

Lex nodded but quickly commented. ''I only have two gold coins left. It's not enough for this.''

The shopkeeper's smile didn't leave her face as she replied. ''Well, it's useless for anyone but vampires and I got it for free. I'll take the two coins.''

He got excited and handed over the coins as he stored them in his bag, Lex left the shop after saying bye to the woman and made his way home.

As he walked down the road he spotted a girl who caught his eye, she was wearing brown overalls.

She had pink hair and blue eyes but the girl vanished around a corner, Lex shrugged and continued exploring.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues across the cityscape, Lex began his journey back home.

The bustling streets of the City had quieted down, and the air was filled with a sense of calm.

Echoes of his footsteps on the cobblestones accompanied him as he made his way through the winding paths toward his residence.

The warm glow of gas lamps illuminated his path, guiding him through the intricate streets and alleys.

Tall buildings adorned with ornate metalwork loomed overhead, their designs blending the aesthetics of the past and the innovations of the present.

Lex's thoughts were a whirlwind of the day's events—the stories of the Gearhearts, the enchanting spells he had acquired, and the intriguing Bloodmoon Cloak.

It didn't take him long to get back home, he stopped outside and looked at his new home.

The exterior was a marvel of brass and copper, adorned with ornate gears, cogs, and rivets that seemed to meld seamlessly with the architecture.

The front door, a massive creation of polished wood and metal, greeted him with its intricate etchings that resembled swirling patterns of steam.

Upon reaching the front steps of his home, Lex was met with a familiar sense of comfort. The wooden door stood invitingly open, and the soft light from within spilled out onto the porch.

As he stepped inside, the warmth of the interior enveloped him. The aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air, adding to the feeling of coziness.

Lila and Gavriel were in the living area, and as Lex entered, they both turned their attention toward him.

"Hey there, Lex," Lila greeted with a smile, her green eyes lighting up as she spoke.

Gavriel's warm voice followed suit. "Back already? How was your outing?"

Lex returned their greetings with a nod and a small smile. "It was really interesting. I learned a lot and got some spells too."

Lila's curiosity got the best of her. "Oh, can you show us?"

He reached into his bag and carefully retrieved the four spell books he had acquired. He held them up for them to see, each cover adorned with intricate symbols and magical motifs.

Gavriel leaned in, his eyes twinkling with interest. "Impressive choices, Lex."

The older woman's eyes sparkled as well. "I'm excited to see what you can do with them."

Lex tucked the books back into his bag with a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks. I can't wait to start learning and practicing."

As he turned to head towards his room, Lila's voice called after him. "Have a good evening, Lex. If you ever want to talk more about magic or anything else, don't hesitate to let us know."

"Of course," Gavriel added. "Just know we're here if you ever need assistance."

Lex responded with a nod, his appreciation evident in his expression. "Thank you, both. I'm really grateful."

Once in his room, he settled at the table, taking out one of the spellbooks and immersing himself in its contents.

He read until the moonlight streamed through his window, setting the book aside as a notification appeared on his device.

[Stealth Shroud Learned]

Lex got excited as he learned another spell. He got up from the table and made his way to bed.

He climbed in and pulled up his status.

[Lex Dawnstrider]

[Level: 0]

[Race: Vampire]

[Magic: Blood]

[Hp: 2000/2000]

[Mana: ----]

[Strength: 1000]

[Stamina: 500]

[Dexterity: 500]

[Luck: 1200]

[Vitality: 500]

[Intelligence: 600]

[Charisma: 400]

Spells: Body Enhancement(0)Stealth Shroud(0)


After checking his new status, which surprised him, Lex soon fell asleep at the sounds of the Gatling Skyguards firing into the Wildlands.

The next morning, he was awakened when Lila banged on his door and shouted. ''Lex! Breakfast is ready.''

His eyes opened, and he thought he was back in the orphanage. Then, all the memories flooded back to him.

He stretched and yawned, his body slowly rousing from its peaceful rest.

With a contented sigh, he pushed the covers aside and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his feet finding the cool wooden floor.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Lex rose from his bed, his movements still laced with drowsiness.

He glanced around his room, its walls adorned with a few of his belongings, a bookshelf filled with novels, and a city map.

Lex shuffled toward the door, his bare feet making almost no sound on the polished floorboards.

The soft creak of the door signaled his exit, and he found himself in the hallway, bathed in the soft morning light.

As he padded down the corridor, he could hear the faint hum of the city coming to life beyond the walls.

The aroma that grew stronger with each step pulled his focus forward, guiding him with a promise of a satisfying breakfast.

He entered the kitchen, where Lila was busy moving around, orchestrating a culinary dance.

The clatter of pots and pans mingled with the sizzle of food on the stovetop, creating a harmonious symphony of morning activity.

Lex leaned against the doorway, his gaze fixed on Lila's figure as she moved with purpose and grace.

With a final flourish, Lila turned off the stove and glanced over her shoulder, her eyes lighting up upon seeing Lex. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she greeted with a warm smile.

"Morning," Lex replied, returning her smile as he stepped into the kitchen.

His gaze lingered on the spread before him, a hearty breakfast of sizzling meat and eggs, their aroma wafting through the air, enticing and inviting.

Lila's attention shifted from the food to him, and she motioned toward the table. "Breakfast is ready. Sit down and enjoy."

Lex obliged, taking a seat at the table, his anticipation growing. The chair's worn wooden surface was cool against his skin as he settled into it, his eyes never leaving the feast Lila had prepared.

As Lila approached with a plate piled high with scrambled eggs and sizzling meat, his mouth watered in response.

The combination of flavors and the sight of the carefully cooked meal were enough to rouse his senses completely.

She set the plate before him, the steam rising. "Dig in," Lila encouraged, her plate placed across from him.

They began to eat, and she stood up and addressed Lex once their plates were cleared. "I need to head to work, Lex. But I'll be back before dusk. Enjoy your studies."

Drawing closer, she gently kissed his forehead before leaving the house. He finished his meal and returned to his new bedroom.

He delved into the other four spellbooks there, dedicating half the day to learning the new spells.

He took some breaks from reading

[Clockwork Shield Learned]

[Quick Step Learned]

[Elemental Strike Learned]

[Analyze Learned]

Satisfied with his progress, he found himself distracted when the distant barrage of the Skyguards caught his attention once again.

Approaching the window, he witnessed soldiers hurrying past his home. Memories of the old Lex flooded in, recalling that his Mother's workplace lay close to the city's wall.

A specific memory surfaced: 'In the summer, monster attacks escalate, and sometimes they breach the city.'

As gunfire intensified, Lex glimpsed more soldiers dashing by, prompting him to realize that the shop where his Mother worked was under threat.

Swiftly, he grabbed his Gearhearts and rushed out of the house. Following the soldiers, he arrived at a chilling scene.

Massive flying creatures were swooping down, launching assaults on the populace. Even the formidable weapons on the city's wall struggled to keep up with the sheer number of monsters.

Among the chaos, Lex's attention focused on a smaller flying creature and activated his Analyze ability.



[Rank E]


Stunned by this newfound insight, he continued his scans of other creatures in the area as he spotted them.



[Rank B]


Perplexed by the discrepancy, he approached a nearby soldier and inquired, "What are these larger monsters?"

Seeing Lex, the Commander's grandson, the soldier explained, "Those larger monsters are the Hivefiend's powerful air support units. They're targeting and disabling the defenses on the wall."

Understanding the situation, Lex readied his Gearhearts, charging them with mana. He aimed at the Skyfiends and pulled the triggers in rapid succession.

As mana surged, the bullets homed in on the Skyfiends, following their movements without an issue.

With unwavering precision, they hit their mark, piercing through the creatures and causing them to crash onto the street below with a loud thud.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]


Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

NegansPalacecreators' thoughts
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