
The shadow of a Villain

Do you know Luciel arctic Theseus? He is the second prince of all of Necrom one of the most strongest and richest kingdoms in the entire human continent called winter But even though he is a prince he is not what he once was just a shadow of his past self Who knows what led to this outcome? And what will happen so that this person will change or if he can change? ******* Since this is a novel made from me don’t expect much I try my best though And the cover is not mine if you are the artist behind it contact me and I’ll remove it And sorry for the bad grammar So have fun with this story

Koku499 · Fantasía
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126 Chs

Personal magic

I Never used the technique that master thought me since he told me that it could be dangerous for my mana capacity and I didn't want to risk it

But this is a game so that means there is no consequence

Master briefly explained how it worked by making the mana in your heart stay there and accumulate it

Until you feel something warm and then poof let it all out

It's like a boost that takes times to activate in games and if not done right then you mana could explode…. In you heart and I think we all know what would happen to normal people who aren't like the great me

it just shows how special I am

Well the other question is if I even want to get out of here

'It feels kinda nice' I thought as I was still inside this creature I was blinded for some reason and there were vines on my arms and legs but it kinda felt nice like a good after noon stretch

'Well I should do something I guess' I thought a bit depressed to be already leaving but I don't have that much time anymore

So I used the technique and accumulated all the mana in the heart waited until I could release it

'Wonder what I'll get' and then in exactly that instant I felt how the mana rushed outside and felt "different" a bit more natural to me

For some reason I knew what I was able to do as if I have already done it countless times before

I casted a spell to make rough ice swords and they appeared in front of me but normally when casting ice spells they wouldn't be able to float like I made them

Ice mages can't control ice they can only shoot or creat but not make them fly like in telekineses the same thing applies to other elements too

But my personal magic made me able to 'so that's my personal magic' i thought excitedly and used them in a hurry not being able to contain the wide smile that was plastered on my face

My control over these three ice swords seemed so natural that I cut through the vines

I jumped out of a hole that I made and reunited with the others who all looked at me in shock

"What?" I asked them I already knew why they were shocked but I thought it might be funny

"What? you say you just made three swords and used them like some kind of medium" nathan said angrily at my remark

"Yeah well it's just personal magic you'll learn that eventually if you are ready to risk your life" I said with a small smirk and looked back at the vines that were laying on the ground lifelessly

"Hmm…." I examined them as the others still seemed to be skeptic about what I did

But neither did I care nor was it my problem


"Argh" i exclaimed as I was attack by another vine right on my face

It was like I was getting hit by whip 'fuck that hurts' I thought I wanted to fight back but before I could Reynolds came before me with his greatsword and blocked the next attack

"Find the core I'll defend you" he said and I immediatly did as he said

I ran through the vines on the ground and tried to search but nothing did I found only these disgusting things on the ground

-rustle rustle

But I heard something in the tree rustling


She took her bow and tried to find anything that might be moving

But nothing moved again 'does it understand what I'm saying?' i thought

My mind was running through many scenarios that we could take but none of them worked I didn't know what this thing is

My last thought was that it might be best to run away

"I have an idea" Nathan told me as he came behind me

"What is it?" i asked but he didn't tell me 'that fucker' I cursed at him inwardly

Reynolds was still trying to protect us with his greatsword while Lucy was searching for the monster

Nathan pulled out his wand and pointed it above

In that moment a big dirt like thing appeared

"Dude you want to kill us?" i asked him but he didn't answer he just laughed it off

The dirt meteor came rushing towards all of us and I started to panic

Not because I'm gonna die no I didn't care about that I panicked because master will surely kill me

-rustle rustle

But I'm that moment something came jumping from the trees

It was weird organic like ball with vines coming out of it with some slime attached to

It was extremely disgusting

But thankfully it died by Lucy's bow


The dirt meteor too stopped and started to dissolve again

I looked over at Nathan as I understood what had transpired just now "I see so you wanted to scare it so it would try to escape"

"Yeah…. But more importantly what was that?" he asked

No one knew the answer to that "i think we should discuss that later" Lucy said and looked at me

"What is it?" i asked a bit flustrered that she looks straight at me

And a bit scared that Reynolds looks at me with a murdering gaze

"Your plan?" she answered reminding me of what I actually wanted to do

"Oh right fuck we have to go" I said and ran as fast as I could to class C base


The four of them were currently a bit further from away from the base of class c they were hiding themselves with a good view on them

"What now?" Reynolds asked Luciel

He was curious as to what he had planned

He was also curious as to why he should be here Luciel promised him that he had to do nothing except watch wich made him question as to why he needs to be there

I'm Reality Luciel just wanted to form some kind of connection to the son of the guy who tried to murder him

He also just wanted to show him that he is at all times near his son and could end him that's also one of the reasons as to why he made such an effort to appear stronger

"You three just watch" he said and pointed at the base of them

It looked clean and nice with Manor buildings and such unlike that of class a and b they had it good

They were currently having some kind of party because of their victory over class A

"You all just sit tight and enjoy" Luciel said with a wide grin that reached from ear to ear

'If I die after this then I'm okay with it I already cleared my objective' Luciel thought as he made his way down

He was hiding behind trees trying to not get caught and getting more near them

He had already everything prepared so all he had to do was take action

'Thankfully they're idiots' he thought as he saw that there are not many guards 'I should take the item that max made me' he thought as he took out the box from his spatial ring

Inside was a knife but not a normal one it was a hidden knife

It was attached to a bracer made from leather in a color all black

Luciel put it on on his arm and tried using it

the moment he quickly moved his hand up the blade came out with even greater speed

The blade was gray matching with the bracer

"Feels good" Luciel said as he made his hand into a fist and climbed up the wall skillfully

a friend of mine asked me why I call the story the shadow of a villain I told him the entire plot until he said I should be mentally checked

Koku499creators' thoughts