
The shadow of a Villain

Do you know Luciel arctic Theseus? He is the second prince of all of Necrom one of the most strongest and richest kingdoms in the entire human continent called winter But even though he is a prince he is not what he once was just a shadow of his past self Who knows what led to this outcome? And what will happen so that this person will change or if he can change? ******* Since this is a novel made from me don’t expect much I try my best though And the cover is not mine if you are the artist behind it contact me and I’ll remove it And sorry for the bad grammar So have fun with this story

Koku499 · Fantasía
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126 Chs

A master to teach me

Although I didn't want to, I still have to go to Musashi if Mr Sotra says extra, although he's annoyed by such things, then it must be important

I would have much rather started planning for my revenge but that will have to wait I have at least one main goal for now and that would be Gradar Helm

unlike emily, it's a lot easier to take him down for now

i was thinking about what i should do with gradar until i arrived at koichi musashi's office

this office was located in one of the towers of turt it is also a castle after all you could look out and from there you could see the beautiful waterfall with the water flowing up instead of falling down

'no matter how many times I see it, it still confuses me' I thought to myself, wiring myself back to the dark brown door that said [Koichi Musashi].

-knock Knock

I knocked and hoped that he wasn't there but unfortunately the opposite seemed to be the case

"Come in" I heard the voice of my teacher behind the door, who seemed to be very lazy but for some reason a little more energetic this time, which surprised me a little since it was already evening

not that I'm a better example

I opened the door and was immediately amazed by the view I saw


I knew this room had to be big after all, koichi musashi is the second strongest human on the winter continent with solomon jedidah as the strongest, but that's bigger than it should be

'is there some magic at work here?' that may be the only reason it was space magic for sure it's the same people who make our space rings

but a whole room wow

The office looked like a Japanese garden with a small river in the middle and a bridge across it was a kind of house made of wood which only had a long table in the middle and several benches on the inside that went higher and higher how to step

there were many plants in this area all of them were well cared for even if there was no real sunlight here the walls were beige in color and looked like real walls of real japanese gardens

that light on the ceiling seemed to adapt to the light outside because it was getting darker and darker

I looked around for Musasahi and noticed him in the little house inside he seemed to be reading a book

He wore a kimono with a dark gray "skirt" over his slim body I don't know what it's called and the top was black with dark blue butterflies drawn on his hip was a wooden sword to see

His dark brown hair flowed sleekly with the wind, which for some reason was here even though we're indoors

'Where does the wind come from?' I asked myself but forgot that again this entire space made no sense

i crossed the bridge and noticed that in the river there were fish called koi fish

But instead of continuing to admire this "room", I went to Musashi, who was laying his book on the round table

He pointed to the seat across from him and I sat down there

He started looking deep into my eyes and I just stared back into his black eyes

"You had a panic attack?" he asked me

"That's what it was about," I knew, but I wasn't sure

I just nodded in response to my look, still full of indifference since I honestly didn't care if he knew or not

"...well I don't really care to be honest," he said, picking up his book again and moving to the next page

"Aha... can I go too?" I asked him, leaning back

"No..." he said, however

I looked over at him confused and asked him "What else?"

"Adam sotra wanted me to take care of your panic attack, but I don't know how"

"Then why did he ask you?" I asked him out of curiosity and he replied "Because he doesn't have any other friends"

"... I could have guessed", I thought to myself and asked again "and why can't I go?"

He suddenly stood up and looked down at me with a small smile which to be honest scared me "Because I've taken an interest in you"

"... Pardon?" I was confused, I could hear one thing in my "Luciel.exe stopped working"

"You already understood how you know that I am one of the strongest right?" he asked me but without waiting for my answer he continued "in all my years in this world I have not accepted a student because all of them the I was asked by some arrogant children who thought they were something better and always followed the rules"

He paused for a long time, looking deep into my eyes "But you... you are aware of your own weaknesses and ruthless and the best thing is that you have little interest in others"

I looked at him still a little confused "but I'm also untalented" I said

It would actually be normal that such a strong person would have to be a talented, good-looking strong person with good character who would be the main character of a novel

But he wants to choose me "well and I'm Koichi Musashi as if I couldn't do that" he seemed enthusiastic although he usually seemed so tired

'He seems to be a night owl like me'

"So you accept me as your master," he asked, sitting back down, a playful smile spreading across his face as he said this

'It's a good opportunity... but also dangerous'

It is true that if he trains me I will surely become more powerful but if it turns out that I am his student then my face could be exposed and those who saw Luciel Arctic Theseus face will know that he is not dead but has a new name

'Nah it doesn't matter I accept it' I thought to myself and a grin crept onto my face 'then they should know that I'm alive the second strongest is therefore not only my teacher but also my shield not even father can harm him'

My grin widened the more I thought about it 'and those who wanted me dead in Necrom will know I'll get stronger and hunt them down'

My grin turned into a disturbed and bizarre smile and my purple eyes looked over at Koichi

"when do we start master"

The next few chapters are more of a training arc type of stuff

Koku499creators' thoughts