
Chapter 1: Leaving Underground Colosseum


"Ahaha! Moan you b*tch!... Take this in!" A fat ugly old man cums inside me and drops me down onto the cold floor. He spits on my face while looking dead eyes.

"Tch, this one is boring. Guards! Take this one back to the Colosseum. This one might make a good show." He yells out to the guards by the doors. They came into the room and carried me through the hall that would head to the Colosseum where gladiators fight against other gladiators, slaves, captured people, and against monsters.

It was an Illegal Underground Colosseum, as this colosseum uses innocent people, brutality, and all sorts things that would be called illegal to bring in the ring.

I've been to this ring multiple times, I was even the champion, until I was defeated by a arrogant, talentless, and worthless noble who wanted to show off by beating me, he even cheated! And to humiliate me even more, he drugged me, turning me who was once a Male, to a Female. Then sold off to be a prostitute.

They still make me fight against others when I became a female and worn out from being f**ked by various people. From within and outside the colosseum.

I wanted revenge from everyone that did this to me, as I was once a man living his normal life until poverty came, and I was even framed for stealing money in the company. Jealousy from people with higher status but got their status because with status and they didn't have talent rise from the bottom.

As I rose from the bottom and had a successful life until they framed me and everything was taken from me. My girlfriend left me for money, which made me despise her as I now knew she was just a gold digger. My home, personal money, property, etc, everything, was taken.

I was then a poor, homeless man, unable to get a job or any paid work. I then went into doing Illegal stuff as I couldn't handle the hunger or poor life I was having, went into the Underground Colosseum where people can volunteer to fight in the rings to get money. Which I entered and got the money.

I slowly risen from the bottom again, grew physically stronger, made a self taught technique that had brought me up from the bottom in the rings. This technique was made with various martial arts I saw, learned, or figured out, combined with some other techniques originating from not just martial artists, but from Assassins, Military Soldiers, Tricksters, and even from Mages that surprisingly were in the colosseum.

But just like before, I fell back to the bottom, my Technique which I call Oblivion's Shadow World Art. Why it was called Oblivion Shadow Arts, well, as this Art makes my Flexibility and Reaction to the top, My Combat Arts pretty destructive and precise, and It work with occupation and weapon. As for the naming sense, Oblivion I came up from the Realm Of Oblivion, A world filled various and strangest things that are both bad and good things. The Shadow World is me being intangible to any attack, ranging destructive AoE to Target Lock Attacks, like a Homing Fireball.

As to how Oblivion's Shadow World Art failed me, well, it doesn't help me dodge poison that I ate from the food I eat. The Poison wasn't lethal but it was undetectable and it would just paralyze me. Cheaper than undetectable Lethal Poison that would kill me an instant and it being able to kill people in High Level.

Oh! And my name is Zlodar Teranid...

Well as time passes, Oblivion's Shadow World Art helped me survive the colosseum and earned tons of money in my personal and unaccessible bank account. That had made during the time in the colosseum. I learned how to do this is from the time I spent in School and College I went to. Learned various things from Codes to Machines or Gadgets, and Biochemisty.

I was only able to make a unhackable Bank Card with all the materials and things I was able to have access to.

With my current situation and degradation, I was able to buy myself out of the colosseum and people wouldn't mind and care. I was no longer the champion, winning streak broken and my prowess was degraded. So until my combat prowess return no one will bring their attention back to me.

My looking at the last time I checked, my price was at $200,000, which was a year ago. Going to the room's Terminal, scanning my finger print I saw my profile and saw the price.

"$20,000 huh, good enough, I don't want to waste anymore time." I was 55 years old already, max lifespan my Human Race can go was 200 years. As thankfully with the current technology, people can live longer and look younger, then turning as a Old man when they reach 150 years old. So I got about 100 years till my body will really degrade on me.

As for how much money I have in my Card, well look at the screen.

[ $9,415,597,120 ]

This amount equals to the amount millionaires get to have within 20 Years at less. Unless these Millionaires are talented businessmen, then they would get this much in about 5 years, 1/4 the amount that normal Millionaires would get.


Taking a shower, cleaning myself and making myself look like proper looking women, which I had adapted as, learning how to act like one from the times I interacted with during my School and College Days. Looking at the mirror and seeing my appearance, I would comment that I would look like a Sexy Model in those Magazines I was find here and there.

Taking some guests here, my breasts have become pretty big than normal, around D or E. Hopefully it wouldn't get any bigger as it obstruct my movements, I would have to modify my Art even more for females, as the Technique was made for me, whose was once a Male then. Having to modify it to fit a female.

"*Sigh* even these are soft and nice, they are really heavy then expected. I wonder girls even hold these, and expect these to not sag and become ugly looking." Wearing a tight holding bras to make them look smaller, a Sports bra, Musnow Leggings, with High Heels. As I somehow find High Heels fun, unique and some how beneficial in both Movement and Kicking. The color was mostly Black with some purple parts here and there.

*Crack* *Crack*

Cracking a few parts of my body make soreness feel go away. "Damn that old man, how is so energetic even he looks to be i don't know, 180 years old?!" Kick around a few times, then picked up a few small items that could be easily hidden in few places, which you people like to know.

They were up my two holes, in my heels, and in the middle of my breasts. "Mmm..." Walking around a few times to get used to the feel, I then went back to the terminal and started the process on getting me out.

*knock* *Knock* "We're coming in!" I waited by the terminal and they came walking in the room. Warden, who watches people like me, Gladiators or something, takes 'care' of us. Make us in 'perfect' condition before we go into the ring.

He is followed by two more people who are Guards that are holding MR-AR, or Medium Range Assault Rifles. They one of the few Basic Weapons people can buy. There are Illegal Weapons and Military Weapons. Pretty Obvious where the Military Weapons belong to, and the Illegal Weapons are special and limited weapons which are between 100 and 200 in their production. There are even rarer Illegal Weapons that can only range between 10 to 20.

There are Special Weapons, but they are One of A Kind, Like Excalibur, or Gaebolg, or some other kind special weapons out there.

"You're Free! Congrats! Now Get Out." Warden Tells me with a arrogant and 'F**k Off' Tone. He didn't say much, just escorted me out of their Underground Colosseum, which is pretty big and hidden surprisingly well. It took me a awhile to find this place, Which was like couple of years.

When I got the Exit, they opened the door, and pushed me out, then close it immediately. The push wasn't strong to the point I would fall to the ground, but just make me put a few steps forward. Looking at my surroundings, it was pretty different from where I found the place, but it to be expected of. As their entrance to that place changes and randomizes, the doors to the place was like a Teleportation Gate. They probably spent a lot of money and time to make special gates that would only and randomizes to enter that.Underground Colosseum. In the same time, not get found out.

Taking a look at my Bank Card, it went down by 20,000 dollars. I kinda checked to see if they tried to scam me by showing a low price for to get out, and secretly it pretty higher than 20,000 Dollars.

For where I am, I was in alley way in a High Class City. What are High Class Cities? Well you gotta know that there are three types of Cities, High Class, Medium Class, and Low Class Cities. There are no types for Villages, there are Big Towns and Small Towns, but right now talking about Cities.

High Class Cities is a big and rich city. Technology here are more advancer and a lot of things are found here. The Similarities between Cities are them having Advance Technology, Rich Supplies, Skyscraping Buildings, just having things that Villages and Towns barely have. As for differences, it's their Size, How Advance their Technology are, and how rich it was.

From what I meant Rich, I meant everything in the cities are rich, from Rich People to Rich Supplies of many things. Even has some things that aren't even found in places other than the High Class City.

Well, coming back to the present. I looked around and I could see people walking around on the sidewalks, some are Businessmen in their Suits. Most are random bystanders walking around to whatever destination, interacting with their friends, families, or acquaintances.

Wanting to not bring must attention to myself, I tried to blend in with the people and lowered my head so people won't notice much of my face.

My first objective when being freed from the Underground Colosseum, was to get a Phone or a Technological Mobile Device that does things like Computers but also function as a Phone. Without a 'Phone' I wouldn't able to find the things I want most or communicate with the people I needed/wanted to talk to. And I needed to have something to connect to the Internet, I could get a computer, but they are too big and they aren't much as a Communication Device.

Though this is my first time to being here, there are maps around the city to guide many lost people. There are A.I Terminals that would help people and announce important news or information. Like War is coming, storm gonna come and the such....

After walking with the crowd for about an hour, I found a A.I. Terminal, along with the Map Hologram next to it.

{ Hello, What can I help you with? } The A.I. asked of me.

(A/N: { } is for A.I.'s )

"Can you tell me where I can get to the nearest Shop on where I can buy a phone?"

{ The Valactus Store is has the phones and is highly rated brand. It's located here... } The A.I. shows a map with two dots indicating our location and the where Valactus was located. It wasn't that far, just half an hour and I would be there.

"Thank you." Thanking the A.I. brought the A.I. to smile at me.

I walked away the A.I. and towards the Valactus Brand Store.
