busy with the bombing situation but their assumption is slight wrong.

A few shot actually hit their chopper making it hard for Phoenix to fly this big fly machine. This is not a good sign. Their bullet shower from the shotgun can make this chopper crash if they didn't think of something to stop the fire.

So for them alive. Dylan got to to something. He had put the shield protection but it wouldn't hold long enough for them to escape. Dylan than grab Jason shoulder and look into his eyes.

"I want you to continue live and please find my past for me." He said smilingly.

"What do you mean?" Jason start to feel uneasy.

"Please forgive me okay. Listen here. Live and bring them down. Don't disappoint me. Take revenge for me." Dylan then patted Jason head and always do the same thing. Messing with Jason hair. Maybe for the last time.

He need to do this. He want them to safely escape and tell the whole world the evilness that lurk the city. He give him his last smile before jump down from the chopper.

"No…no…no… you don't have to do this…Dylannnn….." His heart start to waver. This is not the part of their plan. He had tell countless time to Dylan, whatever happen they are together in life of in danger situation. Dylan had promise but now he break it.

Damn you Dylan. Jason can't hide his sadness. A pearl of water comes down to his cheek. He is not a weak man, to easily cry but it just he can help it. Tear just stream down from his eyes without permission.

He never cry in his life, but today for the first time he experience what tear is. Even when the evil man harm his mother, threaten to kill her, Jason just stood there in anger and hatred but not cry. But today is the exception, he can't even stop the tear from wetting his face. Jason heart broken to million pieces.

"Dylannnn….." he shouted the man name but the man just keep on smiling.

The distance between them getting bigger and Dylan figure become blurry. The chopper getting higher. He want to jump out to follow Dylan but Phoenix shout at him, remind him what Dylan ask him to do.

Jason stare at the building heartache. He could hear a screaming sound. Is it from Dylan or from other people, he didn't know. He didn't want to think.

"You crazy psycho, after all the hardship you left us. Isn't you promise to be my protector?" He vent his frustration. The fire sound become less and less. It make Jason hope that Dylan could fly back here. He pray hard.

He need him to face the Monarch. Jason need Dylan company when he facing all the villain. It can't be with only Phoenix. Dylan must be with them.

But when the building crash in explode, his hope crash with it too. Jason can only shout 'no'. What will he do when Dylan not around to mock him, advice him, protect him.

Jason could only cry in silent to see the building collapse and sink into the cold ocean. The entire building collapse. Who will live under such circumstances. Even the greater warrior would die in vain. Jason can't stop thinking how painful Dylan would feel. Either die by thousand gunfire that pierce his body or crushed by the collapsed building.

Jason sat while hugging his knee tightly. Head down. Mourning the death of someone he care. The protection barrier had long gone along with the fall of Dylan.

And from afar. The sun has rise and give a colour to this dying land. A reminder for people to start a new journey. The death of Dylan is not the end, Jason well aware of it. For now Jason may mourning his lost comrade, but he will back for revenge and will make sure the Monarch will fall to his feet.