
The sight of love

Autor: Rashidha
En Curso · 17.7K Visitas
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What is The sight of love

Lee la novela The sight of love escrita por el autor Rashidha publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Two Worlds, Yours Eternally Guardian

In ancient times, there was a wealthy kingdom named The Kingdom of Opulent. This Kingdom has a great domain and always becomes the best kingdom. That Kingdom was lead by The King of ZIDON. He has three son names, PRINCE JORDAN, PRINCE NATHAN, and PRINCE DARIUS. Therefore, there was a girl that living far from the Kingdom. She lives there with her family in The Mountain of The Sky. The girl's name is MAYA TWYLA. She is an ordinary girl but a nimble girl that loves to do adventurous things. She had a high spirit to follow in the footsteps of his father who is a legendary warrior. Until one day, her father had been chosen to be one of the Royal guardians. The Kingdom was attacked by some enemy that wants to conquer the Kingdom. But, the worst thing is, Maya's father also died in that battleground. And Maya's love story began when she has to follow her father's last promise to protect Prince Nathan, who is the next heirs to be the King of the Kingdom of Opulent. After spending time together, Maya and Prince Nathan were falling in love with each other. But, the happiness of Maya was gone like a flash when Nathan was killed. She was totally miserable. And one day when she wants to bury Nathan's corpse, she accidentally meets an unknown old woman. The old woman suddenly offered her help to make Nathan become alive again. She can't believe it and trying to disregard her. But, as Maya was truly in sadness and she really can't accept the Nathan was dead, she had to agree to the old woman helping. She can't think anything and she only wants to make Nathan to alive again and be with him again. Therefore, once she agrees to all the terms from the old woman, she instantly follows her wish. Like a flash, when she opens her eyes slowly, she was shocked to see herself in the other world. The place was very different from the place she just in now. She was puzzled. She didn't know where is she exactly. In fact, she was shocked to see the different people, different places, different environments and for sure, she was in a world that more modern in her place before. But the most shocked is, she saw Nathan in their world too! Nathan does not even know about her. They really become strangers in that world. What is happening?? Not only Nathan but the other people she knows was in that world too! She is totally confused. What will happen to Maya after she arrived in that modern world? Will she meet with Nathan again? Will their love united again? Why the old woman makes her come to that modern world? What really the secret that Maya will know after she discovered it all? Did Maya have to choose which world would she stay?

refinnej_iaru93 · Fantasía
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12 Chs


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The way you've narrated the story is just pleasant and attractive., Expecting more chapters from you., Long way to go budding writer., Wishes for you...


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