
The Scourge: A Young Boy's Journey into Magic

Have you ever wondered how a villains are created? How a seemingly normal person could become the scum of the earth? Come on an adventure and witness the growth of Ciaran. Join him and see what fate has instore for him, and what he will do to fight back, and just how far he will be willing to go to get what he wants. Ciaran Clades is a boy born into the world of Dyrta, a world full of magic and wonder. Born to the Clade family, merchants by trade, he lives a well of life, full of the happiness of the middle class. All is going well for the young lad, until it doesn't. [A chapter has 1,500+ words] [At least 1 chapters per day, possibly more, depending on my schedule, and on reader activity]

Lex_Lorger · Fantasía
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146 Chs

Chapter 133: Beast Horde Day Two

The arrogant prince just lost most of his power. Not only that but for the first time since he came here, he understood that his life was in danger.

Most of the royals came here thinking it would be nothing more than a publicity stunt. They had been thought that their very blood was sacred and combined with the fact they were all either in the mid or high ranks, that gave them quite the ego.

"Congratulations your Imperial Majesty, you just lost us two of our strongest. Do you think the beasts are farm animals? Do you think the powerhouses are just waiting because we want to see our people slathered? We don't act, because we can't. If we fight outside our fortified territory, we will die." The General said.

That was the truth most of humanity refused to acknowledge, that even at the highest levels of power, humans were still weaker than their furry friends.

Taking down the moose was a great achievement, but losing two high-rankers to a sneak attack was devastating. Luckily, most low-rankers didn't know just how strong the two knights were, so morale was still relatively high.

With no way to bypass the wall, the animals started making their way forward. They couldn't outsmart the humans, but they outnumbered them a thousand to one.

With the entirety of the beast army moving, the humans also stopped holding back. The Grand Mages were utilized. The Brigadiers and the Major Generals got ready to fight as well. The soldiers got into formation and summoned their elements.

While the army was getting ready to engage the Hunters were in awe. They knew the professional soldiers were better organized than them, but this was ridiculous. They moved, sad, and even breathed as one.

"Mages, do not stop firing your spells, even if you pass out. Today is a good day to die, but if you want to squander that opportunity, I suggest you give it your all." The General said.

Ciaran and Diana got ready. She was on guard duty, and if things went well, she would have the easiest job out of everyone here. Ciaran on the other hand was about to blow up.

He had taken the full vitality of one of the Titans. Most of it was lost in the transfer, but he still had twenty percent of it, and his body couldn't hold on to it any longer.

As soon as the go-ahead was given, he started bombarding the incoming animals. The Storm was stronger than ever before, and with each kill, it only got more aggressive.

On the first day, Ciaran was just one of the more powerful Mages, but today, just a day later, he was the closest to the destructive power of the Grand Mages.

His Storm was creating tornados that ravaged the beasts. But now it was also employing some snow in itself. A part of the Storm had become a blizzard, slowing down the advance of the Beast Tide, and giving the humans a longer time to thin out the herd.

The Beasts weren't dumb, nor were they weak, they countered most spells and limited casualties. For the Fire spells, Water element beasts shot down the fire. For Lightning element spells, Earth element beasts took the hits, their bodies fully clad in armor.

But no matter what they tried, the Storm did not relent. It hit everyone and everything in its path. Sure as an area of effect element, it wasn't as deadly as the lightning spells, but the beast still feared it more.

The element was evolving mid-fight, and now it could drain their vitality even before it killed them. And it defied all logic as even though it was an element that belonged to a mere Mage, it ate at everything, even the Rank Eights felt it trying to eat them.

And that led to its most scary feature, it would not stop until every one of them was dead. The caster would never run out of mana, as he took his juice from them.

The beasts all looked at the caster, a masked man in the back of the human base. What they saw worried them. He was getting stronger, his ability to eat souls getting refined with each life he took.

They didn't have time to look at Ciaran though, as the Grand Mages reminded them that there were far more dangerous things on this battlefield than Ciaran.

The Magma fusion spell from before was effective on the low-ranked beasts, but now the Grand Mages had stepped up their game. They lifted up huge boulders high up in the air, and set them aflame, casting another fusion spell, Meteor Shower.

They didn't target anyone specific, and just let the spell rain death and destruction.

It worked, as thousands of animals died, but most of the spell was neutralized. Rank Six and Seven beasts flew or jumped high in the air and dealt with the problem.

The birds just cut the flaming rocks to pieces; some of the smaller animals deflected the spell back at the humans, forcing the Brigadiers to stop the incoming friendly fire. And then there were the bears, which just caught the flaming rocks in their jaws and crunched on them and swallowed.

Seeing their spell dealt with so easily the Grand Mages were stunned. Humanity had forgotten its place, and many believed to be on top of the food chain, today was continuing to prove them wrong.

They started chanting again, but the beast was already started climbing the wall.

"Stop them, kill anything that tries to get past you. Today we become heroes, today we make legends, today WE FORGE HISTORY." The General shouted. The man was frustrated he was not allowed to fight beside his soldiers.

But he was not dumb enough to make the same mistake as the prince. If he joined in, so would the Rank Ten beasts, and then there would be no survivors on either side.

'That reminds me, the bastard needs to pay for his stupidity.' The General thought, as he went to the royal and his knights, and forced them to the front line.

"You wanted to shine, then you will fight here. Desertion is punished by death, so if you want to live past today, you have to earn it." The man said as he looked at the golden eyes of the prince.

Franklin wanted to protest, but he wasn't given the chance as wolves were already coming in fast, ready to kill him. He cursed out loud and took out his sword, not wasting time, and started firing beams of sunlight.

Not only was he using his element to the max, but he was also employing one of the more common weapon arts, Phantom Slash. The light blinded and burned the beasts, and the blade cut their vitals right out of their body. The prince was a fool, not a weakling.

His knights were right there with him, protecting their master. The soldiers next to them had more breathing room, as at least, the bright light of the knights made them a bigger target.

Ciaran continued to utilize his Storm, but the more he used it, the hungrier he got. He knew his body and soul could take the prolonged battle, but his mind was under a lot of stress.

Every time he ate a soul, he received a part of its very being. Since he was eating primarily low and mid-ranked beasts, that wasn't much, but they were all sentient, and their instincts and thoughts were enough to start weighing on his mind once they piled up.

He needed a break, to digest his earrings, but sadly for him, he would not be given one, not anytime soon. So he did the only thing his tired mind was capable of thinking of, he went full throttle and boosted up his Storm to the limit.

He knew that if he passed out the pain would stop, and the soldiers would allow him to rest. But he also knew that with his ability to eat souls, he could go on for hours before he would crash.

His plan was very simple if Mage spells didn't drain him fast enough, then he would just cast a Grand Mage spell. As a Mage, he could already hear and speak out phrases, but even before he ranked up, he could make sentences.

Now he was ready to cast a real Grand Mage level spell and test out his actual limits.

"Diana, I am about to do something stupid. Please don't beat me later." He said, and the silver knight looked like she was about to argue, but then she, the Mages, the Grand Mages, and even some of the soldiers heard his next words.

"Come die beasts of the Tundra." It was a simple sentence. And right after he spoke, Ciaran fell to his knees. He was on the verge of passing out, as he spoke in runic.

In the middle of the beasts, a giant tornado formed. At first, the beast was not impressed, but when it sucked out the soul of a Rank Six fox, everything descended into chaos.

Happy reading ^^

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