
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Real
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81 Chs

Chapter 9

(A/N Notes: It's time to roast Daichi! Yeah baby, let's freaking goooo!)


Inside a pastry shop, a weird standoff was happening, on one side of the table you had Takeru, and on the other side, you had a cowardly virgin, whose name was Daichi

"... Soooo what business do you have with me?"

"You know very well why I am here"

"... To be a jer-"

"Stop right there! I'm here in front of you to talk about the student council president!"

"What does Yuriko-san has to do with you being a jer-"

"Can you stop from trying to call me a jerk?!"

"... No, you jer-"

"Stahp that already!"


Takeru simply answered with a cocky smug smile, while Daichi's face kept growing ever angrier

"I'll be direct with you now. I want you to stop from getting any closer to Yuriko-san!"

"... And why would I do that?" *Annoyed tone*

"..." <Fuck... I don't have an argument to that>

Daichi's ultimatum was easily countered by Takeru's simple question

"Because... Because... ... ... Because you're worth hanging out with Yuriko-san!"

"... ... ... And who the hell are you to say that? You maidenless virgin"


When Takeru heard Daichi saying that to him, he stayed quiet for a few moments so that his brain could process what was the most likely reason for Daichi to be acting like that, when they both never got to know each other

While Daichi having once again lost in his argument against Takeru began to mumble to himself about what was his best option to have Takeru stop from getting any closer to Yuriko. While Takeru only looked at him and ended up coming up with a good reason for why Daichi was being a jerk to him

"... Hey, could it be that you... Are in love with Yuriko-san?"

"!?!?!? How did you know!?"

"... Because you suck at hiding it, jer-"

"Don't use that to insult me!"


Daichi's face was now red with embarrassment as what he thought was his most well-kept secret, was actually known to everyone else... Aside from Yuriko




"..." <It appears their discussion has finally ended>

Yuriko couldn't properly hear what Takeru and Daichi were discussing, but she could notice that Takeru was probably making fun of Daichi in some way or another, which made her make a conflicted face as she talked to herself inside her mind

"..." <Should I go there and make Takeru-san apologize to Daichi-san? But I'm also an outsider to their conversation, so I don't really have the right to... And that would probably make Takeru-san somewhat annoyed with me... ... ... I think I'll return to the table for now, and say nothing about their discussion>

Having come up with a decision, Yuriko finally decided to go back to her table


At the same time as well


"... Pfft..."

Yamada was amusing himself as he watched, Daichi arguing with Takeru and then getting roasted every time by Takeru, as he drank a soda with a straw

"Man... I didn't think Daichi thought that no one noticed that he liked Nanami-san... Aaaaaahhh, that talk between the two is so amusing to watch... Hm?... !?"

As he talked to himself, Yamada then noticed that Yuriko was approaching the table Daichi was in. So he began to flail his arms towards Daichi hoping he would notice that Yuriko was approaching him from behind


Back to the two




The two were once again in silence, Takeru was waiting for Daichi's answer, while Daichi was screaming and shouting in desperation inside his mind

"..." <C'mon me! This is your time to step up your game! Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams! Make your dreams come true! See! Even Yamada is gesturing for you to man up! So! Just! Do! IT!!!>

"So?... What's your answer gonna be?... !"

"Alright, you want my answer? Here's my answer. I'm in love with, Yuriko-san"

Daichi finally revealed his feeling for Yuriko as he made a serious face, but little did he know that he was about to regret saying those words, in an instant


"... ... ... !?!?!?" *Shuddering of desperation*

Daichi heard a familiar female voice that he was very used to hearing, coming from right beside him. He knew who it was, and that made his entire body start shaking in desperation as he made a desperate smiling face


Daichi turned his head like a broken machine to face Yuriko as he said her name

"H-Hello, Daichi-san... ... ..."

Yuriko was making a troubled face as she scratched her cheek, she felt really awkward in that situation. Because the person who just accidentally declared his feelings to her, was someone she knew, so she didn't know what to do exactly, especially now that her romantic feelings were still undeveloped

As she tried to think of an answer, her eyes ended up meeting with Takeru's eyes for a moment, and she didn't know why, but she felt that it made her finally choose her answer

"Daichi-san... I thank you for having such feelings for me, but I will have to reject your feelings because I..."

Yuriko momentarily glanced at Takeru before continuing her speech

"... Do not feel the same way towards you, I am really sorry to not be able to correspond to your feeling. But I hope that we can still get along in the future... Now if you excuse me, I have to go. Come, Takeru-san"


Takeru got up from his seat and followed after Yuriko as she walked toward the cashier. Daichi meanwhile was silent

"... ... ... *Tears forming in his eyes*"

Two lines of tears formed on each side of his face as his expression was locked in a bitter smile. He wasn't feeling sad only from the rejection he just received from Yuriko, the love of his life, but he was also feeling like that because he saw how Yuriko glanced at Takeru, even if for a moment, as she rejected his feelings

Then Yamada having observed all that approached him

"Hey, man. Are you okay?"

"... No..."

Daichi felt like turning into dust

"W-well, look on the bright side... You still have that photo with you, and Yuriko is not angry at you, so you still have a chance in the future... Maybe"


"Oi! Don't go turning into dust! You still have to pay!"

While that happened, Yuriko and Takeru were once again walking together aimlessly as they searched for someplace that caught their interest, they were walking in silence, with Yuriko making a conflicted face

"... What's wrong?"

"Huh? Ah! Well, to be honest, I don't know if I made the right decision back there"

"Do you like him or something?"

"No, I don't have any romantic feelings for him. I do consider him to be a friend of sorts though"

"Then... Wasn't your answer the correct one?"

"Hmmm... I guess it was, this is really complicated"


" "..." "

"... By the way, Takeru-san. What do you think of dating someone?"

"... ... ... I have no idea how to answer that"

"I-I see... Then... ... ... No..."

"What is it, Yuriko-san?"

"It's nothing, so don't worry about it, Takeru-san"


Yuriko felt that it was too embarrassing to ask Takeru what she had in mind, while he only made a confused face as he agreed

"A-anyways, there's an arcade over there, do you want to go inside?"



Yuriko trying to move away from the topic of romance she herself brought to the talk, suggested for them to go to the arcade, to which Takeru readily agreed, inside the arcade, they both played games with or against each other, and every round Yuriko came out on top

"Hey, Takeru-san. How about we have a round on that arcade machine over there?"

"*Sigh* Sure, but this I'll win"

"Fufu, that's what we will see"

The arcade machine Yuriko pointed at was a rhythm game with a certain very famous singing software character on the cover. The first one to go was Yuriko

She chose one of the hardest songs to play, and when the challenge began she showed to be quite good at the game, but she ended up making a few mistakes here and there, which made her lose a full combo

"Fuuuu, now it's your turn, Takeru-san"


The two swapped places, as Takeru chose a song, Yuriko had a fun idea she wanted to try with him

"Nee, Takeru-san, do you want to make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"If you make a full combo on a very hard song, I'll do anything you want. But if you do worse than me, You'll do anything I want"

"... Then you better prepare yourself for whatever I ask from you"

"Fufu, that's a lot of confidence isn't it?"

"I have a good reason to be confident"

Having accepted the challenge made by Yuriko, and wanting to show off that he was particularly good at that game, Takeru chose the hardest song in the hardest difficulty

When the song began playing, Takeru perfectly got all the buttons correct, and he continued to do so as the song played, to which Yuriko got really surprised at Takeru did not miss a single button. And when the song finally finished, the words "full combo" were shown on the screen

"Wow! You were really good at it"

"Thank you, I told you that I would win"

"Yeah, you did. Now, what do you want me to do for you?"

"... Honestly, I have no idea, so... I'll leave that for you to choose what you want to do for me"

"... ... ... Pfft!"

Yuriko couldn't help herself from laughing with amusement at Takeru's answer, which made Takeru slightly embarrassed and acts like the tsundere he was

"W-what? Then do you want me to choose it? Since you find that so funny, b-baka" (A/N Notes: Ah yes, the classic tsundere b-baka phrase)

"Sorry, sorry, I will try to choose a good reward for you Takeru-san, it's just that... I can't help but laugh at how amusing you are sometimes"


Takeru simply made his usual angry and embarrassed pouting, which also amused Yuriko

"Fufu, well, for now, let's go have dinner somewhere and then go back home because it's getting late already"


Yuriko simply smiled at Takeru as they went back to their usual talking tones, they left the arcade and had dinner at a family restaurant. After that, they walked back to their homes while holding arms as they talked about anything that came into their minds


Some time later



The elevator stopped moving, and its doors were open, allowing for Yuriko and Takeru to leave it

"I really enjoyed today, what about you Takeru-san?"

"Yeah, me too"

"I see... !"

Yuriko who was still holding Takeru's arm suddenly had an idea, she let go of his arm and moved ahead, stopping in front of Takeru blocking his way as she spread her arms

"... What are you doing, Yuriko-san?"



"I want you to give me a hug to end today's date"


Takeru hesitated because of a growing feeling of embarrassment, then he began pouting his face as he finally made his decision. He walked forward and hugged Yuriko as he closed his eyes, to which she hugged him, they hugged each other for a few seconds, until...



Takeru felt something soft touching his cheek, which made him stop hugging Yuriko and made a small distance from her, as he covered his cheek that was kissed just now while his face was completed red and filled with surprise

"Fufu, did you like it? That was my reward from our bet at the arcade"

"... ... ..."

Takeru didn't say anything, and just looked away as his face was filled with embarrassment as he pouted his cheeks, but Yuriko could clearly see that he had likely it

"Well, then this signifies the end of our date today, Takeru-san. Have a good night"

"... *Nods* ... ... H-have a... Good night... Too..."

Yuriko gently smiled at Takeru's shy response


And then she entered her apartment, soon followed by Takeru entering his own apartment


Inside Yuriko's apartment



Yuriko kept her smile as she removed her shoes, she went to the living room, where she left her bag on the sofa, and then she moved to her bedroom, where she then sat down on her bed


She then picked up a pillow and covered her face


She screamed with all her might, once she finished screaming and stopped covering her face with the pillow, a bright red and really embarrassed face was revealed

"That was too embarrassing!!! Why did I think kissing Takeru on the cheek would be a good idea!?!?!?... ... ..."

Then the cute reaction Takeru did came to her mind, which made her feel even more conflicted and embarrassed

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! His embarrassed reaction was so cute! Uuuuuuuhhhh! But that also felt really embarrassing to me as well! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!"


Some minutes later


"Haa... Haa... Haaaaaaa... ... ... *Deeply breaths in* Okay, now I am good... Yeah, let's calm down so that I can wake up early and go out to school with Takeru as usual... ... ... Going out... With Takeru?... ... ...!?!?!? Awawawawawa!!! W-w-w-w-w-why did I imagine myself kissing him like that!?!?!?"

When Yuriko said those words like that, she ended up imagining herself going out with Takeru as lovers followed up by a kiss on his lips, which brought back her feeling of embarrassment with even more potency

That night, Yuriko had quite the struggle to sleep properly as her mind and imagination kept her awake by putting her in embarrassing situations with Takeru


(A/N Notes: Spoilers ahead, or not... Yuriko is dense, that's it, that's the spoiler)