
The Beginning

When I first awoke there was only darkness, without thinking I tried to escape my prison. I could feel the primal urge for air as I repeatedly tried to escape. Only after what seemed like days was I able to break the surface of what could only be described as an egg. Crawling out I looked around seeing that there were four others next to mine. I didn't know why at first but part of me felt that it was only natural that as I was the first to hatch, their lives were mine by right.

But before that I knew that to have the strength to claim one of my sibling power for my own, I must consume the prison that I had just emerged from. The inside of my egg was had a silver mirror like finish. When I gazed into the shell looking back at me were one gold and one blazing scarlet eye. Both shined like the sun at mid day, my body was covered in soft deep red scales so close to black that without the sun reflecting off of them I would have thought that I was black.

once I got over the sight of what looked like a large lizard about 6ft long with small wings. I hurriedly devoured my shell, while I ate I could feel my hunger slowly being suppressed with a new feeling. Power, it was as if every bite of shell enhanced my body two fold.

By the time my shell was entirely gone I felt like I would be unmatched by my siblings. Now done with my own shell I lunged at the closest egg and tried to devour it along with the other hatchling inside. After consuming my entire shell that was imbued with so much raw draconic power, I knew that destroying my siblings cage along with them inside would be much easier.

My claws easily latched onto the surface and I began to dig into the sides. Now with a grip on the sides I began to smash the top of my head into the side to try and crack the egg open. After six hits I cracked through, when I looked inside two eyes looked back at me. I immediately lunged at the egg and sunk my teeth into my siblings neck, they thrashed and bucked with all of their might but having hatched first I was much stronger.

Eventually I was able to snap their neck and began to eat them bones and all. It was about this time that I heard loud wing beats in the distance along with a roar so loud that the entire cave I was currently in shook. hearing this I quickly finished my meal then hid behind a rock at the edge of the cave.

While hiding I could hear the sounds of two of my other siblings starting to hatch, internally I thought that I should have continued my feast so as to gain as much power as possible.

But I soon retracted those thoughts when I heard something land on the cliff that ran along the outside of my cave. Instinctively I knew this was my mother, the smell coming off of her was the same as that of my own eggs exterior.

After making sure the outside of the cave was clear of any intruders, she made her way inside the cave. Seeing her made me rethink my earlier thought that the power I had gained from my own shell and my sibling was nothing in comparison to her. 

Upon stooping to come inside her eye immediately locked onto the empty spot where two of her egg once were. "My child there is no need to hide I will not hurt you" she said while looking at the rock that I was currently hiding behind. "Come, I must see your mark" not knowing what this meant I slowly emerged from my hiding place and walked in front of my mother. "Lower your head slightly so that I might see the nape of your neck."

Having no other option I did as I was told. "Hmmmm I have never seen such a mark on a dragon hatchling, ah it seems that you were not able to control your urges and devoured your sibling." she said looking at the blood and viscera left from my now dead sibling. "That would explain the strangeness of your mark, as you where unable to suppress your instincts and consumed your sibling directly after birth you were able to absorb their mark."

Still have no clue what my mother was speaking about I just stared longingly into her violet eyes. "No matter if you were able to consume one of your siblings so quickly either they were to weak or you are abnormally strong for a hatchling." looking again at my nape she commented "ah now I see it is a combination of both the mark of Destruction, and of Domination." "They were so perfectly mended together that it was almost impossible to tell them apart.". "Ah I seem to have gotten to lost in thought little one, now that I have seen your mark I can give you an appropriate name. Hmmmmm Domination is powerful on its own but with the mark of Destruction as well you will be truly formidable if you can make it to adulthood.

I think I have one that will suit you little one, I Tanaca the Scarlet name you Valorian and imbue it with my Draconian heritage."

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