
The Scourge: A Young Boy's Journey into Magic

Have you ever wondered how a villains are created? How a seemingly normal person could become the scum of the earth? Come on an adventure and witness the growth of Ciaran. Join him and see what fate has instore for him, and what he will do to fight back, and just how far he will be willing to go to get what he wants. Ciaran Clades is a boy born into the world of Dyrta, a world full of magic and wonder. Born to the Clade family, merchants by trade, he lives a well of life, full of the happiness of the middle class. All is going well for the young lad, until it doesn't. [A chapter has 1,500+ words] [At least 1 chapters per day, possibly more, depending on my schedule, and on reader activity]

Lex_Lorger · Fantasía
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146 Chs

Chapter 13: Post-battle clarity

In the Maze, Eleftherios stood there contemplating what had just happened, what he had just done.

'I kicked him out. I got flustered by a six-year-old and kicked him out

'What's worse I gave in to my nature and even armed him with a method for his crazy plan.'

"That crazy woman will be paying me a visit again, probably." He said, shuddering, scared by the mere thought. He still felt the burns from her last 'friendly' visit.

'I need to talk to Sis! First I need her to confirm my suspicions about the boy, but more importantly, I need protection.'

"Heh, even Miss Panties on fire won't do anything if Sis is here"

"Well, what's done is done. Might as well enjoy the show! I sure hope the kid won't disappoint me. I invested so much already." The dryad said, with a grin on his face. He needed a distraction, something to take his mind off his previous conclusion. Sadly he couldn't let it go.

'I hope I am wrong. I REALLY, REALLY hope you tricked me, kid.'

'What kind of monster would even do that to a child?' Behind his big goofy smile, meant to deceive no one but himself, the man was worried. Worried for a possibility he dared not even imagined.


Inside the tunnel, leading to the outside Ciaran was walking slowly, his mind empty. The boy was in shock. So much had happened and he couldn't process any of it.

"Who was that man, what was he, what is Magic, why did no one tell me about it before? Wait, does anyone even know? Of course, they know, the Empire is massive and your family holds multiple positions of power, dumbass. "Ciaran spoke, unable to keep his thoughts within.

He was too shocked, and to his greatest displeasure, he knew he didn't have time to indulge in his curiosity. He was a man on a mission, and for better or worse, whoever, or whatever that was, promised him aid. 'Hell, he even gave the wolf the key to the hen house.' Joked the boy, managing to reel in his thought where they ought to be, in his head.

As most people did Ciaran used humor to distract himself from his troubles. What made him special was the discipline drilled into him by his family.

"No, time for distractions then. Sir, if at all possible can you please provide me with some water and a mirror? I need to make myself presentable." Ciaran said his face growing ever so slightly redder. The boy still remembered what he had done.

'My last resort, "Limit breaker" the ultimate move, I really hate using it.'

It was a special move he had created on his own. When all else failed, he would let go of his pride, and his discipline, and let his emotions talk for him. Thanks to his age, and defenseless appearance, it worked as a charm. On the other hand, the post-cry-clarity was not something the boy enjoyed.

Every day he would keep his mask on. He needed to be perfect, his emotions needed to be in check. Immature and innocent in front of his mom, reliable and obedient for his dad, and ever-knowing for his followers. His gramps had said that that was the only way for him to forge his way to the top.

Unlike his two siblings, he was not talented, not where it mattered anyway. He knew this, but that was ok as long as he was able to deceive everyone to believe he was, the truth did not matter.

This kind of attitude was largely responsible for his warped personality, he believed. And every so often he would be pushed too hard, by someone too big. Then and there he would use His ultimate move. He would unleash the frustration the child inside of him felt, and milk the pity his opponents felt dry.

'Worst of all, after every damn tantrum I feel so free like a weight has fallen off my shoulders.' He grimaced. He hated the feeling, no matter how good it felt. To him, it was a sign of weakness. The weakness he wanted to purge from himself, but simply couldn't.

As he was standing there, making a sour face as if someone had just eaten his lunch, a couple of vines joined together to make a small fountain. Its purpose Ciaran mused was to act as his sink. He could see his reflection clearly. His eyes were red, the tears had mixed with the dirt as he had slammed his head on the ground while begging, making his face as dirty as the local landfills.

'Mom is usually the kindest person I know, but if she saw me like this she would probably spank me so hard I would earn the nickname "The Baboon". Right after she is done waging war on the person responsible for my pain of course.' The boy chuckled to himself.

He got naked from the waist up, put his clothes on a newly sprouted branch, clearly made to serve as his hanger, and by using his two hands; he splashed the water onto his face. The cold sensation gave him a bit of clarity.

His limbs were healed, and the pain had lessened but it was not gone. He could still feel a fraction of it, even though physically everything was ok.

'For once I am actually grateful to feel some pain. At least I know everything was real.'

The boy finished cleaning himself up and got dressed. He took one last look at his reflection. His eyes were back to normal, and his clothes were a bit dusty and covered in some stains, especially the lowest part of his pants and his shoes, but that was normal. He decided to leave them as they were.

'It would be stranger if I came out completely clean after all'

The boy that looked back at him from the water in the makeshift sink looked clean and tidy. Now all that was left was to put on his signature 'accessoire' - his mask. He looked at the water and smiled, again and again until he got it right. A tedious exercise, but one he had gotten used to.

The final result was a boy full of confidence, one that bordered on arrogance even. This was it, this was what the world needed him to be right now. And so he obliged, and so he was.

Satisfied with his creation he proceeded to walk out, it was time for the next act of his play to commence. He was excited but didn't let it show on his face.

'Liza needs to think she is dealing with an overconfident fool. She needs to be fooled completely, less she ruins it all.' Thinking this he came to a cult, right before the exit. So many things had the potential to go wrong in his "perfect" plan.

'It doesn't matter. As long as they all think I can pull it off, there is a possibility that I will. Just need to keep up appearances. '

He got out and what he saw astonished him. A massive crowd was standing guttered in front of him. It seems everyone, not only his class but everyone from Years one and two had passed. This was a first in the Academy's history as far as he knew.

He seemed to be one of the last students to come out of the Maze, not that he cared. In fact, the confidence on his face was more genuine now, than it had been moments prior.

'The Maze is helping me. It's actually helping me. It did promise, and it gave me the key but, I can't believe that it's actually going this far.' The boy thought, his mind a lot less organized than his appearance might suggest.

'For now let's regroup, time to get the show rolling.'

He didn't have to search far until he found his friends, well his minions; the only one he actually liked from this bunch was his brother. Not that he would ever let that show, as far as anyone knew he loved and cared for all his friends.

"Boss" one of them called out, and the rest followed.

"Boss, so many passed. This time the Maze was so easy, more of a slog than a challenge really" His brother said, with a giant innocent grin on his face.

'That's because I paid the price for all of you Ray.' Ciaran thought. "Told you I had a plan." Is what he actually said, making the jaws of everyone who heard him drop?

"You did this Boss? But how? No one can interfere with the Trials set by the Academy. " One of the girls asked.

'Reasonable question, with an understandable note of confusion. I wonder how much worse your curiosity would itch if you knew that it wasn't the Academy that was testing you.' Their charismatic leader mused.

"No one is unbribable when it comes to me. That being said, here comes our teacher. You guys get ready, things are about to get heated."

It's always hard to write about mental breakdowns, more so when it concerns a child. I am far from done though. Would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. If not feel free to stone me for my sins.

Lex_Lorgercreators' thoughts