
The Scourge: A Young Boy's Journey into Magic

Have you ever wondered how a villains are created? How a seemingly normal person could become the scum of the earth? Come on an adventure and witness the growth of Ciaran. Join him and see what fate has instore for him, and what he will do to fight back, and just how far he will be willing to go to get what he wants. Ciaran Clades is a boy born into the world of Dyrta, a world full of magic and wonder. Born to the Clade family, merchants by trade, he lives a well of life, full of the happiness of the middle class. All is going well for the young lad, until it doesn't. [A chapter has 1,500+ words] [At least 1 chapters per day, possibly more, depending on my schedule, and on reader activity]

Lex_Lorger · Fantasía
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146 Chs

Chapter 144: Offcial

"If you two are done causing trouble, we can finally get going. I like this city, but we have a job to do." Veronica said impatiently.

She liked to cause chaos, but hers was always planned and contained. What the duo did was unpredictable, dangerous even. Just now they were on the verge of killing two teachers.

The Academy was less united than the army, but they too would have hunted them down. And the worst part was that both Diana and Ciaran understood that, they simply didn't care.

"You went too far, but the fact the staff of the prestigious Academy couldn't contain the tantrum of two children is far more worrying. As long as there were schools, there were hormonal teenagers causing messes. If they aren't even prepared to stop two, how would they help twenty thousand? "Perseur said, shaking his head.

He didn't mind their antics, as far as messes caused by royals went, this one could hardly even be called one.

Veronica wanted to protest more, but she saw that no one cared about it anymore.

"You are all lunatics. Why am I dubbed the 'Wild One' among our family?" She grumbled.

Ciaran couldn't care less what they wanted and just pulled Diana in the direction of the Clades manner. Missions could wait, this could not.

The royals were confused but decided to follow.

"Sis, keep them here for now, we will have the talk with them when we get back." He said, and before they knew it, both the prince and the princes were teleported somewhere.

Verdania and Eleftherios then appeared out of nowhere and gave the couple the nastiest grins they could.

"Well now, I wonder what you will be talking about?" Eleftherios said, enjoying the rare moment of shame the boy felt.

"Could it possibly be related to this?" Verdania teleported herself next to the kids and lifted up their hands.

The two have been holding on to one another ever since they became official. It was an innocent gesture of their tender young love, and that's why they got extremely embarrassed about it.

Diana started mumbling something that just barely sounded like a language, whereas Ciaran puffed up his chest. With how red his ears were, however, he wasn't fooling anyone. That being the case, neither of them let go of the other.

"I take back everything I said and thought about you girl. You have my permission to be with my boy. And Ciaran doesn't pay attention to your Master, he squealed like a little girl when she accepted your feelings." Verdania said, to the protest of everyone involved.

Then when the dryads were finally done teasing the children they sent them off. Ciaran didn't understand how significant it was for him to first tell them about his relationship, even tho it was a little forced. They were over the moon for both the new couple and for the fact he told them first.

As they were walking toward his house, Diana became increasingly nervous. She understood that it looked horrible for her to date someone so young. But then again, it looked worse she just got in a fight with a teacher over him, so there was plenty they could say about her, and none of it was good.

Ciaran on the other was having the time of his life.

'Can you believe she said yes Ari? I thought I had to wait years for an answer. I have to thank that preditor for pushing her into my arms.' He said, and the spider nodded her head.

She had spent a lot of time with Elizabeth, and some of her moral virtue had rubbed off on the little spider, but Ariadne was now, as always, most influenced by her Master.

She could give a damn about Fia, but the sexually crazed woman had actually been useful today.

'Remember, don't just outright blurt out "I have a woman now!" when we get back home. Be considerate of Diana's poor heart. She is so nervous I can hear her heartbeat from inside your soul. '

Ciaran turned to the girl and gave her a peck on the cheek. He didn't push his luck; he just wanted to calm her down. Amazingly it made things worse, and it kicked her mind into overdrive.

He could feel her hands becoming sweaty, her knees becoming weak, and her acted like her arms were heavy.

'See what you did, now hurry along before the poor girl has a heart attack.' Ariadne said.

At the same time the spider was scolding the Mage, a rabbit was doing his best to calm down his Master.

'Diana calm down, I am sure his parents will love you. He just tried to calm you down. No, you cannot turn back now, I will not allow it.' Fluffy said.

He was familiar since he was born. She practically raised him, but somehow he ended up more mature than her. To him, there was nothing wrong with her choice of a mate, in fact, he was happy about it.

The boy might be a monster, with a tendency for cruelty. With a past that makes hers look like the perfect image of normalcy, but he was devoted and loyal. As far as the rabbit was concerned, that was plenty.

"We are here. Are you ready to meet my whole family, officially this time?" He asked and ignored the fact she said no, as he dragged her in.

"I am home, where are you all at?" In full contrast to last time, he walked in as if he owned the place, and gathered everyone's attention.

He was about to start bragging when Ariadne reminded him of the girl shaking next to him.

He sighed and sat down along with her. The Clades gave him a weird look, as he changed from someone who looked too excited to stay quiet, to someone dignified.

He held it for as long as he could but broke two seconds later.

"I got myself a girlfriend. Officially! She said so. I take only compliments, be nice." He said, doing his best to be considered.

Diana was barely holding on, trying not to hyperventilate. She knew the boy would do this, but it still hit her hard.

Camille rushed forward and smacked her son on the head. Then she embraced Diana and calmed her down.

"It's ok, we already expected it. No one here judges you. Edward and Edith got married when they were sixteen. Liam knowing I am an assassin sent to kill him asked me out, and we ended up in bed fifteen minutes after, and to be honest they are tame compared to my family. You are considered an angel among us." She said, and smacked both her husband and son, after Ciaran started clapping, and Liam bowed to the crowd.

Rayon was flabbergasted and thought something was wrong with him.

"Don't compare yourself to these degenerates Ray. You are the white sheep of the family. " Edith consulted him.

Then Ciaran told them how it became official, and to Diana's continued surprise, the Clades applauded her.

Even Ray found nothing wrong with her actions. If anything Edith scolded Liam and Camille for not giving their son a proper sex education.

"We wanted to, but Verdania said they would take care of it." Liam half lied. The dryads did say they would take care of it, but he really didn't want to do it.

Camille just sighed.

" I am just happy my little sociopath found someone." She said, and got Ciaran protesting, and the rest of the family laughing.

They spent the whole afternoon together, and soon Diana got over her nervousness. If anything, she loved the fell the Clades gave her. She found the fact all of their staff were made of wanted criminals a bit weird, but other than that, she considered them the perfect family.

"So, I take it you two will be going off again soon. I am happy that for once, you remembered to say goodbye." Camille said, and Ciaran couldn't bring himself to tell her it was Ariadne who reminded him.

Without her, he always descended into a pit of work and violence. The spider was the one person who kept him grounded. Now that he was allowed to be with his familiar again, he once again felt whole.

"At least spend the night here, you haven't slept in your own bed in years. We also have plenty of space to accommodate Diana." Camille said.

"Don't worry Mrs. Clades, we are used to sleeping on the ground, and even in broom closets. Even if his bed was small, we would make it work." Diana said with a cheerful smile, infected by Ciaran's cluelessness.

The Clades looked at her weirdly, thinking she was joking. They kept thinking the two were joking when they said they were used to sleeping together. Only when the kids entered Ciaran's room, and the boy even had the nerve to lock the door, did it click that Diana was fully serious.

"I take it all back, she is as big of a degenerate as the rest of you. "Camille said in outrage.

"The rest of US dear." Liam corrected her and dragged her away before she ruined the last night of their vacation.

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