
The Saintly Necromancer

Adam had never lived a good life. His parents had left him in the care of his aunt and he had never seen them since. His aunt was never fond of looking after him so she often left him at alone at her home and never really looked after him. The few people that he had grown to like while growing up also moved off leaving him alone and he had never had a girlfriend. One day, immersed in his sadness, he had decided to take his own life. His final moments were met with a robotic voice saying "begining revival" then everything went dark. Join me on his epic reincarnation and finding a better life for himself.

Matfield · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Cruel Life

"Another fantastic day." Adam said with sarcasm as he got up from bed.

Adam had long hated his life since his parents abandoned him at the age of seven. They had left him in the care of his aunt so that they could travel the world and pursue their dreams.

His aunt hated having to care for him so she spent the majority of the time ignoring him or avoiding him all together. The only interaction that she occasionally had with him was giving him money for groceries or take out.

Things weren't much better for him in school. It seemed like every time he found a group of people that he could call friends, they would move schools or leave him behind for other groups. This in turn left his vulnerable to being bullied and harassed constantly.

This particular day, he had had enough of the constant bullying and fought back. The brief fight had resulted in the main offender suffering several injuries making the rest of his gang join in and beat Adam to a bloody pulp. This fight also got him kicked out of the only school that had a chance of changing his life for the better.

Wallowing in self pity, he left the school grounds with no direction in particular. He soon found himself crossing the last bridge before he reached home. The bridge spaned a drainage ditch that had a concrete bottom and was roughly twenty feet above the bottom at its highest point.

Adam walked over and sat on the ledge with his back facing the drop below him.

"I have nothing left now... Maybe the after life will be better for me." Adam said with a heavy heart.

Life had been especially cruel to him and he was finally fed up. All he had to do now was let go and fall back.

"Hope I don't survive his." he said as he leaned back and let himself fall.

There was a brief moment of feeling free before the bone shattering sensation of hitting the ground. Even after hitting the ground he felt nothing. The only thing he could see was the blue sky above him slowly fading to black.

"I can finally rest in peace." Adam said as the darkness slowly took him.

Before he fully lost consciousness, a robotic feminine voice entered his mind.

"Beginning host retrieval.... Success. Reviving host... Failure. Damage to host is too great... Searching for suitable body... Success. Beginning transfer... process complete. Sleep mode activated for upgrade process. Time remaining... Nine months. Goodnight..."

That was the last thing he heard before his consciousness was tugged in a certain direction and he passed out.

Hello Everyone,

This is actually my second work, but I kinda reached a block with my other story. I hope everyone enjoys this one as it will be more detailed than my previous work and will have quite a bit of back and side story. I would love to hear and thoughts so feel free to leave comments.

Thank you,

Matfieldcreators' thoughts