

"Ugh.. where.. am.. I?.." Said Jin

"Ah, you're finally awake, please refrain from moving as your body is in critical condition." Said the doctor.

"What happened…?" Said Jin

" Someone found you in a dark alleyway, with blood all over your body, In all honesty.. it's a miracle that you're still alive." Said the doctor, with a slight smile.

"Anyway, It seems that you're awake, I'll be taking my leave now, take care." Said the doctor

"I recall being attacked by 2 people.. and then.. I got punched.. what happened after that? I don't remember." Thought Jin.

[ Welcome to the system! ]

[ New quest: ]

Rank: E

Tutorial #1

Condition to clear: Use 1 one of your stat points to increase a stat.

Completion reward: 50 EXP, 30 Gold, E Class Skill ( random )

Will you accept this quest?

[ Accept ] [Decline ]

[ Side effect: if you accept this quest, your body will get completely renewed, or Healed. ]

"Am I hallucinating? What's this blue panel in front of me.. I have nothing to lose anyways..*click* "

[ Quest Accepted ]

[ Healing hosts body.. 90% Complete.. 100% Complete! ]

"W-What's this!? I feel way better now!"

" I can move my arm and leg!! What's happening.."

"Don't tell me, this system is real?! If this is like all other RPGs, then..

"Status Window" said Jin.

[ Profile ]

Name: Yoo Jin

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Level: 1

Rank: Unknown

[ Stats ]

[1 available stat point!]

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 7

Luck: ???

Speed: 3

[ Skills ]

??? ????? LVL: Max

"Hah..Hahahah! This.. is real! Or I'm just dreaming.. well, anyways..

[ Would you like to add 1 stat point to Strength?]


[ Successfully added 1 point into strength! ]

" W-Whats this surge of power inside my body!?" Thought Jin.

Meanwhile, Jin noticed something weird, he has his necklace wrapped around his arm for some reason..

" Wait.. why do I have my necklace on?! And on my arm? I'm sure I didn't bring it outside.."

" Shit, I need to hide this, quick!.. I think I remember why those people attacked me.. they were asking for my necklace.. but how did they know of its existence?!.. and also.. who wrapped the necklace around my arm!? I'm sure I left it at hame… I have way too many questions, and too little answers, for now, I'm going home.."

"Ah, wait, I almost forgot, let me tell the doctor"

After Jin paid the hospital with what little money he had, he went home.

" Oh? And what's this?"

[ Quest Completed! ]

+50 EXP

+30 Gold

+ Hawks Eye [ Rank: E ] (Passive Skill) Description:

Having a hawks eye increases your vision and night vision, and you can see things more clearly from far away.

"This is a nice surprise, for now let me head home"

1 hour later..

"Hey sis, I'm home!"

*step*.. *step*..*step*

Jin heard someone walking down.

"B-Brother.. what happened, are you okay?! Are you hurt anywhere?! I missed you!" Said Yoo Sung while crying.

" I'm fine.. I'm sorry I made u worry. I just got out of the hospit- wait.. Sis, how long was I gone for..?"

"You were gone for 4 days.." Yoo Sung said worryingly.

Jin stood there for 10 seconds.. he was utterly shocked..

There were many, many questions in his head..

"How am I still alive? why did I wake up after 4 days?" And then, he remembers the system..

He was so caught up with his sister and the hospital that he almost forgot about the system..

" Wait, is the necklace the reason why the system is there?" Jin thought..

"If so.. did the necklace finally awaken?!… well.. I'll figure that out for later" Jin thought.

After telling his sister what happened, excluding the system part, and eating some dinner, he decided to go to sleep.


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