Chapter 1
"Felicity you are so funny, I mean what were you actually thinking about that other time in church, so you are now a millionaire donor? or were you thinking about the last time, our hug and kisses, you like me too right ?" Josephine daughter of Soph and Jos groups of company twin daughter, a beautiful princess, she's loved by anyone who come across her, this made her parents wanted to give her hands off in marriage at all costs to rich families that showed interest in their precious daughter. she kept smiling to what happened yesterday in church, from the beginning of the service till almost the end Felicity (one of the servants of Josephine's father, an instrumentalist) hardly heard anything, he was lost in his thoughts the Pastor said "..... you can stand up now" Felicity didn't hear the statement before "you can stand up now " he jumped to his feet only him and few business typhoons were standing including his master Josephine and Sophia tried to hide their smiles, it was almost difficult, but they were able to suppress the laughter "wow! let's applaud them so this are the individuals giving us a million dollars each " the Pastor said with broad smile. " please can you come to the front ? Yong man can you come to the front please? You are challenging young people here, God bless you my son" cold chill went down Felicity's marrow like an electric shock "a million what? " "Where can I get a thousand dollars talkless of a million ". he murmured to himself and ashamed . "I neeeed to visiiiit the rest room" he said stammering, that was how he ran back home. He's always been swayed by his thoughts " at a time in my former church, the Pastor was preaching I could hardly hear anything 'cos I was lost in my thoughts, then the pastor said "...stand up" I stood up, and everyone started laughing at me, the Pastor then said. "I asked if there's anyone who wants to go to hell fire let him stand up" It shows you aren't here fully,. I was ashamed that day as if I should disappear to thin air" Josephine was just laughing hard and loud. " You know what? I like it even if you do stupid things, it makes you look handsome and cool hearted, I like it when you do funny things, especially yesterday's incident, I can see we are meant to be together, I need to go to my family before they'll be worried sick of me and start turning every stone to see if I am hid there is.
It was a cool weathered sunny day where the Josephine's family were enjoying the breeze of the day. " what's it that you want this time and where are you coming from?" Sophia acclaimed. "why are you always sounding like you are jealous, or are you really jealous?" Asked Josephine. The girl's were seeing fighting eachother, this had always been there custom. " you guys should prepare for our visitors tonight, the family of the Edwards will be having supper with us" said there father, with unison Josephine and Sophia echoed "what!!! " Josephine said " not this time again dad" her father then said. " my decision on whom you marry is not to be questioned after all I meant good for you girls " said their father. There nother cautioned them not to disobey their Father, "ok we wouldn't disobey him but ...." their parents left for their room. " Sophie I need your help, I don't want to marry that Martin I don't see us coming together, this time I am damn serious " Sophia listened and realised the certainty on her twin sister's quest " don't you dang worry I will help you, I bet you, you'll be fine " "how will you?...." Sophia left the room immediately, not waiting for Josephine to finish asking her questions.
"You are all welcome!!" Josephine's parent welcomed their guests "we are pleased to have you all here especially with Martins here to have supper with us, he's grown up to be a man" said the Josephine's mother "we are happy to be here, now that we'll be talking about Josephine and martins's marriage, am I right?" Martin' was happy he then gave his own opinion "Yeah mum I love her so much, that I can't wait to see her beautiful face" "ooops!! I beg your pardon she'll be right here this instant " Josephine mother sent for her daughters for the dinner, they both entered and sat at the table, then Sophia broke the silence "martins how have you been? It's been a while, and to think you are here at this time I know Josephine will be glad " Sophia looked at Joséphine faked a smile then raised her glass "To the engagement of Josephine and Martin" everyone was flabagasted how audacious, she really is, even Josephine could not believe herself after telling her to do something to scatter the meals, Josephine got no choice than to believe in her twin sister, everyone raised there glass " to martin and Josephine's engagement" they said in unison, Josephine's parents were proud of Sophia that blissful day, "that's my daughter" Josephine's father said to himself proudly.
"I think we should allow them have fresh air outside or am I the only one thinking about it?" Sophia asked, they all starmered in there response "Yee ee ss I think you are right? " Sophia looked at Josephine with the face that reads "just trust me if you disappoint me, I will cut your neck!!" Josephine smiled and said "yes I think she's right. Charles let's go get fresh breeze outside " it's okay by me let's.... " Martins is trying to stand up from his seat but cannot, he's been glued to his seat . ".... You guys are looking at me ? I can't stand up from this seat for real" they all sprang to their feet except for Martin's father who had also being struggling to get up from his seat too, they (Sophia and Josephine with There parents, with Martin's mother) tried to drag martins from the chair "one, two, Three pulllllll" they all said, Charles was forced from the seat but his trouser was torn "what's happening? "How could this be happening, this is just a disgrace I thought you said you are inviting us for family reunion, but this is something far from what you say it's " martin's mother responded angrily, pissed with the whole situation. They left angrily
" Who caused the chaos? I say who!!" I will not let it slide because this is just a disgrace to my personality, , marrying martins the congressman's son is the best option for my daughter, but you people failed in your business to make things go on as it's supposed to be " Josephine's father said angrily to his workers. "Sophia you are really sophisticated, I can't read through you, how much of this could you possibly do that I don't know about? I don't expect it to be done that easily but thanks to you I don't have to sit idly on that table worrying sick of Martins or Daddy" Said Josephine joyfully "I will treat you to a meal someday to thank you" "you don't have to worry, what are sisters for if I can't fight for you, by the way who is this Mr right, that you love so Much that makes you reject dad's choice?" "Hmmmm.... Can I trust you?" asked Josephine "yes I promise" " Fel fel iicity " starmered Josephine "what! Felicity? The guy that plays musical instrument or which Felicity is not known to me?" "anyways I am ready to help you anytime "
"It's been two months since the break up between Josephine and martins, no response from Martin's family despite our apologies " Josephine's mother lamented " who could have done that, I mean, I don't want to think about it " "or could it be Josephine's plan to cut off the engagement? But Sophia, she was acting strangely on that day or what did you think?" " Wait!! I never thought about it that it could ever be those naughty girls, I agree with you, it could be there plan all along. you know what I want to play along this time and catch whoever did that, barristers Collins's son is another suitor, that sophia, I will make her pay for what she did, if she and Josephine planned it all along "