

*Mortal World*

"Attention! To all citizens of the city, please evacuate as fast as possible out of the city!!! There is a meteor that appeared out of nowhere currently going to crash the city!!! I repeat—" A sudden warning jolted the citizens from their daily routines, plunging them into a state of panic. Looking up at the night sky, they saw a blazing ball hurtling toward the city, spreading chaos and fear.

"Noodles again. Well, can't complain about it. This is all we got because we're poor, and we worked hard for it. Someday I'll get rich, find a beautiful wife, and live blissfully. This noodle is the start of it," mused one young man, trying to find a silver lining in the situation.

"Attention all citizens in the city, there is... "

In a shabby room, a young man who looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks—his face resembling that of a zombie with F4-like hair—was about to eat when he heard the radio warning.

"What!? I don't have a girlfriend yet! I don't want to die a virgin!" Adam exclaimed, hastily packing his things.

While packing, the radio announced unexpected news.

"The meteor disappeared!! I repeat—" The report changed, causing skepticism among the already bewildered citizens. The sudden appearance and disappearance of a meteor left them questioning the authenticity of the news.

"Am I in the right era?! Someone is playing a trick on us!! I should go to church to complain—" Dizziness struck the young man who hadn't eaten since he came back from school. Before he closed his eyes, he noticed a man munching down the noodles he had left.




"This world is finished with that idiot creator roaming around this world. I can't imagine the outcome. He even alerted all the cultivators of this world. What a troublemaker," grumbled a scholarly old man with a bitter face.

"What's worse is if he finds me... there goes my free time. Let's avoid him. Nothing good comes with that creator. Back to work," he muttered to himself, using a flick of his finger to halt all living things around him. With another flick, he disappeared, and time resumed, the world none the wiser to his brief interruption.


The sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the room where the young man had fallen unconscious.

"Ahh...my head," he groaned upon waking, feeling dizzy and sore all over from sleeping on the floor.

"What happened?" He sat up, touching his head.

"I can't remember..."

"Adam! It's past 9:30! You're going to be late!" A knock and a beautiful voice snapped him out of his dizziness, replacing it with panic.

"No-no-no, you've got to be kidding me!" Adam quickly put on his uniform without washing, slammed the door, and rushed out of the room. Unbeknownst to him, a man snoring loudly lay in his bed.

"What a nice sleep," Sam said upon waking up, having slept through the chaos.


After the extraordinary events of the previous night, almost everyone in the city seemed to have forgotten the nightmare they endured, their memories seeming hazy. At the top of the tallest building, a person sat, eating ice cream and laughing.

"Hahaha! It's the first time food got me interested. Once I go back, I'll tell my wife about this," Sam exclaimed, licking the ice cream like a child tasting a lollipop for the first time.


"Oh, if it isn't the perpetually late student. You dare to be late during exams, especially when it's exam period," scolded a beauty sitting across Adam, with short black hair and flawless skin. She wore an office women's suit that hugged her seductive curves and ample bosom.

"Adam, don't you get tired of seeing me almost every week for being late or absent in class?"

*Like hell I would! Who would get tired of swaying melons? No one! You know that's the dream of every creep in this school,* Adam thought, almost drooling at the sight of the principal's assets.

"Adam, are you listening?... Get out!!" The principal's stern voice brought Adam back to reality, and he hastily left her office, fearing her wrath.

*All of them are pigs! Not even one of them has good morals. Should I marry a monk then? I don't know,* thought Adam as he walked home, musing to himself. It had been a day of strange events and even stranger thoughts.


Night fell, and Sam was still perched on top of the building, enjoying his ice cream. Not far from him was a mountain of sticks from all the ice creams he had consumed.

"Aaahh, this is life! But how did they build this giant long square with lights? Mortals are amazing!... I should get back," Sam stood up, a green light enveloping him as he prepared to teleport.


  Oh no. I don't know the accurate coordinates of my world! Wait. Where's the bear?! F*CK! I even forgot to bring the bear!... All your fault! You stupid wooden ice food! You got me distracted!"

Sam started to panic, angrily kicking the pile of sticks down the building. Dark clouds formed in the sky, and rain poured heavily on the city.


"The exam is over! I still have a part-time job tomorrow, so I can't be late. But come to think of it, why was I late today?.. Not that it ever changes, but not on every exam. And last night, I fell unconscious on the floor, and also, before I blacked out, I think I saw a man. Meh, some Jedi sh*t," Adam muttered to himself, walking home.

Walking on the side of the street, Adam felt his hunger.

"Three dollars left. How poor. What food can I buy with it? Oh, the burger shop is still open! Nice!" Adam felt lucky, a burger stand for his favorite burger was still open. The shop didn't follow a schedule, so he had to rely on luck.

"Oh, nice to see you again, young man," said an old man with a cap, always the one serving the stand, smiling at Adam.

"How are you, grandpa? Does your back still hurt?" Adam asked, a touch of worry in his eyes. He gently took the old man's hand and placed it on his forehead—a sign of respect for the elderly.

"Hoho, very respectful! Been better, young man, thanks to you! The medicine you gave me last time works! Come, I was waiting for you. Here, take this, it's for the medicine you gave me," replied the old man warmly, handing two prepared burgers to Adam.

"Ah, grandpa, it's fine, I'll buy it!"

"Take it! It's yours."


"I'll just throw it then," replied the old man, making a sad face.

"Ah! I'll take it, grandpa, thank you!... I'll just eat it here, grandpa," said Adam gratefully.

As he was about to eat, the rain started pouring.

"My burger..." Adam sorrowfully said, saving the other one in his bag.

"Young man, you should go home now," the old man advised, preparing to close his stand.

"I'll help you, grandpa!"

"No, you should go home. I have a helper who's on his way. Don't worry. The weather is bad, so go home for now to avoid an accident."

"I... Okay, grandpa, I will be going now. Take care," Adam hesitated for a moment, then dashed off to find shelter and wait for the rain to stop before heading home.

When the old man saw Adam out of sight, he stopped what he was doing and gazed at a tall building far across from where he stood. His eyes glittered.

"So it is really... Is His Majesty."

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